View Full Version : Looking for a challenge. Rawr.

Lady Anais
03-04-11, 04:45 PM
Alright, having made a proper introduction for this character, I think it's time she got into the rough an tumble. And since it melds with my storyline that she's not only in Underwood, but needs someone to fight, may as well make use of the new Dansdel rules and put them to the test.

As such, I'm issuing a challenge for someone to take on Lady Hieras in Dansdel.
However, while this challenge is mostly open, I am somewhat discerning about who I'll fight; and I may not automatically pick up someone just for posting. I do want to look for two things when accepting a challenger:

-Completionism. I know the plague of unresolved and unfinished battles, and want to avoid it. Being my first real "battle" I'm determined to see it through to the end, and- in the interest that we can put these new rules to use for us- would like to see someone equally dedicated to finishing the fight.

-Continuity: My character is very firmly rooted in her own personal continuity as well as some of Althanas lore. While I don't mind a fight "just to fight" per say- as it would let me accomplish my goals- I feel it could be a much more robust battle if it was someone who's character meshed a bit with my story. As such, certain aspects of a character will make them more desirable for me to fight:
*Any characters with ties to Thayne lore, followers of Thayne deities, or persons with personal interest in that kind of lore (even if purely academic.)
*Characters with any form of ties to a formal religion. While a background involving the Thayne or the Etheral Sway are ideal, any religious characters would work; my character is strongly rooted (both internally and externally) in religious conflict.
*Similarly, characters with Salvic background or history in Salvar.
*Characters with affinity to or direct ties to N'jalian interests. Per my character, she is publically an enemy of N'jal^, and so servants of N'jal or people wanting to make a positive impact on the N'jalian Magi, etc. are especially desired. If this is the case, I'll personally lobby the mods to see if there's some way a form of "reputation reward" with N'jalian interests can be given as a spoil in the event of my defeat.

Now that my bullheadedness has been outed and shown the reasons why you may not want to join me, I do have a few things I want to touch on from my side:

-Flexibility. While I say I want a challenge, it is not required that is be a physical "fight." The Dansdel rules clearly state that it can be any form of competition. While my character is more of a combat oriented one, I welcome challenges of a non-combat nature. I leave the type of challenge up to you, I am flexible and can find a way to make anything work.

-Dedication. As said before, I plan to be completionist about this challenge. If you are similarly tired of seeing battle threads go unresolved, I can assure you that from my side of things, you will have an opponent determined not to let that happen. ;)

Feel free to post here or PM me if interested.

^as approved by judge, pending RoG approval at next update.

(As an aside, should someone be interested in a fight but not wish to fight in Dansdel, I may be swayed to take it to the Citadel. But that would have to be discussed via PM)

03-04-11, 07:53 PM
I'd like to battle you.. most likely not with this account, but I have several alternates that are levels 0-2. Phyr Sa'resh is a drow with a history in Salvar... Anastacia Alliendra isn't necessarily oriented to religion, but she has a working knowledge of it. If you're interested in either of those, or for more options, let me know.

Rayse Valentino
03-04-11, 10:06 PM
I'd like to do some non-battle stuff with you.

03-05-11, 02:16 AM
Cydnar or Nihjar are both linked to Salvar, steeped in the workings of Thayne (one is a religious leader and disciple of the Thayne Yggdrassil and the other is a follower of a cult sect which worships N'Jal beneath the wastes of Salvar itself). Would either of those suffice?

Lady Anais
03-06-11, 07:07 PM
Holy crap... I wasn't expecting a response like this. Three amazing writers.... it's like a kid asking for a pony for christmas and waking up to find a stable in their living room.

You guys don't make it easy, for sure, because I'd love to face each of you (in fact, I may have to set something up so that I do take a swing at each of ya at some point)

That said, I do have to decide, however painful as it may be. In the interest of how much I'm thriving on continuity, I can't deny that Nihjar, being the leader of a N'jal worshipping cult *does* fit the best. So it looks like the first one up will be the Duffster.

03-07-11, 01:28 AM
The pleasure is all mine, M'Lady.

I will leave the ball in your court to begin.

Jack Frost
03-07-11, 09:42 PM
Well It appears my character falls into two caagories.
A.) Jack is the slumbering reincarnation of a major Thayne (but none of the super power god stuff really kicks in till later)

B.) Jack currently serves Lorenor in Dissonance, a group of the followers of N'Jal.

C.) Being a level one It's a relatively fair fight, and I'll get to test out the new ice abilities I added at level one...

Lady Anais
03-09-11, 02:26 AM
Oh, you'll most definitely be on my list too, Jack ;)

Enigmatic Immortal
03-09-11, 08:23 AM
When the list runs down I'd like to throw my name in the ring as well. I got ideas I can run by you to make things work out to fit the mold you need, though upfront nothing N'jalian which is why I would be later on the targets.

Jack Frost
03-09-11, 12:48 PM
Sounds like fun,
I'm gonna buff Jack up a bit before it though, his skills absolutely tank at the moment.

03-23-11, 12:24 PM
I'd be game to help you with this alt or any of my other crew. I have a ton of alt's :D including said Grand Primus that Jack Frost mentioned. (Mutant_Lorenor is me)

03-23-11, 12:35 PM
I will endeavour to reply before the week is out, apologies for the delay; but as of April 26th, I'll be finished with University, and there's but one last push to get there!

Lady Anais
03-23-11, 04:36 PM
No worries, Duffster. I'm not so pessimistic to assume that a slow response is a derail, I am confident you're gonna be whalloping me a good one and don't want to miss the chance on it ;)