View Full Version : Elemental Fury

02-19-11, 07:56 AM
Name: Stonefire
Age: 146
Race: Earth and Fire Elemental
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 350lbs

Personality: Stonefire is a half breed Elemental. As a result he has conflicting personality traits. From his Earth Elemental heritage he derives a slow temper and deliberate thought processes, and from his Fire side he has an explosive temper and incendiary(pardon the pun) wit. Due to his not being fully one of anything, he often feels somewhat out of place, to the point of occasionally imagining persecution where none exists.

Appearance: When first encountering Stonefire, one might be excused for being under the mistaken impression that someone left a boulder in a most inconvenient place. Stonefire is composed primarily of stone, specifically his outer skin strongly resembles shale or sandstone.


Heavy Hitter: Stonefire carries no weapons, relying on the weight of his body and the strength of his stone flesh to defeat his enemies. His fighting style combines aspects of wrestling and pugilism. He is fairly average in both respects, due in large part to his aforementioned size and weight.


Son of Stone: So long as Stonefire is in contact with the earth, his strength is equal to twice that of a regular human. If at any time he is not touching the earth, his strength is reduced to one quarter of an average human. To qualify as in contact with the earth, some part of his body must be in contact with either the ground itself, or something from the earth that is in contact with the ground. For example, while standing on the now much abused hardwood floors of the imperial palace, Stonefire is a weakling, who could not arm wrestle a baby, but when standing on top of the stone walls of the castle, his strength returns to its full capacity. Anything not composed primarily or rock or dirt does not qualify as coming from the earth for purposes of this ability. Anything coming from the earth, but not in contact with it, for example a magically levitated boulder, does not qualify for Son of Stone or Elemental Heritage.

Heart of Fire: Stonefire has some ability to command fire. He cannot create fire from nothing, however he can manipulate existing fire to do things it could not normally do. Examples would include causing a bonfire to alternately flare up and burn fuel at ten times the regular rate, or die down and give off copious amounts of smoke. He can also direct the flames motion, causing them to shoot towards a target. He cannot simultaneously increase the burn rate of a fire and direct its motion. Causing a fire to erupt or smolder is fairly simple. Flames can be rapidly increased to burn at double their normal rate in less than ten seconds, and reduced to a smoky smolder in the same amount of time. Going from one extreme to the other obviously takes longer. In one day he can cause four hundred pounds of fuel to rapidly combust, or smolder out.

Elemental Heritage: Due to his two elemental parents, Stonefire has a crippling aversion to water. Rain is physically painful to him, and total immersion could be fatal. He is however fifty percent resistant to electricity and twenty five percent resistant to fire. His resistance to electricity is removed if he loses contact with the ground as defined in Son of Stone. He is also highly susceptible to spells that manipulate stone or earth.


Stone Skin: Stonefires skin is literally made from stone. As a result he carries his armor with him at all times. His stone skin functions as full plate mail, with certain exceptions. His skin is resistant to slashing weapons and light piercing weapons like arrows and daggers or rapiers, but highly susceptible to blunt and heavy piercing weapons, like hammers, flails, or war picks. The stone of his skin is approximately as hard as insectile carapace, though the joints are only about as hard as chitin. His skin, when damaged, takes twice as long as a normal humans skin to regrow, and is not subject to magical healing. While he does not bleed as a person might, anyone with the ability to detect natural forces or magical energy will be able to see his magical energy leaking out of any wounds he suffers. This has similar functions to blood loss in a human. Magical leakage can be stopped by filling any injuries with earth, or by scorching them with fire, effectively bandaging or cauterizing the wound. Due to his lack of most vital organs(other than his heartstone, embedded in his chest), attempting to strike at many human weak points is useless beyond making him "bleed" more.

Enigmatic Immortal
02-20-11, 04:43 PM
Hello and welcome to Althanas! I will be your guide through this procedure in establishing your character and preparing him for Althanas. Before we get you appoved I have a few things i will need you to elaborate and tweak for me.

First things first: You are weighing in at 2,100 lbs. That is a lot of weight, my friend. A LOT. I know that this seems like an arbitrary number, but you listed in your skills that you use your weight when you fight. I must say, I can barely push anyone who weighs 300 lbs. or more and I am not a tiny person. If you were to even fall upon or sit on someone with that weight they will be crushed like a hammer to an egg. I'm going to ask you to please lower your weight. I suggest somewhere around 350 or so.

Son of Stone: As it stands the ability is fine, but I'd like a little more clarification on what counts as "connecting" to the earth. If he was in a treehouse, which was in a tree, which is on the earth, would he still get it? Calrifying this ability will help you avoid what we call "Power Gaming."

Heart of Fire: I'm going to ask you to please give me examples of how high you can make the flames, and how hot you can make them. I also would like to ask how long it takes to do these tasks. DOes it take fifteen seconds to make fire 800 degrees? A post to increase a small little match flame to a raging inferno? I want to know everything you can do with this ability.

Elemental Heritage: You claim you have resistance to Electricity and Fire. How much? Total immunity, 50%? I would like you to limit how much he can shrug off and allow stronger players to deal a bit more damage to you, as otal immunity to these things at this level would be a bit to high.

Stone Skin: I would like you to make it so that the stone skin only effects his chest, his hands and wrist, and his feet and shins. Anywhere else and it's fair game. Also, once more I need elaboration on the reistances. Can a well placed Rapier to the joint in your neck still effect you? If so, in what way? Also....do you bleed? I'm confused on that...more for flair when people are fighting you.

If you can make those changes for me, and really spell out what he can and cannot do and what he can resist and can't resist, I'll approve you and move this on! Thanks.

02-21-11, 03:44 PM
I figured a man sized construct of rock and earth would weigh alot. I was thinking a ton might actually be a bit low, rather than high. Stone is heavy, and something man sized that was made out of stone would necessarily be likewise incredibly heavy.

