View Full Version : The Return to Valdta

Enigmatic Immortal
03-11-11, 01:37 AM
(Closed to anybody within the Ixian Knights, but please PM me before posting.)

“Mother,” A small voice called out. “What is that?” Tiny fingers pointed off to the horizon, a trail of dust billowing into the air like a heat spell. Distracted by the shopping she was doing, the child’s mother ignored her son as she pointed out a few apples that looked juicy.

“Probably a bird, honey,” She said off-handedly. The boy looked to the growing dust cloud, before he shook his head vigorously.

“Nuh-uh! It’s a tornado!” In a panic he grabbed his mother’s arm to show her causing her to drop the apples. The vendor laughed gently as he leaned down to grab the fallen fruit. The mother angrily turned about her son, chastising him for his anxiety as she lectured him about behaving in public. When she was about to accuse the boy of making up stories she heard a chilling noise that froze all the blood in her veins.

A war horn bellowed towards the town from the dust cloud, the soft echoing of thundering cavalry echoing towards the town. She took a deep breath, holding it and her son as the vendor looked upwards towards the Ixian battlements where the scouts were watching sentinel over their city of Valdta. The tension in the air rose as several citizens of Valdta entered the streets like confused zombies, shuffling to await the orders from the Ixian Knight’s tower. Another blare of the war horn from the cloud of dust echoed more clearly, followed by several shouts that drowned into one large war cry.

At last a lone horse road out from the Ixian’s tower, trotting at a sprint upon a mare as black as the night. His face looked terrified, hand clutching the reins furiously as he spurred his mount onwards. The tower to the castle had a siren to alert the town of invasion, but it had never needed to be used before. Not after Adolph Gretzel and the Ixian Knights saved them. They were fortified, protected by several detachments, and had the courage to stand up to anyone. Would someone dare to attack?

There was a scream from a woman closest to the tower, and the mother looked to see she was pointing towards the top of the Ixian stronghold. Quickly she scanned her eyes upwards, clutching her son in her arms tightly as he sniffled in fear. Up atop the battlement was a lone Ixian solider, falling over as a woman with shoulder length, flowing, vibrant red hair was laughing, pushing the corpse over the top as she lifted up one long curved dagger. She taunted with her finger as a spearman advanced, twisting to avoid the strike and wrapping her leg over the haft and punching him off over the side of the tower where he screamed to his death. The mother shielded her son’s eyes as she turned, rushing towards the town center just like she was told to do.

As she moved she heard the people begin to panic, turning to run where she headed. She stayed close to the street vendor’s carts, avoiding the mass of people that panicked. Her son clutched her hand tightly, bravely not sobbing as he did his best to remain calm. Tears rolled down his face as did hers as the overwhelming feeling of being under attack began to cloud her judgment. She wanted to be safe at any cost, she and her son. She pushed with all her will power the urge to cross the street, sticking to the safety of the alleyways as she picked her son up to carry him.

“People of Valdta,” A bored, voice said loudly from the Ixian Tower. “This is not a drill, this is your death. You will all be killed for offending me with your presence.” There was a chuckle as the woman at the top of the tower took in a long sigh. “Oh you all look like ants fleeing a colony in a rain storm. How stupid you all must be. Andy Rorton is coming for you, and if you aren’t careful the Gisela Reaper may get you too!” There was more laughter following her taunts as the citizens began to scream in terror and agony. There was an explosion in the center square and the mother turned to see the City Hall’s tower collapse upon itself in a giant rolling dust cloud as shards of stone flew outwards impaling several townspeople.

“It’s going to be okay, baby,” She whispered. She turned a corner in the alleyway, knowing a route to lead to the forest. If she could escape to the forest she could make way for Underwood. It was her only chance at this point. They would starve, but what choice did they have?

“Say it again,” A voice said, the tone like sand paper grating against each other. The mother stopped as she held her son, his whimpering being smothered as he buried his face into his mother’s chest. She waited, looking for the noise, but didn’t hear anything else. “Go on, lie to him again, I love it when parent’s lie to their children.” The mother turned quickly around to find nothing.

“Who’s there!” She whispered hysterically. There was the soft crunching sound of dirt being grounded under a boot and the mother turned violently nearly dropping her son. Standing before her was nothing, and her heart raced even more as she began to run again.

“I like it when they run,” The voice taunted. “Gives them a sense of hope. A fleeting hope, that makes the heart begin to pound twice as fast. Terror and Anxiety are companions, you know,” The voice was to her left, and she turned to her left. Nothing. “Agony and Despair also get along famously,” To her right she looked, positive the voice came from her right. Nothing but the stone wall that marked the edge of the town. She sprinted for the forest, suppressing the need to scream as she breathed heavily. She felt heavy as her son began to cry in terror.

“Hush little baby, don‘t you cry,” The voice sang, the darkened tone like a corrupt music box. The mother tripped on her own two feet, falling to the ground. She turned her body to protect her son, both crashing on their sides as she bounced to her left. Her boy remained stationary, weeping as a large cut scraped his knee and forearm. The mother breathed in heavily, preparing to stand when a large boot slammed down in front of her eyes. It was literally inches from her nose and with labored breaths she followed the leg upwards, seeing dirty blue overalls and a jacket that was tattered with age. Hazel eyes, cold as the fall wind looked to her as if she was an insect, disgusting teeth snarling in contempt as if being in her presence offended him.

“Momma’s gonna sing you a lullaby,” The man said lifting out a large kitchen knife.

Tainted Bushido
03-11-11, 02:29 AM
War had come. In the hours following Valdta's fall to the enemy the garrisoned forces of the Ixian Knights were crudely executed. While Valdta fell almost in silence, the lack of communication had not gone unnoticed. It had only taken a scout a few days to report the extent of the damages, the primordial enemy, The Destroyers, had taken the town once again. Valdta had once more become the front lines in the silent war the Ixian Knights waged.

Taka had been awake almost a straight day as he prepared and refined plans. Finally he had gotten enough of a task force that he felt comfortable sending, and moved to the War Room, summoning all the remaining Generals, and those who would be leading the task force. Each person was brought in for their unique skill set, and more than one was chosen for other reasons. Still, the warriors that would be sent were perhaps some of the best the Ixian Knights had to offer.

The ronin had his hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, looking as fresh as ever. It was a well maintained disguise against the fatigue he felt, but the direness of the situation had called the Ronin to act, and after all the short comings he had born into the world, he was steadily learning how to lead by leaps and bounds. The other warriors in the room remained silent as the map was spread out on the table. A wooden stick only half an inch in diameter showed everything that needed to be said.

"Valdta, once the Ixian Knights greatest victory in the coming war, and the enemy has begun the process of destroying this town. It is obvious what they intend to do, by making this blow they seek to demoralize us," The Ronin explained. He then looked upon the room, even as the other Generals listened, more than a few bored already. General Cassandra Remi was looking at the map with feigned interest, while William Arcus had his attention anywhere but the map. Talen Shadowwalker looked upon the map with disinterest, all the information while coming from his team, showing nothing new.

Also in the room was a small group of warriors, some in support of their general, others merely as a courtesy to the other groups that supported the Ixian Knights. Tagaz was standing against the wall alongside Pierce Hawk, newly appointed Chief Medical Officer. Hoturi was also present watching his pupil with interest, while Adolph watched in stoic silence. Finally Taka continued, "I have spoke to some of you prior to this, and so I will begin listing the Ixian Knights resources we are dedicating the to reclaiming and subsequent destruction of the Destroyer's forces in Valdta. Reclusiarch Gretzel has pledged the entire order of Chaplains to form the military forces marching on Valdta. With his forces being committed I have rightfully chosen him as leader of this taskforce. Any others who wish to put forth resources, please speak up and pledge your own forces."

The room remained silent for the moment until Cassandra finally finished playing with her hair and spoke up, "I commit Seth Dahlios to this taskforce of your Taka." The woman glanced over her shoulders at the silent form of her subordinate, who only glowered at her from under the hat before he stepped forward, taking off his hat.

He then looked at Taka before he spoke up, "I'll go."

Shortly afterwards Tagaz stepped forward, "I pledge myself and the Oracles of Wind and Water to this task. I feel we are a good support to Seth's standard tactics, and used properly will be able to strike a hard blow to the enemy numbers."

Taka only nodded as Pierce stepped forward, "I pledge my self, Carlos Espanoza, and Anastasia Rios from the medical team." The eyes turned to the newly appointed Chief Medical Officer, who bore the looks without flinching. While not Aislinn Orlouge, he had quickly established a reputation for being as good, if not better than the missing Witch.

Jensen and Stephanie looked to each other before Jensen shrugged and Stephanie raised a hand, "The remaining Knights of Apocalypse pledge their numbers to the fight, all two of us." Cassandra Remi seemed to brighten upon those words being spoken as a Cheshire cat grin split her face. The prospect of so many people she hated marching off to war seemed to give her a newfound source of joy, the prospect that they might die once and for all.

Taka took it all in before he spoke, "Three Medics seems too light to commit to these forces. Is there not another you could put to the task Hawk-san?"

"I wish I could, but no one else is nearly experienced enough to do so," Pierce replied his arms spread wide. Taka looked around the room before he noticed the form of a small black cat. The cat was looking on in silence, even as she swished her tail slowly back and forth.

His eyes narrowed only slightly before he spoke, "Is not the Lady Orlouge awakened?"

Pierce's eyes widened before he gestured a hand to push the thought from his mind, "No! Are you kidding me? This might finish the job the Knights of the Dawn started! She is in no condition to be so close to the front lines!"

Cassandra spoke up, her tone playful as she spoke, "Can you name another who would be even a fraction as knowledgeable as her when it comes to the human body?"

"This isn't some game General Remi, she isn't even considered an Ixian Knight anymore! She's been evicted, much like Jensen!" Pierce said. He shivered suddenly as if cold, even as Taka looked to the predatory grin that crossed Cassandra Remi's lips. He could only surmise her so called Dark Companion had exercised it's power upon the Doctor who seemed too distraught to fight back anymore.

