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Leon Jenkins
03-10-11, 09:59 AM
Name: Leon Jenkins/ Rosco Jenkins
Age: 18/2
Race: Human/dog
Hair Color: Brown/dead grass
Eye Color: Green/amber
Height: 6 ft/ average dog height
Weight: 220 pounds/ average dog weight
Occupation: Aspiring Hero/ Aspiring hero's dog
Skin color: Lightly tanned

Personality: Leon is a total spazz who has a hero complex, always wanting to do good at his own expense. He is empathetic, altruistic, caring, and bold. His actions are the makings of a real hero, except for one thing...
Rosco is a dog.

Appearance: Leon is tall with an unruly mane of brown hair that if straightened would hang over his green eyes. He is what most would call handsome, being lightly built with little excess fat. He clothes himself in simple cotton trousers and a shirt. He covers his hands in gloves and keeps his pants up with a simple belt.
Rosco is an althanas version of the Chesapeake bay retriever.

Leon Jenkins was born to be a hero, or so he thought. His father, Leroy the blacksmith, disagreed. His mother Jenny the Baker also disagreed. They both tried desperately to keep their only child safe from the dangers of the world, and failed miserably. They made him want to explore the world more, which led to him buying his dog, Rosco, as a puppy and raising him as a hero's companion. He then left home, taking a little money, and decided to forge his own path in life.

Sword play: Average
Hunting: Average
Herbology: Average
Tracking: Average
Cooking: Above average
Metal working: Average
Baking: Average

Scale 1= average human 2= above average human. Thats as high as I'll go, I'll adopt someones scale when it comes to going higher...
Str: 2- Leon can lift up to 175 pounds and exert 100 pounds of pressure behind a blade.
Def: 1.5- Leon is okay at being able to block swords coming at an average speed, but will be slaughtered if faced with a foe with advanced speed.
Reflexes: 1
Endurance: 1.5 Leon can take a little more damage than the average human. Broken bones still cripple him, lost limbs still hurt like hell. Ect.
Stamina: 2 Leon can keep at a fight for about an hour of light combat, but is drained by anything else. He can keep up a light run for about two miles, then have to take a rest before continuing.
Speed: 1

A makeshift shield made out of several planks of oak, crudely designed and not very effective. It could take a few heavier blows from large creatures, but would break after about, hit three.

Leather gloves: add advanced grip on any weapon he might be holding,

He does not have a sword however...
Rosco Jenkins- Loyal hound and expert cat harasser.

03-11-11, 08:38 AM
Woof woof woof!


I mean, welcome to Althanas, you are approved!