View Full Version : Farius

Wet Wombat
03-01-11, 01:48 AM
Full Name: Farius Dampleton
Age: 16
Human Age: 100
Race: Vampire
Hair Color: Silver White
Eye Color: Red
Height:6 foot 2
Weight: 90.5 lbs

Personality: Farius is a charismatic man who can easily make friends and great parties a.k.a party animal. But he can get very lonely, since he is a vampire, which results in grumpiness. His cooking is very bad, since he only needs blood. He is also a slob when it comes to socialisation.

Appearance: He has very tough skin and he looks very young, even though he is 100 years old. But you really couldn't notice the tough skin since it is very pale and his everyday clothing is a leather jacket (which he would only wear if it was in dark color), tattered shorts and animal skinned boots.

History: Farius was raised in an orphanage in Gisela - he doesn't know who his parents are. Nobody wanted to adopt him, and eventually the orphanage was closed down and he was forced onto the streets at the age of 6. To survive, he had to steal from houses, eat from the trash. Until the Vampire Lord, Caldius, came and sucked his blood which then turned him into a vampire. And so far, he has gained strength and power. His goal is to find the Vampire Lord and kill him, because he asumes that he killed his parents in order to get them out of the way and turn him into a vampire.

Skills: He can use a sword, since he practised over the 100 years. He has learned how to pick-pocket people using his abilities, and learned how to climb very steep hills/walls with good precaution.

Weaknesses: His weaknesses are those of all vampires. Firstly: He cannot go any where near somebody or something with garlic. Secondly: He cannot go out in the sunlight since it burns him. Thirdly: If the prey throws a few of any type of seeds, he will be forced to count them.

Items: He has a bottle of water to avoid any flames. He also has a sword since he is a swordsman. And for protection, he has a steel breast plate and a leather bag. And a bottle of blood in case of emergencies.

Abilities: Since he is a Vampire, he has a few abilities.
1) he can have the power to lift 10 times his own weight.
2) He can move around to twice the speed of most mobile humans.
3)He can move his spirit into other dead bodies once his is destroyed. - The appearance I just described was about his real body.

03-05-11, 03:37 AM
Hello, Wet Wombat, and welcome to Althanas!

Your profile has only one issue that I'd like to address before approval can go ahead and you can dive right into role-play, and that is with the ability section.

Could you list them both separately (under 'Abilities'), and limit 'speed of sound' to 'twice' the speed of most mobile humans. You can add an additional ability, perhaps something that reflects that dexterity; a shadow jump or innate reflex that gives you a similar effect.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or reply here, and thank you for time,


Wet Wombat
03-15-11, 01:53 AM
Ok, I have made my changes.
Will you accept me in althanas now?

Enigmatic Immortal
04-04-11, 10:29 PM
I am going to go ahead and APPROVE this profile since it's been forever and I feel like we owe you at least that. You have met all requirments Duffy has set before you and I will take any responsibility for this, but for now, go have fun.