"I'll safeguard her," The voice of the Reclusiarch of the Ixian Knights Adolph Gretzel spoke up, his voice holding no such fear.

Taka looked at the growing group before he spoke his voice finally showing the fatigue, "You have your orders. Reestablish control of Valdta, and destroy any enemy forces that remained from the last attempt. We cannot let the enemy destroy the only headway in this war we have made. I will reinforce you as I get elements back from Fallien and Concordia Forest, and will redirect such elements to you as I receive them. Dismissed."

03-11-11, 03:21 AM
The medical facility was a flurry of motion as baskets were spread out upon cots. Bags were being hurriedly filled with various herbs and concoctions even as tools and cloth strips for bandages were being placed in others. Through the entirety of it the students seemed to find a renewed fervor, even as they continued. Pierce himself was remaining silently at standby even as another voice filled the infirmary, followed by the occasional clinking of chains.

No less regal looking than when she stepped down as Chief Medical Officer, Aislinn Orlouge directed her students as finely as any commander had commanded any battle. Fiery red hair crowned her head, and while dressed in a rather tribal outfit, that was not the source of the unnatural clinking. Chains were bound to her wrist, occasionally glowing as a rune lit up before going out. This continued unabated as she continued to act as she could, knowing that for now she was no threat.

Her orders were deliberate and thoughtful, and gone was the anger that seemed to suffuse her soul only a week before. Even if Pierce was truly the leader of the group, to say Aislinn had no sway was to be gravely mistaken. Her orders were followed flawlessly even as she watched them move.

"I wish you could take it back from me," Pierce replied.

"I am not," Aislinn replied. The man snorted before he chuckled.

"Clever gal, getting me to take over your little project. Perhaps you did pick up some of my traits," The man replied as he gave her a smirk.

"If I gained anything from you, it was a healthy respect for the work it takes to keep people alive," Aislinn replied, her voice soft, even as her face took on a softer look. Her eyes closed before she spoke, "I may never be the same, and I may be forever plagued by Aqshy, but I will not let this stop me from doing what I know is right. They may hate me, but I can only hope to show them that the person they liked is in here, somewhere..."

"You knew this was a risk when you became a witch. There is a reason there are so many stories of wicked ones that steal children and bargain their souls for power," Pierce replied before he hugged his surrogate daughter and kissed her forehead, "Doesn't mean I'm not proud of you."

Aislinn felt a blush cross her face before she spoke, "Do you think Adolph will ever forgive me? For forcing him to do what he did?"

Two strong arms wrapped about her slender waist even as she felt the familiar weight of a head upon her shoulder. An all too familiar voice spoke in her ear softly, "I think I might. You have been rather contrite...it almost makes me believe you might not be the Ice Queen Jensen claims you are..."

Aislinn turned to face Adolph, her form dwarfed by the soldier's own before she wrapped her arms around the Reclusiarch. Her eyes squeezed shut as tears flowed from them unbidden and she finally managed, "I'm so sorry Adolph, I put you through so much in such a short span-"

Her words were cut off by a kiss before she melted into his arms almost unable to hold herself upright despite what was going on. The students were watching and it had taken a good five minutes of kissing before the catcalls broke out. Finally Aislinn pulled back, looking down a full red blush flushed her face. Her voice was soft, her words meant for one, "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it, lets get you out of here so we can get these chains off you..." Adolph replied.

Pierce immediately whipped the medical ward into a frenzy as the students were forced to take their eyes off the young couple. Moving about the hallways they finally emerged into the courtyard, even as the final preparations had begun. In the courtyard were the entirety of the Order of Chaplains, the most devout warriors the Ixian Knights had. Also in the courtyard was the elite cadre of warriors assembled to lead and coordinate the forces to reclaim Valdta.

Stephanie Odara was the first to greet the witch hugging her tightly and welcoming her into the sunlight. Jensen immediately joined in cracking a joke as the Witch couldn't help but quip back with one of her own. Steadily the others moved in showing their support of the Witch, each speaking to her as if nothing had happened. It was enough to bring tears to Aislinn's eyes as she realized just how much the people about her had mattered. Felicity was constantly hovering about her sister meowing excitedly before a cry pierce the air, "Tsukai!"

The Akashiman word for Witch had meant that there was only one person coming through the throng. His movements though deliberate could not hide the fatigue the Witch could see in his frame. The crowd parted about him, showing their deference to General Taka as he moved forward and carefully nodded to the Witch, "I believe you have something that belongs to the Ixian Knights, I am here to reclaim it."

Aislinn held herself as tall as she could before she mustered the energy to speak up, "Yes General Taka? What would that be?"

Moving forward the General produced a key from somewhere on his body and carefully unlocked the chains binding the witch. The wind picked up in the courtyard as the Patrons she prayed to swiftly returned to their servant, allowing Aislinn once more access to the Winds of Magic. Carefully holding the chains he spoke firmly, "It would be a crime for me to allow you to leave here unable to defend yourself, do not make me regret undermining my own orders Tsukai."

"Very well General, I shall endeavor to make your hypocrisy in the matter worthwhile," Aislinn replied.

A hint of amusement left the Ronin's lips as he quipped, "Well phrased Tsukai. Reclusiarch, good hunting. If I may dispense a bit of wisdom?"

"And just what would that be?" Adolph replied his arms crossing. It was obvious to Aislinn that Adolph thought himself the wiser of the two men, though obviously wanted to hear what the Ronin felt would be a profound nugget of wisdom.

"I more readily fear a hundred sheep lead by a wolf, than a hundred wolves lead by a sheep. Good Hunting Reclusiarch-san," Taka replied. He bowed only a short distance before he turned to leave. Adolph chuckled before he mounted one of the horse that were being dispersed through the army to commanders and those troops devoted to skirmishing and serving as the forces vanguard. He leaned down and helped the Witch into the saddle before she asked pointedly;

"What is so funny?"

"That proverb, is the same one he spoke when I taught him how to lead in Akashima, he's just reminding me that I know what I'm doing. He doesn't want me to second guess myself is all..." Adolph replied.

"I am happy that one of us does..." A quick kiss graced his cheek following the words before Adolph snapped the reigns leading the forces out of Ixian Castle.

"As am I, as am I..." Adolph reassured her as he wrapped his arms around her keeping a tight grip on the reigns.

Enigmatic Immortal
03-16-11, 02:36 AM
The trot of the horses made a loud clapping noise as the mounted force pushed forwards. They had been traveling for five days at a quickened march, now homing in on their target. The weather was relatively nice, the spring temperatures keeping the air pleasant so as not to cause discomfort. The shade of the beaten path they walked from the overhead trees also filtered the son into patches that added to the serenity of Concordia Forest.

The main army was inside wagons, the medical wagon at the rear. Aislinn had dismissed herself from Adolph’s saddle for the day, discussing the coming battles with her father, Pierce. The man, though prone to being a certified slacker and incorrigible jokester, was taking the coming trials with an efficiency that belied his calm demeanor. When it was time to get serious, the man was more than prepared.

That left fourteen wagons of troops in the middle, with four more for supplies. Food and water would supplied to withstand a one month siege, then Taka would bring in another force to help keep Valdta safe, dismissing the warriors as they rebuilt the town. In all they had around one hundred and twenty or so warriors, ready to take the town. Adolph was more than positive this force could handle the task at hand. They had Seth Dahlios, Jensen and Stephanie, Ta’gaz and two of his oracles, and he had the entire Chaplains of the Ixian Knights on hand. They could do it, he was positive of that.

The Chaplain felt the sides of his thighs once again spasm from inactivity. He sighed as he shook blood into his veins, adjusting ever so slightly as he looked behind himself. There were not many horses in the Ixian Knights, at least not yet. The trade deal with Fallien was in the final stages, he was told, but with Sei’s sudden vanishing act the already xenophobic desert denizens were beginning to prolong shipments and try to find ways of out of the contracts with keeping the money. Luckily for the entire Ixian Knights, Sei wasn’t stupid, nor was his daughter, Anita. The contract set up was airtight, and nothing the nomads could do would negate their contract, but they were within their right to postpone sending the horses off. The whole ordeal made Adolph rather upset, as he could have used a mounted offensive to blitz through Valdta and take the fort back by storm.

Looking behind himself again he noticed a horse was drawing nearer. It’s pace was going to put itself ahead of Adolph’s horse, so he casually urged his mount onwards. The newcomer was none other than Herald Andres, his comrade in the brotherhood of the Chaplains and fellow warrior who helped save Valdta the first time. Though in those battles Harold had lost his father and his brother. His humor was ill tempered and in the nights when they made camp he remained distant. To return home was not the welcoming feeling he was expecting, and Adolph knew eventually the man would be coming to him for guidance. It seemed he picked now, three hours before arriving to Valdta, to make his thoughts known.

“Hail, Adolph,” Harold called from his horse as he caught up to the Reclusiarch. Adolph nodded to the boy, reaching a leathered gauntleted hand outwards. Harold took the grip and sincerely shook it before looking behind him for eavesdroppers. “I was wondering if perhaps we could talk?”

“Of course,” Adolph said lightly, gesturing for the boy to speak his mind. Harold took a moment, eyes cast down before lifting them up to meet his friend’s gaze.

“I have,” He started, looking for the right words to say. “Reservations, about the coming battles.” Adolph lifted an eyebrow as he moved his horse closer to the Senior Chaplain’s. Harold took in a deep breath and exhaled a deeper sigh. “You know as well as I do that the enemy wouldn’t have taken prisoners. Not after the defiance Valdta showed them. I, I think that to return home and seeing it in ruins would be to much for me to bare.”

“If anything, Harold, I would think that would spur you onwards to avenge those that have died.” Adolph said thoughtfully, keeping his gaze attached to the blue eyes of Harold. The youth kept his look upon the back main of the horse, running his fingers through the hair. Adolph had seen this type of detachment from reality, an excuse to confront his demons piecemeal as opposed to all at once. A psychological defense, he had learned. It always led to depression in the end, which was what Adolph came to realize Harold was in.

“I do feel fire in my heart, but I also feel terrible guilt for leaving them. I feel as if they were abandoned by me and are now dead because I chose to leave.”

