View Full Version : Goblin bashing boss battle?

02-22-11, 04:17 AM
Is it just me who totally fell in love with the Bloodseeker Warband over in the boss battle section?

Are there any other low-leveled others out there who would like to encounter and battle the warband in some way. Preferably I'd like a group that, if at least not completely like-minded, would plausibly be able to gather, cooperate and set it upon them to battle this cute, greedy and war mongering little band.

I'm also thinking that this is possibly also a good starting point for a follow-up story or arch where the Bloodseeker Tribe itself is challenged? Something that can be discussed and planned separately in due time.


Ganlon Martel
02-22-11, 07:59 AM
Hey, I have been looking for another quest. I would like to write with you if you want.

02-22-11, 09:16 AM
Sure, that's cool! :)

Going to wait a little while more and see if someone else is keen on joining. One more, at least, would be preferable - if not a full team of 4.

I do have some ideas that I can send your way now already, if you want. Or you can add me on AIM.

Ganlon Martel
02-22-11, 10:06 AM
Okay, hit me up on AIM. I tried to add you and it said your privacy options blocked me.

02-22-11, 05:16 PM
I've been waiting for another boss battle group to start up. Count me in. Our characters all seem to click pretty well so far.

02-22-11, 05:32 PM
I'd like to jump in on this, if you'll have me. Where do you plan on having this boss battle take place?

02-22-11, 05:33 PM
Great! Marcus is a really cool character, I've skimmed through some of your threads earlier, actually.

I might have a fourth group member coming along, so until I hear from him, I'm putting a hold on the recruiting. I'll send some notes me and Ganlon was working on your way in the meanwhile, Amen.

02-22-11, 05:39 PM
I'd like to jump in on this, if you'll have me. Where do you plan on having this boss battle take place?
Woops, I missed this. Both parts of it, actually. Well, unfortunately there might already be a fourth member, but although he's far from certain at this point, I will have to get back to you on that, unfortunately.

As for a place, the Corone farmlands or outskirts of Concordia seems like a good spot - at least for my personal continuity, but the exact details can be discussed.

02-22-11, 05:45 PM
Yeah Corone would be best for me, well let me know when you're certain.

02-22-11, 06:02 PM
Yeah Corone would be best for me, well let me know when you're certain.
Sorry, man, seems he's confirmed. I'll happily quest with you some other time, though! :)

02-24-11, 12:27 PM
If things don't work out with someone, I am willing to join in ... if interested pm me and give me the link and info.

02-25-11, 11:30 AM
Northman, sorry I was slow. Conflicts of real life.
Yes, I am in for a good bit of goblin bashing. I did not get forwarded all of the information from Ganlon I don't think. But I trust him to represent my interests well. I should have enough time to get my shit together this week. thanks.

03-21-11, 08:03 PM
Hey guys. You'll notice in my latest post that I pretty much made up all the goblins and had them attack the house. Sorry about that, I meant to actually talk to everybody about their names and what they would be like, but I just plain ran out of time. Here are my notes for each of the goblins. If there's anything anybody particularly wants to change, we can definitely do that. I can always edit my post if I need to. I'm posting this here because the whole thing won't fit in a private message and I'm too lazy to cut it up.

Name: Gek the Biggest

Appearance: Gek is, obviously, the largest of the goblins in the war band. He’s barrel-chested and has a bit of a gut on him, but his limbs are rather thin. Still, he’s the leader because he’s the strongest. His skin is very intense green, the color of grass after a much-needed downpour. His head is small and, for lack of a better word, lumpy. He’s entirely bald, with a large mouth, huge teeth, and small ears held flat to his skull. His nose is noteworthy: it is scrunched, as indeed it was brutally broken and healed improperly. This gives him a unique, deep, nasally voice, and prevents him from smelling much of anything. Gek is 5’3”.

Personality: Gek is a bully, and he doesn’t put a lot of stock in smarts, but it’s not entirely accurate to call him stupid. He is cunning, in his own way, and among goblins he’s a tactical genius. He tells the others what to do and they listen, because he usually knows what he’s talking about. Gek is very sure of himself.

Motivation: Gek wants to prove he’s the biggest and the best. Some day he would like to be the chieftain, and he intends to prove his worthiness by killing every human in what he considers his territory. He usually gets first pick of the loot, but typically he goes for the food or the best weapons and ignores everything else. He thinks he’s better than humans, so he doesn’t much feel like he needs their stuff (except for the weapons).

Equipment: Gek steals little bits and pieces of metal whenever he can find it, strapping the bits to himself to make a crude, basic kind of armor. He carries a dented tower shield forged from black iron, which is as tall as he is. He has affixed spikes to the front of it, which are covered in dried blood. He also carries a stolen short sword, which is crusted in blood, rust, and mud.

Tactics: Gek’s methods are deceptively simple: he picks a target, holds his shield up, and charges forward screaming. The tall goblin is disturbingly fast, and an expert at defending himself with his shield while also forcing his target back or shoving the shield’s spikes into unguarded flesh. Too often, his hapless opponents struggle to get at the goblin on the other side of the shield, only to find his sword buried in their guts. He is very difficult to get at from the front.