Enigmatic Immortal
02-22-11, 01:06 AM
Alrighty, now that I have had time to check over your edits I have a few more tweaks and some things to address before your done and off to beat some heads in.

Son of Stone: Good to go.

Heart of Fire: Okay, this is my fault for not being elaborate. I apologize for the clarity issue, but what i need is details on EXACTLY what he can do, and how fast he can do it. IE: He can create a ten foot high flame wall in ten seconds, and then increase its heat to burn twice as hotter in twenty seconds. I need to know what your limits are on this.

Heritage of Stone: Good to go.

Stone Skin: As I'm reading this, you take damage and leak magical energies, but otherwise you have NO vulnerabilities anywhere on your body that a normal person would have, and would not be hindered by attacks that would hinder a normal combatant. In addition, it still seems that despite the chest, arm guards, and greeves, you still are pretty much fully immune to slashing and piercing attacks, which defeats the purpose of limiting what parts of your body are more protected. (Since blunt force does the same regardless) This is a skill that as I read it, is just to powerful. I'll need you to tone it done, or do the following.

As I look at your character I'm seeing a lot of really powerful abilities. I understand those are characterful abilities, and designed for your idea of how he should be, but I must insist that you remove one of his abilities and save it for a level up. If you can elaborate on Fire, and tone down Stone Skin, then choose an ability to remove (Or, dump one instead of fix it) you'll be approved.

03-21-11, 05:34 PM
Heart of Fire:

It is impossible to give you an exact number for heart of fire. He can't make a match into a raging inferno, because that would consume the available fuel(the match) in a fraction of a second too small to be reasonably measured. What he can do is take a fire that already exists, and double its burn rate, until its fuel is exhausted. So, a small campfire can temporarily be increased to a a bonfire, until the fuel runs out in five minutes or so, and it goes out completely. Or, he can take a burning building, and reduce the flames down to essentially nothing long enough for people to escape. I can't give you an exact number on anything because no exact numbers exist, and every fire is different.

Stone Skin:

His skin is made of stone. Shale specifically. Shale is not particularly hard. This is why hammers and picks do extra damage against it. But, it's still pretty difficult to put a rapier through a rock. It's hard to put an arrow through a rock. It's not exactly easy to cut a rock with a sword, and would probably be bad for your sword anyway. In addition, dirt and rocks do not bleed. They have no organs to require blood. He has a heartstone, which is like a heart, kinda, in that it supplies the magical energy that animates his body. The rest of his body is made from dirt. Not particularly hard dirt either, so if he's unarmored, you can effectively whack off his limbs with impunity. I personally not a huge fan of my character losing his limbs every time someone realizes his shoulders and knees aren't armored. The fact that he's resistant to things that rocks are resistant to is just common sense, and so is the fact that he doesn't bleed, sine rocks rarely bleed. And the fact that he has no organs, since rocks rarely have need of kidneys, or lungs.

Enigmatic Immortal
03-21-11, 08:43 PM
Heart of fire: then I need a limit of how many times a day he can do it.

Stoneskin: I understand your characters innate ability to resist things, but it is still to powerful for you to ignore 90% of the weapons used against you. As it stands you can have resistance of no more than 1.5x reduction to slashing or piercing attacks.

You still need to lose a ability as well.

03-21-11, 09:53 PM
Look, I realize that his abilities are somewhat above average, but he has essentially no skills, and no equipment. As a created supernatural entity, he has nothing but the abilities he was born with to get him through. That's part of why he has no history. He has nothing. Except for those four abilities. I may not have been particularly clear on that fact in my profile, but he's not got much of anything but those four abilities. Losing any one of them would have serious negative reprecussions for him.

Enigmatic Immortal
03-22-11, 12:44 AM
Alright, I'm going to cut you a deal. You and I are not seeing eye to eye. So, I'm going to shoot this thread to my superior and let him handle your registration. I will let you present your case to him and if he agrees with you I'll have nothing to complain about. I thank you for your patience and he should respond to this in 24 hours.

03-22-11, 03:38 AM
First of all, I'd like to thank you both for remaining objective despite the disagreement.

Stonefire, we appreciate the originality of your character, however like in any roleplaying game there are limitations on how powerful a character can be at any given level. I will make some suggestions on how you can adjust the abilities to suit our model, and while you may suggest alternatives, this seems like a good time to point out to you that this interaction is not a debate. It is an approvals moderator's job to help the character fit the system, not the other way around.

For Heart of Fire I recommend a limitation on either the amount of fuel (by weight) he can cause fire to consume in one day, or the amount of time he can spend controlling it in one day. If you opt for the latter it will have to be a fairly small amount of time, whereas for the former I'll allow up to 400 lbs.

Stone skin should be moved to equipment, if only for aesthetic purposes, and also needs editing. Since we (unfortunately) don't have a tier set for rock, I need a comparative strength of the armour and I'm recommending yew (tier 2) wood. Also, you must add that the armour is only as strong as leather at the joints. I understand your character's attachment to its limbs, and let me assure you that most Althanas characters empathise, but you will not receive such absolute immunity to lightweight weapons at this level.

If you feel I am being unreasonable and wish to protest your case further, you may do so by sending me a private message. Otherwise, post here when you have made the edits.

03-22-11, 07:41 AM
It is done. Thank you for your understanding.

03-22-11, 04:37 PM
I get what you're going for with the bone comparisons, so I'll allow it. However, I'm going to stipulate right here that the chitin strength joints can be pierced (or broken, if you prefer) by light iron blades. You may upgrade his armour through quests at future levels, but I won't allow a seamless exoskeleton of anything at level 0.

With that consideration, you are approved. Welcome to Althanas.