“The home had little left for you.” Adolph said sternly. “Only nightmares would be with you in that village. You made the right decision, and the town gave you their blessing.”

“That’s just it though! I promised them that Sei would protect them! That the Ixian Knights were stronger than the enemy!” Harold sniffled in frustration. “That…That I would protect them if the enemy came back! Yet here I am, with a host of warriors to do nothing more than bury their bodies.” Adolph looked to the Senior Chaplain with unforgiving eyes, keeping them locked as he didn’t show sympathy. It wasn’t that he didn’t understand the boy’s plight; On the contrary Adolph felt sorry for him personally, knowing that this was a burden he couldn’t share. In all technicalities Harold Andres may very well be the last villager of Valdta.

“So what are you proposing, Harold? We turn this around and leave Valdta in the enemies hands? That we let them take over your home and let them desecrate the deeds your family and friends died for? Valdta is a powerful symbol to the Ixian Knights that we are ready for this war, and has been a shining beacon of our defiance to the enemy. The fact they marched upon Valdta shows their desire to crush our spirit there as well.”

“But, they succeeded, Adolph,” Harold whispered meekly. “All those efforts were in vain. In the end, those people who died to protect the village never ended up protecting it. Their death’s meant nothing…”

“Quit your sniveling, Harold,” Adolph said sternly. “It spits in the face of your father and your brother.” The youth now looked to Adolph, and he saw something flicker inside the boy’s soul. He suppressed the urge to strike Harold across the cheek, mostly due to the fact he was a bit to far to hit him. “You dare to tell me that all the blood shed in Valdta was for nothing? Is that really how Gunner raised you?” Adolph spoke of the boys father in such a condescending tone it made the boy flinch.

“Before we were protecting something, but this time I feel like there is nothing to protect! That this is just some formality!” Adolph kept his counsel quite before he let out a relieving sigh.

“So all you lack is guidance, a purpose,” Adolph said with calm. Harold angrily snarled moving his horse away from his friend.

“No, that’s not it, forget it Adolph,” He said in a rush. Adolph reached out and grabbed the boy’s reigns pulling him in. When the horse was next to his he released the leather rider and grabbed Harold by the shirt.

“Don’t you dare disrespect me like that again, Harold,” The boy looked to Adolph, ready to argue, before his gaze dropped and he apologized silently. Adolph shoved him back before taking a calming breath. “You came to me, asking for my help. I cannot help you if you don’t tell me what it is that is bothering you. I don’t have all day to pace around you in circles until you feel the ability to share your feelings. Now stop whining, stop bitching, and get to the crux of the matter!” There was a pause before the boy spoke in a soft whisper, his voice carrying on the wind to Adolph’s ears.

“I don’t want to go back and see my shame. I am afraid to confront the people I failed, be they living…” He looked to the side of the road. “Or dead…I feel like a hero who cannot hold his head up high. I do not wish to fight in Valdta, Adolph. I cannot live with the dishonor.”

“Yet you’ll act like a coward and run into the arms of misery?” Adolph strained his voice to prove how strange this sounded. “Boy you got nothing to fear about shame. The enemy struck us a blow, as war is want to do. They struck a powerful symbol to our army, but by striking something so critical they show their true colors of desperation. They Need to break us at Valdta. If anything, you are only dishonoring the memories and promises you made by running away. Returning, cleaning the land of the enemies taint is the only way to clear any misgivings you have done.” Harold looked to Adolph, not convinced, but seeing the wisdom to his words.

“Harold, I won’t force you to fight. No man has the right to ask another to die. I understand you're in a tough spot, and if you truly feel you don’t think you can fight, than I will give you leave. But I do ask you to do one thing to prove to me that you cannot truly fight in Valdta.”

Adolph trotted ahead and turned pointing to the army, and Harold moved his horse sideways to look where he pointed.

“I want you to tell all these people, all these people who volunteered for this mission, that you cannot fight in Valdta. That you are scared of your shame. If you can tell these people you will not stand and fight with these people who come to defend your own home, then, well, you have proven you will be useless to me.” Harold gulped audibly.

“May I suggest something, Harold?” The boy turned to Adolph with a sheepish look. “Start with the medics, who are risking their lives for your home, and work your way to Jensen last. He will most likely cut you if he hears about your cowardice.” Harold turned back to the group of warriors and sighed looking back to Adolph.

“Thank you, brother,” Harold whispered to the Chaplain. “You have renewed my faith in my mission.”

“Or I have scared you shitless from letting you turn tail and run. We will see your commitment in battle.” Adolph said rudely. He needed to be tough on the boy now more than ever to make sure he didn’t fall down the wrong path again. It was critical considering his status as a Senior Chaplain, yet Harold’s next words filled the Reclusiarch with pride.

“Then to prove my piety in the cause I will lead the charge into my own home. I promised my people I would protect them, and to show them I keep my promises I will be the first warrior any survivors see! Please, my lord, give me this honor!”

“Very well, I will let you lead the charge. Now, before we get ahead of ourselves, let us discuss the plan. Gather up the squad captains and our volunteer guests. We have much to discuss.”

Enigmatic Immortal
03-16-11, 03:42 AM
Adolph had to slide in the dirt to a halt behind the blacksmiths shop as he took several pained breaths. Two bodies shunted against the wall, swords drawn upwards in ready position as the Reclusiarch looked over the stone fence to see the enemy encampment. Several soldiers held bows at the ready, notched and scanning for targets while quarrelers in the rooftops of the fort shot through the towns narrow walkways. The Chaplain turned to his two warriors and pointed to another safe zone that they would need to run at. Eyes scanning as he caught the glimmer of something shining on the other side of the road near the bakery. He grabbed the mirror and aimed it towards the sun and wiggled it around. Within moments a detachment of archers dressed in the cobalt blue livery of the Ixian army broke from cover and began to pepper arrows into the barricades.

The enemy ducked after prematurely loosing a few missiles, allowing Adolph to spur his warriors quickly over the stone fence where they ran towards the shelter of a nearby building. Four loud twangs echoed over the confusion of battle cries, bolts slamming deep into the chest of one of the warriors. He collapsed, eyes wide in pain as he scrambled to his knees, getting up and crawling as Adolph turned to grab his arm and drag him to safety. The archers rose from their hiding spot and let out a controlled volley. The warrior was pierced in the knee and the elbows before one managed to pierce his neck. With nothing more the Reclusiarch could do for him he turned, sprinting and shoving the other warrior to safety.

There was a moment of pause, both men gripping their weapons tightly in their hands. His deadly war maul, Crozius, shimmered with blue energy at the tip of the Templar Cross, signifying that the enchantment to increase his strength to exceed five times his normal capacity was working properly. The man next to him held his sword at the ready, looking to the dead body with concern.

“Ignore it, or it will cloud your judgment,” Adolph told the man. “Concentrate on basic training, how do you swing your sword?”

“I swing for their throats,” The man replied angrily. "For every body they took of ours, I'll take one of their throats!"

“I admire your fire, but keep your wits about you. Do not give into the fury of battle so quickly.”

“Yes, Chaplain Gretzle.” The warrior waited as did the war priest, and when the archers of the Ixian Knights fired off volley number two Adolph ran forwards with his warrior in tow, crossing the no man’s gap. Several bolts from crossbows tried to take their lives, but they sprinted for all they were worth. A war cry bellowed from their lips as they vaulted over the hastily built barricade leading into the Ixian’s fortification in Valdta.

With swings made of pure ease he struck the weapon back and forth, blood and bones snapping with ease as the archers tried to pull back on the bow strings. The cramped space coupled by the pressure of being attacked gave them poor aim and poorer strength to their shots as arrows feebly bounced off the thick leather of the warrior priest. The Ixian Soldier next to him was swinging his blade widely, snapping bows and cutting fingers as the long ranged unit of the enemy was mercilessly cut down.

“Make them pay!” Harold shouted over the whinnies of the horses as they broke the cover of the town walls, galloping in full stride deeper into the town of Valdta. Jensen’s riotous laughter echoed behind the Senior Chaplain’s words as several warriors charged forwards with spears in hand bellowing a war cry on their lips. “Cut them down without mercy, strike them to the ground like a hammer to the anvil and let the blood stain the earth as their apology for daring to assault Valdta and the Ixian Knights!” The warriors moved faster as Harold spurred them onwards with his speech and the Reclusiarch wished to congratulate the boy on his efforts, but the fight was still reigning.

They had broken into the town easily enough, but pockets of resitance had shown that the enemy had almost succeeded in causing the army to walk into a carefully laid kill zone. Several archer and crossbowmen were stationed in several buildings and the advance had to come to a crashing halt in order to avoid a slaughter. It was taking hours at a time, but slowly Adolph and Stephanie Odara had led small teams to eradicate these nests so that the main road to the captured Ixian Fort would open allowing the warriors to move un unmarred. He had already lost two of his men in these attacks, but it was part of war and he did his best to strike the enemy down to honor their spirits.

Bloodied fingers lifting, the Chaplain pointed his maul towards the door to the building. “Our work is not done yet, warrior! We will rid the rats of their nest and then join the army.” With ease the man kicked the door down, quickly moving to the side. Adolph flanked the other side of the entrance as both men peaked inside. Several bolts loosed and hit the door frames, but they did nothing to both men. Quickly the warrior next to Adolph charged in, much to his regret as he reached to grab the body. A single bolt shot forwards, piercing the man’s left eyeball until the sharpened arrowhead struck out the back of his skull. He screamed in agony, twirling in a pirouette as he scuffled against the wall to the stairwell, but his screams turned to a roar of defiance as he gripped his sword rushing upwards. Two more bolts ended his life before he reached the first step.

Adolph let out his own war cry as he dashed inside the hallway, finding the staircase at the end with the body slumped to the floor just before the first step. Angry curses and hurried snaps of mechanisms clicking into place echoed in his ears as he lifted his weapon up to his head and threw it like a boomerang. It blasted into one man’s chest, blasting him off his feat as tripped the next man next to him causing the others to pull back in surprise. One man leveled his crossbow at the priest, pulling the trigger. The shot went wide, shattering a portrait upon the wall as the protective glass showered over the Chaplain. Adolph rolled forwards, fingers gripping the sword of his fallen comrade and he lifted himself up skipping steps at a time.