History: Gek isn’t just the biggest member of the war band; he’s one of the biggest goblins around. The new chieftain saw the way Gek would throw his weight around, and wisely put him in charge of his own group and sent him away to stir up trouble for the humans - too far away to consider trying to take the chieftainship for himself. Gek knows what’s going on, but doesn’t much care: he sees a chance to steal good human weapons and prove himself in battle. He intends to go home well equipped and kill the chieftain, thus becoming boss of all the Bloodseekers.


Name: Wooban the Brainiest and the Weirdest
Appearance: Wooban is very long and narrow, with large, floppy, thin ears and long, clever fingers. He dresses in loose clothing stolen from local farmers and travelers: work shirts and bits of cloth he manages to turn into primitive robes and sashes. He has a long, hooked nose, which hangs over his perpetual, thoughtful frown. His eyes are small and framed by bushy, yellowed eyebrows, and the only hair grows in a thin tawny strip down the center of his skull. He has a tendency to drool, walks with his shoulders bunched up, and his skin is the color of bananas on the verge of becoming overripe. Wooban is 4’10”.

Personality: Wooban is weird. Other goblins consider him awkward. He has a tendency to stare off into space. It’s difficult to tell if he’s deep in thought during these spells, or just vacant. While he is certainly the most intelligent of the war band, able to understand human speech and motivation, he doesn’t always seem to be…aware. He almost never sleeps, and he can spend hours fooling around with human trinkets which other goblins would find utterly disinteresting.

Motivation: That would be telling. Wooban certainly enjoys his time with the war band, but not even he could tell you why. He likes stealing things from the humans to study, and he hates them for having such nice things. He is fascinated and terrified by the human grasp of magic, but he knows he’ll only ever be capable of a fraction of their mastery of it.

Equipment: None, really. Wooban has absolutely no interest in weapons of any kind. His “robes” are full of useless knickknacks he might throw in a panic, but nothing more dangerous than a knitting needle.

Tactics: Wooban is the group’s thinker. He comes up with wicked, vicious ideas, and watches battles play out from a distance, yelling suggestions in a quick, crazed voice. He does not usually think up whole plans – that seems to be Gek’s job – but none in the war band think on their feet faster than Wooban. He is capable of some basic and potentially deadly hedge-magic as well: he can throw a basic fireball just by cackling, summon up stunning zaps of lightning from his fingertips, and cast a basic healing spell. He has, from time to time, shown an insidious ability to weave basic charm spells to lure children or particularly dull adults away from their fellows.

History: Nobody really knows why Wooban is with the war band. It is possible that the chieftain thought he was just too weird and sent him to be rid of him, but it’s equally probable that Wooban just ended up following them off on his own.


Name: Rikkit the Spookiest

Appearance: Rikkit is certainly the second-strongest goblin in the war band, and perhaps the deadliest. His skin is the color of olives – nearly grey – and smeared with mud. He is heavily muscled, with shoulders big for a goblin and despite his height he seems to be forever looming. His torso is very long in proportion to his legs, giving him a vaguely ape-like appearance. His eyes are bright and yellow and the largest in the band. His ears, likewise, are the largest in the group: floppy and animated, swinging wide when he’s surprised and curving flat when he snarls a threat. He has a mouth overfull of wickedly sharp teeth. His head is bald at the top, but a long, thick braid of black hair falls from the back of his head and hangs nearly midway down his back. Rikkit is 4’8”.

Personality: Rikkit is quiet and private. It is easy to forget he’s even there. Still, he seems loyal to the band, though the rest of them usually don’t know what to make of him. Wooban is weird, but Rikkit creeps them out just because he’s always popping out when and where you least expect him.

Motivation: Rikkit just seems to enjoy fighting humans. He’s big enough that he could be a contender for chieftain, but he doesn’t seem to want to lead. He usually gets second pick when looting, but rarely takes anything at all (though it’s worth noting his disturbing habit of giving captive humans a single, long lick before any of his fellows can do any harm of their own).

Equipment: Rikkit carries a number of sharp things. He has a number of small, sharpened bone shivs and uses a bone club from time to time. He is the only goblin who wears leather, which grants him nearly as much protection as Gek’s armor without limiting his speed.

Tactics: One never sees Rikkit coming. He waits until his target is busy with another goblin, then leaps from above and behind, and kills with a single stab, or stuns with a strike of his club. He is disturbingly athletic and quick, skittering along sheer barn walls and up trees without the aid of low-hanging branches, and he can jump incredible distances. It’s worth noting that his muscular physique makes him heavy: he usually knocks his victims prone by leaping onto them, only the strongest remain standing.

History: The chieftain sent Rikkit with Gek simply because he didn’t trust him. Rikkit could be anywhere at any time, and was too good at knowing things he wasn’t supposed to. Given his athleticism and his ability to strike unseen, the chieftain considered Rikkit a threat to his position. Gek is, thankfully, a little too dull to realize the dangers Rikkit presents.


