View Full Version : Please, Call Me Magdalene...

M'Lady Lovely
02-22-11, 06:08 PM
Name: Mary D'Alxen (Introduces herself as the name Magdalene)

Age: So many a year has passed that she lost count

Gender: Why, female of course

Race: Half-Demoness

Hair: Long and wavy, coal black

Eyes: Large, Brilliant Orange

Skin: Pale Grey with White tattoos located variously

Weapon: A 6-foot Pike (just a few inches taller than herself) wrapped in various furs and trinkets, most of which are bells (For no specific reason; can't a girl accessorize?)

Special: Her skin, though extremely soft to the touch, is very durable against wounds (i.e. cuts from swords take much more force than average to slice her, hits from blunt objects don't bruise unless it was applied with severe force), She heals quicker than normal (both physically and sickness-wise), doesn't get ill very easily

Story: I suppose it's your usual sob story; Conceived to a demon mother and human father in a night of hazy and more-than-likely drunken lust. After the affair, her mother immediately went back to the demon realm, never to be heard from again by her unknowing father (If he had known she wasn't human, he probably wouldn't have slept with her. Probably). Several months later, a baby girl was born. Without bothering to give the infant a name, the mother sent her away to the human realm to the girl's fathers home, unable to bear the fact that she had given birth to something that even vaguely resembled a measly human.

The father, a man called Mathias, found the baby on his doorstep. Though she grew a pair of ivory horns from her forehead, he loved her unconditionally. He wished he could say the same for all the other children, and even parents. The kids she tried to play with would taunt her and sometimes even attack her, though she did nothing to provoke it. The adults shunned the little demon and would look at her with obvious disdain. Her father told her that they were just ignorant, and they weren't even worth getting angry over. Then, one day, a name that was intended as an insult wound up pulling the threads of her fate.

Mary sat alone, bouncing a rubber ball against a dirty brick wall. It would hit, fall to the ground and bounce right back to her to be thrown again and repeat the process. Her tail flicked back and forth happily, until suddenly a boy ran to her and caught the ball. He drew back his arm and chucked it as far as he could, offering her a malicious grin in place of an apology. Mary looked up at him, tears filling her vivid, unnatural eyes.

"Why would you do that?" She asked softly, her voice cracking slightly.

"Because you're a freak. Why else?" He sneered. He turned on his heel, making the attempt to stroll cooly away, but Many stood with a huff.

"Maybe I am a freak, but that doesn't give you any right to be suck a jerk!" She clenched her small fists.

"Oh yeah? Well just try and stop me. My mom says your kind deserves any and all cruelty we can offer. She called you a 'Mary Magdalene'. That means you..." The boys words were cut short as a strong hand slapped him upside the head. Immediately he began wailing, clutching his tender spot.

"Get home, boy. I'm sure your mother is worried sick about such a brat." Mary's father growled. The boy hopped up as the man raised his hand to smack him again, then took off down the cobbled road, still bawling. Mathias looked to Mary, his expression softening immensely. He picked up the girl.

"Did he hurt you, Mary?"

"No daddy... I'm fine." She sniffed and looked down. He kissed her forehead.

"Lets go home. I made your favorite supper."

Mary gasped. "Pasta and chicken?!"

He smiled and nodded. The girl excitedly hugged her fathers neck. "Yay!"


Mary sat alone as usual, playing with a yarn doll her father had made for her. She sat in her front yard, making the doll dance with a splintered twig. Several of the neighborhood children (including the same boy from yesterday) walked by, causing her to look up.

"What are you looking at, freak?" One of the girls in the group growled.

Mary immediately jerked her gaze back down.

"Hey, I asked you a question!" She yelled. When Mary didn't answer, the boy picked up a rock and chucked it at her. It hit her in the arm, causing her to cry out and sit up. "Whats the matter, Mary Magdalene?!"

"You're a sinner and a freak!" Another of the kids called. Another rock was thrown, and suddenly all of the kids were tossing stones. Several of them struck the demon, who sobbed as she jumped up and bolted into her house. She fell against the closed door and cried to herself, burying her face in her hands. Suddenly a shadow blocked the light, and she glanced up through teary eyes.

"D-Daddy..." She hiccuped. He kneeled in front of her with a sigh, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"Oh, Mary.... You poor child." He pulled the girl into a hug.

She swallowed hard and hugged him back. "...What's a 'Mary Magdalene'?"

"...She was a beautiful woman who many called a sinner, but was forgiven by an almighty lord. He valued her above all of his followers. If they've been calling you Mary Magdalene, it is definitely not a name to be ashamed of." He pulled back slightly to look at her. She looked at the ground. Mathias pulled away from her. "You're bleeding..." He softly rubbed the blood from a small cut on her forehead.

Mary looked up at him. "I wanna be just like Mary Magdalene."

He couldn't help but laugh. "Well, maybe not just like her..."


Enigmatic Immortal
02-23-11, 01:15 PM
Hello and welcome! Sorry for the delay, but I was in the process of losing my job when I saw this. Won't happen again. I really, REALLY loved the history of Magdalene. I look forward to seeing what you do with this character, and maybe even look forward to a quest or two with her. But, before all that begins I have a job to do!

As I see it, your character is just really good at healing, and you have to apply force to blows in order to wound her, but otherwise all else applies. Stronger poisons will still effect you, a double handed swing from a weapon will hurt, and your spunky. Got it. Just don't powergame the healing where a broken limb magically repairs overnight, and I think you'll be fine!

By the power invested in the god emperor of mankind (Praise be his name) I dub thee, Approvictus Maximus. (Your approved, have fun now!)

M'Lady Lovely
02-23-11, 07:10 PM
aw, thanks cutie *blows a kiss* its been a pleasure doing business with you ~

Enigmatic Immortal
03-16-11, 04:25 PM
Pleasure was all mine. Closed thread!

(I learned how to do that now! yay me!)