More curses followed by a warrior leveling his weapon caused the Reclusiarch to narrow his gaze to one of pure hatred as he opened his mouth in firey oratory. “And through the flames of the end times I will forge the legacy of my name, my deeds the blood of the enemies I have vanquished, their screams my song of myth!” Startled at the barking passage from the tome of war, the man shot and missed as the arrow hit one of the steps sending splinters of wood lifting into the air. Adolph’s boots crashed on the top floor as the sword came down in a horizontal arc wiping across the man’s throat and cleaving deep as a torrent of vitale passed in the wake of the swing.

The quarrlers retreated further into the building and Adolph gave chase, screamin Litanies of Battle at the foe as he scooped up his maul in his other hand. Within a few steps he was upon the back of the pack, sword piercing one man’s back as he let the pommel go after dragging him into the ground. His maul glowed in the dim lit halls, casting a bluish glow to his features making his face look sunken and horrifying. The weapon lifted upwards and came down in a wet slap between another cowards shoulders, his arms unnaturally bending around the maul’s tip as the body floated in air before crashing on the floor and bunching up in a heap. The Chaplain never even bothered to register if his foe was dead as he ran forwards screaming more hate filled passages of war.

The last four men turned when they reached the end of the hall, arms up in surrender. One of them tossed their crossbow to the side as the others held them aloft like improvised weapons. “No mercy for the weak!” Adolph spat, saliva dripping from his mouth and fluttering behind him as he brought his maul across his chest and swung it out violently before him. One of the enemy numbers lifted his weapon up to block the attack, only to have his crossbow explode in gears and wood as his face was shattered from the mouth down. His jaw was dislocated and hung at an ajar as he twisted until his neck snapped collapsing upon himself. Crozius came back in a clubbing blow across the collar of another foe, impacting the bones and snapping them like twigs under the skin as the body collapsed on the floor.

The third warrior looked to Adolph and charged forwards while the Chaplain was over extended, bringing his weapon down like a two handed pick aiming for his head. Easily the warrior priest brought the haft of the maul up to block the blow, the weaker makeshift contraption denting and splintering from the impact. Adolph lifted his other hand up in an uppercut that struck the man’s chin causing him to rear back. The knight swung his maul and shattered the rest of the crossbow in his hands stepping inwards and punching him across the jaw again. The man doubled back into his partner, who was hastily trying to load another bolt causing the weapon to misfire and impale the bowmen’s thigh. He screamed in bloody torment as his teeth were stained red, lips cracked and adding to the crimson mask on his face.

The warrior priest silenced his screams with a hit to his face from the enchanted weapon, dropping in a bloody mess against the wall where he slumped down. The final bowmen looked to the priest in terror, hands flailing to grab another bolt. When he found on he lifted it upwards, only to have Adolph snatch it from his grip and snap it across his knee as lifted the maul to warrior’s face.

“And in the crucible of battle, I will be your envoy, the herald of the apocalypse, the voice of death itself,” Adolph said in a mantra like trance. The warrior tried to lift his weapon to strike Adolph, but the maul shattered it to the ground in three pieces. Angrily the man looked to the priest before straitening up.

“Death to Sei Orlouge!” He shouted. “I will die watching you fail!”

“No, you will simply die!” Adolph corrected him as the maul came back in a swing behind his head and forwards like a hammer. The weapon’s tip impacted the man’s ribs, each bone impaling an organ, his heart alone bursting from the impact. He slammed into the window behind him, arms leaving bloody streaks as his body flew out to the world below where he fell upon the ground in a disheveled and broken mess.

The Chaplain looked out the window, watching how the main army was doing with the charge on the fort. He could hear the din of battle, the clashing of steel and the screams of torment. He looked over the forces with a baleful, disinterested eye. Turning he walked forwards back towards the edge of the stairs. One enemy was still crawling, desperately, to avoid Adolph, sword still impaled in his back. The Reclusiarch lifted the weapon out from his body, before stabbing it through the man’s neck. Satisfied he wouldn’t move much further the Chaplain headed down the stairs, stopping at the body of the Ixian Soldier.

“I have taken two lives by the throat, brother, I hope that will do.” Adolph placed the weapon in the man’s hands before heading to join the main battle.

Enigmatic Immortal
03-16-11, 04:44 AM
Harold Andres had made good his promise to lead the charge. When the path opened up the Senior Chaplain had wedged his soldiers right into the throat of the enemy and managed to enter the captured fort. The first floor was heavily barricaded, but by pure rage and righteous vigor the Ixian Knight’s managed to swarm them out. However, the second floor saw the progress slow, and the third floor was a complete blood bath as the crimson life force mixed with both armies.

The complex was made of six stories, the first floor was the general greeting area and mess hall. The second floor was the study halls, classrooms and personal training rooms. The third floor was the barracks, where sixty warriors could be housed. Several rooms were used to house the dead bodies of the Ixian Knights who held the fort in the invasion. The fourth floor was the senior staff and supply rooms. The fifth floor was the start of the tower, only a small circular room where the stairs ended before spiraling into another set of stairs so archers and artillery could be positioned. The top floor was the open tower where the siren and alarms could be controlled, including a public speaker. All in all the fort was impressive, but not meant to handle the invasion that attacked.

Nathanial Ambrose and Lilith Windsong were in the thick of fighting on the third floor closest to the fourth floor stairs. Both moved with speed and agility that was unmatched in either army as they used their bare hands and feet to punish the enemy. When the next wave of troops came down the stairs a surprise came with them, which forced most of the Ixian Knights to retreat. Shiyoko, General of the enemy army and Taka’s personal nemesis, had personally came to push back the offensive. Lilith was forced apart from Nathanial as the crass father of the enigmatic immortal did one on one battle with the Akashiman. Ta’gaz and Seth Dahlios has lost contact with anybody and Jensen was also missing from the front lines it seemed as well.

Adolph entered the first floor and found Stephanie ordering several warriors up the stairs as she turned to the Chaplain and gave him a troubled nod. “We got a tiny problem,” Stephanie said to him as they both moved forwards to the second floor flight.

“Spit it out as quickly as possible.”

“The enemy generals are here, I saw Seth going after some chick on the third floor, but I got lost in the shuffle. We were nearly repulsed on the third floor.”

“Correction,” A very melancholy voice spoke from the top of the stairs. “We have been repulsed to the second floor. Reinforcements are needed to hold or we must pull back.” Lilith traveled down the stairs, blood caking her feet and fingers as she watched the scenes around her with a detached care. The elf was always rather odd, Adolph thought, but this was downright creepy. She never once showed emotion, including during times of heightened jocularity or intense sorrow. She just remained…bored he supposed the word was. He had expected the war to at least give him something, yet her demeanor had not once changed.

“Then we will fight. We don’t have the luxury of falling back!” Adolph shouted. Stephanie lifted up her punch rings and began to run up the stairs. Lilith grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed one hand on Adolph’s chest.

“Wait,” She said calmly. Her ears twitched, then it happened. There was an explosion of some sort, followed by several wails of pain before Lilith nodded her head. “The enemy has been employing explosives, they rip apart most of the stone flooring, but the fort seems to be strong enough to take them.”

“Where is Oracle of Wind?” Adolph said referring to Nathanial. There was a pause before Lilith’s answer, her eyes looking back up the stairs. It was the closest thing to concern he had ever seen from the elf.

“He is fighting one of the enemy leaders as we speak. Nathanial is a strong warrior, he will not lose,” She spoke confidently, though her tone did not waver.

“And what of Jensen, has anybody seen the immortal?”

“Jensen has fallen in battle,” Lilith said as she turned to run up the stairs again. “Though I doubt he is out of the fight. If I heard correctly, one must use extreme measures to get him to a point where he dies for any significant length of time.”

“It’s true” Stephanie said a bit winded. "Bastard got some weird orb or something infused with his soul. Overkill or bust with him. Makes my death threats a little more interesting to him when I can't get him to shut up." She smiled to Adolph as she prepared for another charge. Adolph patted her on the shoulder and then lifted his weapon up to a ready position.

"Charge!" Adolph ran up the stairs into the melee, watching the enemy pour down upon the forces of the Ixian Knights. They were losing steam, and Adolph pondered where Harold was in all of this. His eyes scanned the floor and he felt his heart lurch when he found the boy was on his side, eyes closed and sword inches from his fingers. When he was about to run and rescue him he saw the boy’s eyes lift open, a fire in them he hadn’t seen before as he woozily lifted his hand up and down upon the sword’s pommel, gripping it tightly as he let out a roar of defiance standing back up.

“Kill these bastards!” Harold bellowed. “Evict them from our place of rest and avenge our brothers and sisters who they cowardly killed in their sleep!” Adolph rushed to his side as Stephanie and Lilith went off into the thick of the lines, both moving with such speed he had trouble keeping up with them.

“They have dared defile our home!” Adolph shouted, his voice clearly cutting over the battle screams. “There is no proper atonement than their lives for their crimes! You fight with the spirits of those who fell before you! Do not let them see your courage lacking!” Adolph’s maul came down upon a warrior’s face, his helmet squishing downwards as blood gushed out his nose and mouth. Harold’s sword cleaved under a man’s arm, before he turned slamming the weapon into the wounded warrior’s back.

“Repulse this filth!” A man barked back to the enemy troops. “They come with the purpose of destruction! All Sei’s warrior’s want is your lives!” Adolph had heard that voice before. Angrily he searched to find a man in full plate mail at the top of the stairs, a star tipped mace in his hand and a circular shield with the Order of the Golden Dawn’s symbol on it.

“I know that man,” Adolph growled as he ran forwards to meet him in battle. The mace took another Ixian Knight’s life as it bashed against his skull. His body shifted forward and he thrusted his shield out to block a spear and push it aside. Another step came in and the mace ended that warrior’s life.

“They know not the glories of peace through purity! They know only war and death! What world can anyone live in when these heretics to natural order defile the teachings of peace?”