Name: Gorsnot the Stabbiest

Appearance: Gorsnot is the smallest of the goblins at four feet even, but he is perhaps the most dangerous, and there is some suggestion of that in his face. His features are uniformly pointy: small, pointed ears, a disturbingly narrow nose, an angular chin, even his eyebrows seem to come to deadly ends. He is always smiling, which is chilling in and of itself even before considering his tiny needle-like teeth, which seem to number in the thousands. His skin is the color of limes, and he is thin, boney.

Personality: Sadistic even for a goblin, Gorsnot is the closest thing his society sees to a murderous sociopath. Gorsnot is stupid, selfish, and simple, primarily focused on satisfying his own base urges, and he grows sullen and complains incessantly if those urges are not in the process of being satisfied.

Motivation: Gorsnot wants to hurt and kill something, it doesn’t matter what. If he’s not sleeping or currently hurting or killing something, he’s planning on hurting or killing something. He loots with the rest of his compatriots, but his focus is chiefly on small sharp things he can use to hurt somebody.

Equipment: Gorsnot wears a loose pair of trousers he stole from the corpse of a human child, and carries a very sharp kitchen knife.

Tactics: Gorsnot is as cowardly as he is cruel. If spotted he will run away until another goblin intervenes, and then he will turn back and attack when his target is distracted. He almost always goes for soft spots: his favorite thing to do is slash at the hamstrings and the backs of one’s knees. Once his victim is down, Gorsnot prefers to stab his foes repeatedly in the back. He uses his teeth as much as he does his knife. He is feverishly brutal and bloodthirsty in combat, darting in and out and striking where a person is most vulnerable.

History: Gorsnot had a choice: execution, banishment, or tagging along with Gek’s band. He is a cannibal and a murderer of his own people, and thus was no longer welcome amongst the Bloodseeker. Of course he did not want to die, and he was far too cowardly to be on his own, so Gorsnot reluctantly followed Gek into the human territories. To his great surprise, Gorsnot found that he very much enjoys killing human beings alongside his fellows. He was the first to eat their victims, but the rest of the band has since taken up the habit.


Name: Ham the Speediest

Appearance: Ham is 4’9” and wiry, dressed in a simple loincloth. His skin is the brown of dead leaves, painted and stained here and there with sap and pollen. He stands straight for a goblin, with narrow shoulders and hips. His eyes are quick and sharp, and he is jittery and overactive. His hair is a dull green, and stands wild in every direction on his head. He has a habit of constantly licking his chops, and is guilty of more than his fair share of dumb curiosity, which shows in the way he’s always over-interested in something.

Personality: For all of his twitchiness and curiosity and fast-thinking, Ham is dumb. His favorite question is “why?” and he’ll ask it again in the middle of an explanation. Perhaps his boundless curiosity stems from his inability to comprehend what he just witnessed, despite his rapt attention. Until something catches his attention he is easily distracted, and he cannot be trusted with any constructive work because a moth might flutter past or he might catch sight of a particularly “funny-walkin’” beetle. Besides, he rarely understands instructions if they have more than one step.

Motivation: Ham has been following Gek around since they were snots, so when Gek took off to fight humans, so did Ham. He likes fighting well enough, but for the most part he does what he does because Gek tells him to – that’s the way it has always been. When it comes to loot, Ham is more likely to watch Wooban study trinkets than he is to take anything himself.

Equipment: If there’s one thing Ham is good at, it’s shooting. The finest thing the war-band has ever looted is Ham’s short bow, and it went to him purely because he’s good with it. He spends a majority of his time carving crude arrows for it, and typically carries said arrows about in large quantities.

Tactics: Ham used to help the band up front, but he usually just got in the way. Gek was just about ready to run the twitchy moron through when Ham demonstrated an uncanny skill with the bow and arrow. Now, he’s not a good shot by any stretch of the imagination, but on a good day Ham can shoot three arrows in the space of a second. Sometimes Ham gets lucky and hits what he’s shooting at, but it’s just as useful when the humans run and hide from the hail of arrows. Together humans are dangerous, spread out they’re easy pickings, and Ham is good at getting them to spread out. Even when the band’s targets get smart and organize, it’s hard to pay attention to Gek when countless arrows are constantly raining down on you.

History: As was mentioned previously, Ham has been following Gek around since they were young. Following him off to raid and pillage was just a natural continuation of that.

Ganlon Martel
03-22-11, 03:15 PM
Thanks, Dude. What a great amount of work went into this. I think I will really enjoy writing from this.

03-22-11, 06:56 PM
Thanks, Dude. What a great amount of work went into this. I think I will really enjoy writing from this.
What he said^


03-27-11, 06:12 PM
Thanks for all of the extra work Amen. It really helped me put a face (in my head) on the Boss. There was enough detail and information on each of the goblins that i felt that I could just jump right in and work with them.
Note to others: suddenly having five new sketched out characters to work with made me think less about what my character was doing and more about them. I would not say that this is bad, just different. And tricky.