“They come preaching peace but they do so walking upon the laurels of the dead! They wash themselves not in water but in the blood of your comrades!” Adolph countered preached. His maul lifted upwards into an enemies chin, striking him upwards as he twirled in the air out of the Chaplain’s way. The Paladin turned to Adolph and grinned, rushing forwards and shoulder Ixian Knight’s out of his way.

“They bring forth priests that preach only destruction, worshipping gods of war and death. They bring about the end times, a world of eternal war! We fight them to save our children from this nightmarish future!” The Paladin turned his body sideways as he spun, slamming the maul deep into a warrior’s back. His shield came forth and slammed the man’s head full frontally and he collapsed on the floor where the mace came down and killed him.

“They spread lies and propagate it as truth! Take heed my brothers, do not listen to the words-”

“Of a false prophet!” The paladin finished meeting Adolph in battle. The two glared daggers at the other as the mace came down in a swift strike. The maul was a larger weapon, and heavier to wield where the mace was swifter and slightly more agile. It was hard for Adolph to counter his strikes as he dodged left and right, swinging his mace side to side to prevent the enemy from coming into his personal zone of attack.

“Well met, brother destroyer!” The Paladin laughed. Adolph turned on his heel, bringing his weapon out in a backhand blow. The mace came up and glided the weapon to swing wildly over the Paladin’s head.

“Did we not meet in the courtyard of Ixian Castle, where your mongering wolves came to eradicate the world of Mystics?” The mace came for his face but Adolph titled himself back to avoid the swing, lifting his leg up and kicking the Paladin in the thigh. Both retreated to regain themselves and Adolph took the time to lift the maul upwards. He grabbed a chain upon his wrist and clipped it to a chain that hung from the haft of the weapon.

“Astute memory,” The Paladin grinned. “Brother Destroyer, your words of fire are designed to strike fear in the hearts of my men, but I am here to ensure you that I you no longer can demoralize us with your petty barking,”

“Brother Warmonger,” Adolph said back with disdain. “Your words of trickery are designed to poison the minds and souls of my men, but I am here to ensure that I burn that taint out and give them purpose!”

They met again, weapons crossing as Adolph tried to slam his maul into the mace, shattering it, but each time the swing came the Paladin was smart enough to let the weapon ride instead of trying to overpower the stronger Crozius. When he took his steps forwards Adolph didn’t retaliate with a wild swing, but instead kept his weapon tightly focused to his side as he used one of his feet to push him away. They stalemated like this several times before Adolph managed to swing inwards towards his foe’s chest.

“We shall destroy the enemies purpose with courage, stomp their desires with valor, and crush their scheming with honor! We will meet them on the field of battle and show them the truth of our hearts as we manifest ourselves into aspects of war!”

“War is all they preach, but what noble cause can destruction serve? What honor can be found mindlessly killing those that stand before them like barbarians. Strength of peace, courage of virtues, we know what we fight to protect!” The Paladin, despite being on the back foot, continued to counter Adolph’s words and draw him forwards.

“I will end you!” Adolph cursed as he managed to plant one foot and trip up the Paladin. The man fell backwards, eyes cast out in shock as he brought his shield forwards over his chest with both hands dropping the mace. The mistake of the action was simple, Adolph thought in a fraction of a second. The paladin thought he could block the blow and trip Adolph in return. What he didn’t know was that Crozius was enchanted, and Adolph smiled in victory as he brought the weapon down in a two handed hammer blow.

“Watch your purpose die with your warmonger!” Adolph shouted loudly, his oratory bringing the attention of everyone in the surrounding area to watch him destroy the enemies symbol of defiance to the Ixian Knights and what they stood for. The maul came down and slammed onto the shield.

"I will never fall to you, Brother Destroyer!"

Adolph felt all the muscles in his arms scream as vibrations caused him to stumble upwards from an aggressive push. Crozius was not blocked by another weapon, but the shield itself took the attack and repulsed it. When the blue energy swarming around the Heraldic cross slammed into the shield a soft golden aura absorbed the energies and pushed itself back upon the maul. The weapon flew out of Adolph’s hands, the chains attached to his wrist snapping bone as he howled in rage. He stumbled backwards in awe as he teetered away, the Paladin twisting and grabbing his mace coming up with the weapon and bringing it down towards Adolph’s head.

“Die, hound of war!” The Paladin shouted for all to see. Adolph had no time to counter the attack and watched the blow coming with shock. When it was within killing distance the Chaplain began to mutter a final prayer to his gods. Yet the blow never came. A sword caught the mace by the head and parried it as Harold stepped before his friend. Not to be deterred the Paladin rose his shield back in a vicious smiting attack, catching Harold in the jaw, a crisp fresh wad of spit and blood escaping the boy's mouth. Adolph stepped forwards and shoulder tackled the enemy warrior pushing him back.

“So will my death please the horsemen as I give them the glory they deserve in a death fitting for their attentions,” Adolph whispered risking his life to end the paladin. When he came forwards, his other hand held his weapon while his limp wrist was hanging aloft by the chain awkwardly.

“You will stop at nothing to see to it you die, Brother Destroyer!” The Paladin cursed. When Adolph was about to do battle once more he felt wind pass by his face as red strands of hair tickled his nose. Before his eyes he watched Stephanie kicking and punching at the knight as Lilith came forwards with a pocket of warriors, her graceful hands gripping the priest on the shoulder and forcefully moving him backwards.

“We will die here, Adolph, if we keep this up.” Adolph looked around and watched the enemy army push his men back towards the second floor stairs leading to the first floor. The pockets that weren’t near the stairs were getting cut down easily and Adolph managed to growl before he shouted loudly.

“Retreat!” The words came out painfully as said them, his heart wrenching in anger as he watched Harold look to him with confused eyes. The Reclusiarch looked to Harold with sorry eyes, before he nodded and turned with Lilith. Harold let out a mournful wail of frustration as he turned with the army.

“Retreat! All Ixian Knight’s retreat to Concordia Forest!” Harold echoed as Adolph repeated his orders loudly.

“Watch them flee! The cowards have lost their scent for blood when faced with our courage! The Ixian Knights are sheep, easily spurred forwards by the wolf Sei Orlouge! Cut them down for their weakness!” The paladin urged his men forwards, and with the Ixian Knights in full retreat the enemy redoubled its efforts. “Show them our cause is just by ridding them of this earth!”

“Retreat!” Adolph said painfully again as he ran, the maul dragging on the chain behind him as Lilith broke off to cover him.

“Brother Destroyer! Do not forget to shut the door on your way out!” The paladin mocked over the throng of battle cries.

04-04-11, 01:55 AM
The dance had to continue.

Each step was flawless, each person committing all their concentration to continuing the deadly weaving of blades and flesh. Any who sought to enter into the deadly waltz found themselves ejected with a brutal slash from one of the two in the center of the floor. Laughter and curses rose in equal measure as the two sought the destruction of the other, in a whole hearted frenzy that seemed to mirror the chaos of the battle in a deliciously cruel allegory. A knife punched through the fray to go for a gut only to be deflected to the side, going wide of the mark, a solitary scar on the flesh of a feminine stomach. Leather clung tightly to the figure who seemed to be enjoying the game of cat and mouse, even as her red hair moved about as a crimson comet, seeking to distract and debase the opponent.

He would have none of it.

The alluring woman before him was the sickest and most disgusting of creatures possible. The very embodiment of what he had almost become. This creature was designed to embody a sin that would defile the very world about him. There was nothing she offered other than the complete subjugation of anything that made him human. She was the embodiment of Lust, one of the seven cardinal sins from which all others are born. Her laughter echoed in his ears driving him deeper into his madness, making him come closer to losing that tenuous grip on his sanity, even as he reached out with a punch that rocked her, such was the sudden burst of destructive energy from him.

"Take that you fucking tramp!" The words echoed through the room as the woman stumbled back a few steps from her adversary. He wore the plain clothes of a commoner, a leather vest of a linen shirt and dark brown leather pants. His boots were caked with dust and grime, and his eyes were a stormy gray, still full of life and hope. Twin knives were held in his hands, to mirror hers, but where hers were uncolored, one glowed a soft blue in the light, and the other reflected no light at all, merely residing as the darkest of blacks. That blade was like a sliver of pure darkness.

How like the man to exist in such an interesting duality.

The break over she casually licked her lips and tasted blood before she giggled, "I love it when you play rough...give me a kiss and I'll forgive your filthy mouth..." Before the words had finished leaving her mouth a blade was deposited in one of the holsters that sat on his lips before another was drawn. In a powerful throw the balde launched right at the woman, and she noticed it came directly for her eye, before she ducked back and let the blade pass over her. Another laugh left her lips, before she pulled herself back up and gave him a look of desire. Her lips licked in anticipation before she spoke soft, her words taking on a sultry tone, "Oh cousin, you are feeling frisky tonight, aren't you? What's the matter? Don't you want to have a little fun?"

Pink energy coursed through the air as she flung an orb of force at the Man. A knife was pulled to try and deflect the energy, before a shot of fire streaked across the room and slammed into the pink sphere. Silence reigned in the room, before a sneer crossed the woman's lips and crossed her arms, "I don't remember inviting you to the party."

"Sorry to drop in uninvited, but I felt I couldn't stand by anymore, are you alright Seth?"

"Saying I'm not in a good mood would be an understatement," the man replied. A hand casually flicked the wild strands of hair from his face, before sweat plastered them in place. A figure strode into the dance floor his bare feet padding softly on the flagstones. His gaze never wavered from the woman, even as she glowered daggers at the newcomer. His feet and hands were bound so as to help them remain in a proper position when fighting, but other than a pair of loose fitting shorts he was unclothed. Thick cords of muscle clung to his bones and he stood a full head and shoulders taller than the Lavinian Demon, who regarded the man with a casual glance before drilling into the stormy gray eyes of his antagonist. "Meet my whore of a cousin Beatrix Dahlios..."

"That's a rather rude way to introduce me to your friends," The woman scoffed in mock horror. She took up a fighting stance her legs spread wider than normal, and giving her a lower profile. A graceful smile lit up her face as the newcomer studied the stance.

"Hmm, that particular style was thought lost. That's a Revanian knife fighting stance, interesting..." he brought his hands up to his chest, flexing them softly before they curled into claws and he sent a piercing gaze into the dead gray eyes of the woman, "So tell me Beatrix, why do you fight?"

The woman sent a look of incredulity to Seth before she spoke, her tone biting, "I fight because people like you don't deserve to live. I want to crush all you insects under my boot so I can die knowing I purge the world of you filth. I fight for the enjoyment of knowing when I kill you that's one less pathetic creature for the rest of us to kill..."

"Told you she has a screw loose," Seth countered.

"I believe I heard enough, I'll join you for this fight Dahlios..." The man said stepping up.

"What? You accept her answer just like that?" Seth asked a hint of disbelief underlying the tone even as he began to inch forward slowly, getting into position.

"I accept that she is a creature that desires nothing more than chaos and destruction. That is more than enough to let me fight..."

"It really hurts to listen to you two talk about me like I'm not here..." Beatrix replied before she moved into the midst of them, arm slicing out in a broad cut meant to disband the two warriors. Not to be caught off guard by such a basic introductory move the men shifted their focus from defense to attack and began to work in tandem. Seth grabbing attention with an attack only to find that Tagaz would strike then for an exposed arm or leg. What seemed like a winning strategy was actually only managing to contain her as she assaulted them with equal candor. A kick lashing out to punish an advance from Tagaz, while a knife would strike at the Lavinian Demon.

Realizing they weren't getting anywhere it was Tagaz who spoke up, "This does us no good, she'll just keep us here while the forces envelop us from behind we have to pull out..."

"Out so soon? You certainly have no stamina," Beatrix cooed even as Seth sighed.

"You got a point Tagaz, we might as well cut our losses," He said firmly, "Fall back to the second floor, I'll meet you down there..."

Tagaz nodded as he jumped away from the woman who tried to capitalize on the withdrawal. Seth immediately pounced attacking the woman and checking her hard. As she grunted from the heavy hit she realized that the momentum of the two had not stopped and they were still moving. A screech left her lips, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Making sure you don't get a round two!" Seth groaned as suddenly the sound of breaking glass could be heard. The two had reached a window and Seth tackled his cousin out the closed portal, sending them into a free fall. Three stories of height saw them fall to the ground in a bloody heap, her atop him, in a desperate effort to cushion of the lethal blow Seth had dealt to her. The demon lay on the ground almost motionless before it could be heard, rasping and soft;


Slowly the wounds on the demon began to close up, even as a sickening snap of bone saw his arm, which had bent at a ninety degree angle backwards popped back into place. The pool of blood that had formed underneath them continued to grow as the Lavinian demon slowly drew himself to his knees and laughed looking down on the pathetic form of Beatrix Dahlios, who was barely conscious. Standing over his cousins body a knife came to life in his hands before he heard the distinct sound of metal upon metal.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Seth Dahlios..."

Standing up to his full height Seth let go of his cousin who fell in a bloody heap to the ground and turned to look at the form of warrior not unlike Taka. His kimono was left open, revealing a bare chest and the wind pulled and played with his hakama pants, even as the hilts to no less than three swords sat upon his left hip. Seth sighed in irritation before he looked at the man and spoke, "Even half dead I could kill you Shiryko, I don't think you have what it takes to fight me fresh with most of my abilities intact."

"While in no way, shape, or form false Seth, I'm not entirely alone..." The named samurai said as he gestured with his blade. Seth followed the motion to see another figure grinning ear to ear at the Demon. Flanking Seth was a young man who boiled the blood in his veins. His shit eating grin, his casual demeanor as he carelessly twirled a gun in a mockery of the Lavinian's own style. The casual salute, before the click of the hammer being pulled back, and the barrel being pointed at Seth sealed the deal.

"Get out of here Demon, before I embarrass you again..." Andy Rorton, General of the Destroyer forces said even as he tilted his head to the side and gestured with the barrel of his gun.

"Okay, I'd die now, but only because Rorton might actually have the courage to get off a shot before he runs like the coward he is. Even if he doesn't I have to pretend he does, otherwise I'd get shot in the back trying to kill you," Seth growled out.

"Leave now and you can at least take over what's left of your forces," Shiryko offered.

"Where's Nathaniel? He was supposed to take care of you," Seth returned. A gunshot snapped through the air and Seth leapt back instinctively, causing the bullet to miss the mark.

"I don't think you understand Dahlios, you're being told to leave on my good graces alone. You beat up Beatrix which means she's out of commission for a couple of days at the very least. For that you have my gratitude, don't push my generosity..." Rorton replied.

A frustrated sigh left Seth's lips as he saw the retreating forms of the Ixian Knights leaving the fort and began to move, walking past Rorton, who wisely kept a few feet between the two. As Seth walked by he stopped looking Rorton in the eye before he said, "Before this is over, I will make you eat those words."

04-05-11, 01:29 AM
"Broken arm, reparable, set the bone and prepare him as a possible candidate for return to duty."

"Internal bleeding, he needs to visit Anastasia and Pierce. I'll stabilize him but he needs someone to sew him back together."

"Punctured lung, this one needs immediate attention, get Anastasia and we'll see about inflating the lung..."

Dozens of soldiers wounded in the thrust forward were laying on the ground, recovering from their ordeals. Some men groaned in pain, others deathly still. More than a few were set in a row, blankets covering the entire body, allowing the others to not see the grim reality of their fate. More than one blanket was stained a crimson red from grievous injuries, and yet there was crimson that streaked between the men, moving from one bed to another. The crimson comet would hover about a bed and begin immediate barrage of questions before moving on to the next victim of the cruelties of war.

Aislinn Orlouge had found her niche in the organization she had helped to create. With flawless efficiency she had gone from one of the worst members on the team to it's saving grace, categorizing wounds and helping to fix problems before they became too severe to save. Carlos helped, moving behind her with balms and cleaning the wounds, while preparing for some of the easier treatments.

Pierce and Anastasia would move slower, deliberately taking their time even as the other Orlouge twin Felicity would sprint between Pierce and Aislinn giving the prognosis of the patient to be treated. If it was not a quick fix, Pierce would be the one to reach into the men and help them recover, but if the process could be done swiftly Anastasia stepped forward and administered treatment swiftly. The process had only taken them a few minutes to set up, and the relief that flooded through the group registered on the soldiers faces, even as Aislinn finished talking to the last of the soldiers.

Grabbing a towel she carefully cleaned her only hand before another cloth wiped the sweat from her face. Felicity was now walking beside Pierce using her psionic skills to go through Aislinn's head and review the different diagnosis, repeating them verbatim, despite her limited understanding of the terms. The wounded were treated, and those who might not have seen tomorrow were saved, even as Aislinn sat upon a cot down at the end of the tent. A soldier entered the tent before speaking briefly with the Chief Medical Officer of the Ixian Knights. Aislinn watched carefully before the man looked over at Aislinn, and with a free hand gestured the woman over.

Frowning the Crimson Witch moved between the aisles swiftly reaching the doctor even as he reached into the chest of a wounded Chaplain. Blissfully passed out the doctor continued his work unabated even as he pulled the arrowhead out of the body. His eyes glanced up at the approaching woman before he grunted softly and began the slow process of pulling his hand out of the soldier, "Glad you could make it to the party Ais. Listen, the big wigs need to have one of us report the casualties for the next push. Would you be a dear and give out those numbers and field questions on our behalf?"

"Might I inquire why me? You are the Chief Medical Officer, I am merely the volunteer," Aislinn retorted.

"I'm not one for fancy shindigs. Not my fortay," Pierce replied bluntly.

Aislinn's hand went to her nose and she pinched the bridge and let out a sigh of disgust, "It amazes me how you can act so cultured, and still manage to mispronounce such a common word as forte..."

"I don't hear a 'no' from you, so get your cute ass over to the command tent," Pierce replied even as he tossed the arrow head aside and looked to Anastasia, who carefully poured water over Pierce's skin in order to clean it for the next involved procedure. Aislinn let a sigh of frustration leave her lips before she began the march to the command tent, moving through the camp.

The camp itself was rather small, as the forces brought in were barely enough to be called an army. A platoon would be more accurate as the numbers barely broke a hundred and fifty souls. As such casualties were compounded as every missing body was felt more and more deeply. Still the small community had formed up quickly with the tents pitched about almost evenly, perhaps by military discipline, or perhaps by the instructions of the Reclusiarch and General of the forces. Though in this case perhaps General was being too lenient in the use of the term, commander would have easily sufficed as well.

They were the gnat swarm being swatted at by the eight hundred pound gorrilla.

Entering the command tent she moved slowly trhough the ranks of the assembled warriors and heard a rather bitter voice coming through the fray;

"Beatrix Dahios is here, but she's out of commission for at least two days."

"How do you come to those numbers?" Another voice asked. Moving through the fray she finally broke through to the front lines to see the assembled council. Not at all unlike the war room that Taka had taken up as his second home there was a small table upon which sat the amp of Valdta. Ink stained the parchment drawing known fortifications over the towns former layout. Some building were crossed out, casualties of the first incursion into the area by the Destroyers. Seth Dahlios was looking across the table at the voice who questioned him, none other than Adolph, who was meeting the stony gaze of the Lavinian.

"Take my word for it," Seth replied.

"I need more than that if I'm to trust you Seth. I need to know why she needs two days before she's on the front lines. If it's as you say she should be dead for all intents and purposes," Adolph replied his arms crossing over his chest.

All eyes whipped to the Lavinian who smirked before he replied, "Fair enough. Hex Magi have two types of magic, the normal type is the magic they often use in battles. This magic has to be activated by a trigger phrase. Gag them or remove their ability to speak and they can't use it."

"That would have been good to know earlier," Jensen piped up.

"Indeed," Tagaz responded.

"Trade secrets guys, if I just threw out every way to beat me up, how am I supposed to get anything done? If that slipped into enemy hands? The fact Beatrix doesn't want to admit her weaknesses is the only saving grace I got. So excuse me-"

"You said there are two types..." Adolph said cutting Seth off.

"Right...The other type is more insidious, and thankfully rarer, Hex Magi may have only one or two of the second type after a lifetime of battling. This is because they are the Gifts of Mordechai, who blesses his children with the occasional trick that break the rules. The gift she'd need is the same one that I had to take when I sent down into Haidia to grab that damnable sword. For that gift she has to endure at least two days of inactivity, and need the magic to do something. She obviously has a desire to accomplish something, and if Rorton is as dumb as he looks he's going to forgo healing her so he doesn't have to deal with her."

"So two days without an elite to fight. That sounds like an opening..." Adolph replied hunching over the map as he studied it. His eyes darted to Aislinn, and a brief flash of confidence could be seen before he spoke, "Lady Orlouge, I take it you are here on behalf of the medical staff?"

"I am," Aislinn replied stepping to the table following the obvious invitation.

Enigmatic Immortal
04-05-11, 02:31 AM
Adolph looked to his love as she dropped off a folder of the casualties thus far, and arched her back to stand tall in front of the room of eyes that bore upon her like sharks. She cleared her throat to avoid any unnecessary deviations from her speech and with careful precision she spoke curtly and quickly.

“We are down three Chaplains and ten warrior whom will not return to the field of battle anytime soon. Four of your Chaplains and seven warriors of the Ixian Knights have fallen never to get up again. In two days time the major casualties will be able to push, but as it stands in all you have one hundred warriors to commit to a fight as of this moment.”

“Fuck, a whole third of our forces are down the drain in this first battle, Adolph,” Jensen groaned loudly. “What about my dad, Ais?” Jensen said turning to look her in the eyes. She hesitated a moment, as she knew the answer but the question was rather off. Jensen and his father at best could be considered rivals. She had seen first hand the verbal abuse Nathanial gave his only son and believed the stories she heard from Jensen about how the Oracle of Wind used to kill Jensen as a baby before abandoning him.

“Can’t get rid of me that easily, shit for brains,” Nathanial said walking in with a heavily bandaged arm. Jensen turned to greet his father who grabbed his son by the hair and pulled him out of his way as he took his son’s seat next to Stephanie and Lilith. “Thanks for keeping it warm.”

“You couldn’t have just given him poison instead?” Jensen mumbled to the witch. Adolph cleared his throat to get the meeting back on track. When he felt he had all attention to him he pointed to the map.

“Sufficient to say, the problem at hand is that we cannot take the fort be brute force. We haven’t the man power for such a play at this stage. Yet I feel it is prudent we somehow oust the enemy from the fort and hold it. Coming tomorrow we should be receiving another fifty or so warriors, as well as supplies to hold down until a relief force can be brought in.”

“Alright, so what do you propose, as you just outlawed suicide,” Jensen muttered.

“I admit that doesn’t leave a lot of strategy to be discussed, but we must find a way. I am open to ideas.”

“Could we artillery barrage them?” Stephanie asked. “We got one working catapult. At least flatten some enemy troops.”

“The base needs to be kept in tact, and one catapult isn’t going to top the balance. Chances are they have artillery of their own and are waiting to use it. Last resort that idea for now, others people?” Adolph searched the room for signs of someone who had a bright idea, but so far the looks on everyone’s faces had been bleak.

“Those general’s need to be dealt with somehow,” Nathanial said in a deep tone, his eyes cast upon the torchlight. It was common knowledge in the rag tag group that the Oracle of Wind had nearly died when fighting Shiryoko, and had to escape by jumping out a window and fight with broken arm through a patch of enemy troops. He ranted and complained about how the ronin warrior snuck up on him, but his false pride masked his own shame in being beaten in combat.

“I hear they got four general’s here: Rorton, Beatrix, and the ronin, but the fourth is still an enigma.” Lilith spoke thoughtfully, though her tone as always remained bored as one hand lazily fell to Nathanial’s thigh resting.

“It all means nothing to us, if we can’t get inside the base.” Adolph sighed as he spoke, rubbing his nose with irritation. “Come people, this isn’t the first time we all tasted bitter defeat. Remove the shackles of shame from your collars and look forward to how we will win in the end. A set back like this shouldn’t crush our spirits!”

“No offense, Reclusiarch, but for many in this room this is the first time they lost in a very long, long time.” Ta’gaz said evenly. “Our pride as warriors has been tarnished, and for some of us it takes a little getting used to.”

“Then I suggest for those of you who wish to snivel in the corner and lick your wounds to do so outside, for I haven’t the time nor the patience to deal with your cowardice!” Adolph replied with mounting irritation, unable to accept such a bald face excuse for their lack of commitment. “I for the first time in over ten years turned my back on challenge, for the first time since coming to the Ixian Knight’s heard someone else’s oratory ringing in my ears and crushing the foundations of my convictions, but I do not have the luxury of letting such an insignificant set back push me down to my knees.”

Adolph scanned the room again and saw the fire’s in the eyes of his command staff start to kindle once more. “I will not give the enemy even one second to enjoy seeing me in such a state! I will not let them observe me weakened and humbled, but watch me rise from the grey ashes of defeat with fever in my heart and words of spite on my lips. We will not let this minor set back deter us any longer! I wish to brand my weapon again and show them what they got lucky to avoid the first time! Who stands with me?”

Harold mirrored his motions, pumping one fist in the air, but the rest in the room merely giggled or laughed, a light hearted smile on their faces. “Nobody said we wished to tuck our tails between our legs, Adolph.” Stephanie chastised her friend in a teasing manner.

“I’ll let that comment about the Lavinian Demon being a cowardvslide, only cause you make me laugh,” Seth added as an empty threat. Still, with the jocularity Adolph knew for a fact that his intended purpose was met. The defeat was slowly being pushed to the back of everyone’s mind, and the gears started to grind towards the prospect of a new battle.

“I’m glad you all see fit to stand and fight, for I was afraid I would be the only man screaming as I charge the battle lines.” Adolph spoke the words as a joke and the room laughed with him as he relaxed in his chair. “Ideas, gents, and let’s have them all.”

They spoke for half an hour as people tossed ideas around. Sending Jensen and Seth in as assassins seemed viable, but ultimately out ruled as they wouldn’t make it out alive. There were thoughts of using a feint force to strike the front while another flanked the rear and attacked. But it was Harold who returned with several curled maps in his arms along with a pitcher of water. He dropped the maps on the table and began to shift several out of his way before finding one. With practiced motions he plucked the string that tied it all together and unfurled the leathery material and flattened it with his palm making a sharp crunching noise. Jensen and Nathanial held the edges of one side while Aislinn and Seth held the other. It looked like a tunnel system and Adolph observed as the boy looked to it.

“Here, we are here,” he pointed excitedly. “An entrance to the massive tunnel network is near here, we can send in a strike force of thirty warriors to storm the underground and slaughter them in their sleep. As they stir awake we’ll get them as they rise and the rest of the force can charge in!”

The room looked to the map before Jensen began clicking his fingers in thought. “Hey ya! Sei’s tomb is wired all over the place, no doubt he built the fort on top of one them! Probably how the enemy got the base in the first place!”

“Then by all logic, the enemy should naturally have destroyed such an entrance.” Lilith said in boredom.

“Not so fast leaf fucker,” Jensen spat to her, his racial intolerance of elves leaking out the more he got excited. “Not all tunnels lead to the same ending point. If they crush that tunnel they may very well be squashing the one tunnel that can connect to Sei’s underground base. Not to mention that there are only five tunnels I have discovered while in my exile that actually can link to a tunnel that connects to Ixian Castle. By the way, I know for a fact that this is one of them. The enemy may know that as well, and so to crush the only tunnel would be unwise.”

“So you have a point, Jensen, but then I propose this,” Adolph said. “Do you think the enemy so stupid to not defend it?”

“As a matter of fact, I don’t,” Jensen observed. He then turned to his dad and shrugged.

“What my slightly mentally damaged son is hinting at with his shit eating grin and doofy looking slack jawed eyes-”

“That made so sense, Nathanial,” Lilith interjected.

“Is that they probably have defenders that are designed to take on regular infantry…”

“Not us,” Seth said brandishing his knives in a cruel chuckle. “Hell, now that I think of it, who the hell guards the tombs to Sei’s castle?”

“Idiots like Pell Duyo and Jaime,” Aislinn said with mild irritation thinking to the two warriors who are laughably the most incompetent idiots in the world.”

“I see what you are all saying,” Adolph admitted with a sly smile. “This strike force will consist of everyone in this room and ten Chaplains. Harold, I wish for you to lead the forces in the hammer blow once we have set up the anvil. Can you do this?” Harold nodded swiftly once. “Then I see no reason to delay any longer, prepare the forces, we move out within the hour.”

Adolph lifted his body up and turned to the people in the room. “Brother Warmonger,” Adolph whispered to himself. “Forgive me, I forgot to shut the door on my way out, but do not worry, I’m coming back to finish the job…”

04-06-11, 01:43 AM
"This is stupid, we should just close up this hole and get back to hunting down the bastards."

The words hung in the air as two men sat near a rather large hole in the wall. Both were dressed in the random assortment of uniforms that created the coalition that comprised the bulk of the Destroyer's forces. Both men were currently in the middle of a card game, playing one card atop another in various ways. When one could not continue the chain, they would restart the game, continuing and trying to make the other one be the one to lose.

"Listen, I know it's dumb, you know it's dumb but General Rorton said we need to be down here and so we need to be down here. After the last attack there's no telling what will happen..." The other man spoke with a heavy accent, his voice giving away the fact he was from Salvar.

"Like they're really going to come up through here. It's a bottle neck, they'd be idiots to try," The other replied. He sighed as he looked at his hand before he sneered and slapped the cards down, "I swear you're using some kind of card trick to keep winning..."

"You have half a deck, and so do I, how can I cheat with those odds?"


Both men froze hearing the odd noise before they looked at each other. One shrugged and pointed to the hole while the other sighed. Occasionally a weird noise would come from the hole and they'd be force to check. It usually staved off boredom for another few minutes before they were back to their endless round of card games. Moving carefully one picked a torch from the walls, carefully shedding light through the darkness, sweeping away the fear that had piqued their curiosities.


"What is that?" One of the men asked. The torchlight couldn't reveal anything, and so the man stepped through the hole in the wall to look about. His partner in crime moved carefully behind him, watching for any sign of treachery, even as he frowned seeing nothing. Both men were on edge as they had definitely heard something, and proceeded further down the tunnel. Finally they heard it again;


This time it had come from behind. The men turned around and realized the folly of their advancement. Never looking back they had failed to spot the two dark figures that even now were standing at the entrance to the fort. One held a dark knife against the rock and carefully tapped it against the rock, producing the noise, even as a sickening smile slashed his face. The other laughed softly and shook his head before he held up a small sack to the man with the knife.

"You win, I really didn't think they'd be dumb enough to go that far down the tunnel..."

"Who are you?" One of the men said as he reached to his waist and realized the biggest problem, he had no weapon. It was laying discarded on the ground back in the basement of the fort. An eyebrow raised from the knife wielder as he shook his head slowly. Carefully he took the pouch and pocketed it in payment of the alleged gamble.

"Apparently don't feel like investigating noises with weapons either...and you know the best part of this?" Both of the guards carefully shook their heads before the dark chuckle turned into a bombastic laugh, "Now that you're in the tunnels, no one is going to hear you scream!"

Both men collapsed down on the two would be guards, who tried to fight back, to call out and eventually to flee the scene, before they were brutally killed by efficient use of knife and fist. With the sentries knocked out Seth looked down the tunnel, and heard the approaching sounds of the other elites in armor. Soon a flash in the torchlight revealed the presence of Adolph, who looked down at the men with a sigh of disgust, "Any alarms raised?"

"Unless they have magic wards monitoring these two, there shouldn't be any until we cross the thresh hold, by then it'll be too late. How's the 'distraction'?" The knife wielder responded as he wiped his blade off on the clothing of his victim. The other man was only shaking his head before he muttered something and grabbed a small pouch. This caused the knife wielder to frown before he checked his corpse and spat, "You son of a bitch, you found trail mix didn't you?"

"And to think that you kiss your mother with that mouth-" Came the smarmy reply before Adolph cut the two of them off.

"Seth, Jensen, this isn't the time for your antics. You are sure they have a ward up on the doorway?"

Seth carefully lead the chaplain up to the threshold before he carefully moved a bit of dirt and rubble, "I'm not exactly skilled in disabling these things, that's probably Aislinn's thing, but I can sure as hell spot them. I am a thief after all..." Under the ground was a solitary stone tablet that held within it a glyph. Occasionally light blue energy would run along the grooves of the glyph before it would die, showing the arcane energy radiating from it. Jensen muttered something causing a dirty look to be shot at him from Seth's eyes before he looked up at Adolph, "So either you cross the threshold or I see if I can disable it and buy us time to get into position..."

"Don't bother, by now our distraction should be going off. With luck we can outflank the enemy and cause a rout on the first floor. Without any way of easily reinforcing and preventing entry we can push on to the second floor. Hopefully the late night will mean guards are light. Everyone ready?"

Adolph needn't have looked back to see the anxious faces of the other warriors in his retinue. Instead he looked through the hole in the wall before he stepped in, "Well then, let us be the gracious host and evict our wayward guests."

Enigmatic Immortal
05-03-11, 04:57 AM
Adolph moved swiftly down the tunnel towards the ramp gateway into the lower reaches of the Ixian tower. The fort was stirring as alarms were being raised, but it seemed the frontal action of the army was working just fine in being a good enough distraction. So far in their half mile trek and they ran into nothing, and were now a few scant meters away from the entrance way. They could see the muted colors of the enemy soldiers as they rushed forwards, and Adolph lowered Crozius to his clip where he latched the weapon on. Righteous anger filled his veins as he let out a crumbling war chant, beseeching the gods of the Apocalypse for a glorious day of battle.

When they reached the ramp it was one of the officer’s who noticed the flanking action. His eyes widened and his mouth opened before an obnoxiously loud laugh pierced the air over the din of battle, arm outstretched as a knife flew outwards and pierced the man in the throat where he collapsed backwards dead. Soldier’s turned and looked frightened at the oncoming horde, and without a leader to shout them into position they instead turned tail and ran. Adolph lowered his weapon and bellowed to his assembled warriors,

“RAKE THEIR BACKS!” And like one pulsing heart the horde charged forwards in a zealous march, war cries on their lips as Ta’gaz led the charge ahead of Adolph backed by his two oracles. Jensen slid behind Adolph as they stalked up the entryway and managed to hit the stone cobbled floor of the first floor, watching the Ixian Knights push through the main door as the enemy began to call for retreat to the second floor.

Meeting up with Herald on the first floor the Chaplain flicked one hand through his sweaty hair, drips of blood falling to the floor from his sword as the warrior let out a frantic grin. Adolph was impressed with the boy who only days prior was terrified to return back to his home. The two said nothing as they looked to the second floor stairwell. Jensen was already climbing them, an insane gibbering of laughter as weapons launched from his fingertips with practiced ease. His body cork screwed around arrows, his un-earthly agility making him the best suited to rushing the walls hastily put up on the second floor.

“When Jensen is out of sight we will storm the next level, this time we will not progress without cleaning the purge from the second floor. Assign twenty warriors to the first floor to ensure no survivors or reinforcements arrive.” Herald nodded once in acknowledgment, and began to bellow the orders out as Adolph began to look upon the second floor. Lilith and Nathanial waited with eagerness as Ta’gaz stood next to Stephanie, observing her like a teacher would a pupil as the woman worriedly looked up the stairs to her fiancé. Adolph stepped forwards and stood shoulder to shoulder with his closest friend and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

“He has easily made it past the barricades,” Lilith spoke in her usual detached manor, her ears twitching as she listened. “I can still hear his insufferable laughter echoing, but it is getting fainter. The enemy will soon drag a death out of him.” Stephanie gave the Oracle a dark look, but kept her counsel to herself. The signal was when Jensen was dead they would charge the startled warriors, and Jensen would return to battle later when he healed. It was a plan the immortal insisted on, but his soon to be wife didn’t like it one bit.

“You must be mindful that this is his choice,” Adolph said to her, trying to give her comfort.

“Shove your preaching in a place of your choice, Adolph,” Stephanie blurted. For her outburst Ta’gaz slapped her upside the head.

“Take your attitude and shove it in a place of your choice,” Her trainer mocked her. “Focus on the coming battle or I’ll dismiss you from the front line myself.” Stephanie looked to her teacher and sighed looking back to Adolph apologetically. Before any more words could be spoke Lilith moved swiftly up the stairs. Stephanie bolted after her as Jensen’s voice echoed to the Ixian Knights, a blood curdling scream of pain. Adolph felt his adrenaline spike as his feet pounded upon the cobbled stonework.

“The Destroyers come!” The Paladin’s voice cried out, looking behind his back as his mace lifted from the back of Jensen’s spine. Adolph lowered Crozius to his side as he ran forwards to meet him in combat yet again. Lilith was the first to reach the enemy, her foot coming up in a violent roundhouse that snapped an enemies neck with ease as he spun wildly to the left. Stephanie was next screeching like a harpy as her body vaulted over a barricade, punch rings extended forwards as she landed her entire body upon one warrior, impaling him in and using him as a landing pad. A shot of magma from Ta’gaz’s fists steam rolled through four people before the Paladin’s shield glowed brightly with a stunning golden luminance, absorbing the shot and returning it.

Crozius lifted upwards in a violent arc, hitting the repulsed magma shot and obliterating it sending flakes of flames around him. He stepped forwards in the smoke, weapon swinging horizontally as it connected with the enemy, smashing a hip to pieces as the body collided creating a domino effect as the Reclusiarch made way for his date with his new hated foe.

“Brother Warmonger!” Adolph cried out in challenge. “I have come to evict you from my home! Stop hiding and show me a combat worthy of the gods!”

The Paladin retreated as the Ixian Knights moved up the stairs, easily overwhelming the meager defense force as they pushed them back to the third floor and the other rooms of the second floor. Adolph’s weapon lifted up and crashed down with thunderous force splitting a warrior’s skull as a blood gushed out his nose and mouth. Adolph stepped over his body and chanted his litanies of battle, spurring his warriors to greater deeds.

Lilith moved forwards into the fray, her feet easily carrying her nimbly from one foe to the next as she dispatched the enemy with precise, blindingly fast strikes. Nathanial was behind her by a step the entire way, brutal knees and punches catching his foe’s in the stomach and chins. Ta’gaz joined his warriors as he tossed one of his opponents into the mess of warrior’s, Ixian Knights rushing forwards to stab them before they could regroup.

Adolph watched as Stephanie turned her back on one foe, her foot caught as a dying warrior grabbed her leg in a death vice. Adolph bellowed to her, trying to warn her as his feet moved swiftly, bashing enemies out of his way. She noticed the warrior sneaking up on her and attempted to kick him but tripped forwards exposing her neck to his axe. The weapon rose and the enemy let out a cry of frustration, and Adolph felt his heart lurch.

Laughter bellowed to his side as a knife took the warrior in the back. Stephanie managed to kick herself free and finish the enemy off as Jensen rose again from the dead, back arching as eldritch power fused his shattered spine back together. He let out a roar of pain before turning with weapons in hand, tossing them at the enemy as Stephanie fought her way to his side. Adolph charged over to him and the three looked to each other before Jensen let out another fit of giggles moving towards the third floor.

“Must you always insist on laughing?” Adolph asked.

“I can’t help it,” Jensen piped. “It’s so damn fun!” To prove his point the Enigmatic immortal began to spin wildly as his feet and fists flew outwards, punching and kicking several foes as they couldn’t retaliate with any skill once so ever. The immortal was just to fast, to agile for them to land a solid blow as he always managed to skirt just inches out of their reach.

“Sei’s warrior’s are following the works of the great enemy, Xemxund! Look at their cackling fool who uses necromantic power to make mockeries of life. If we do not stop them now, we will have another Lich king!” The Paladin cursed as he returned to battle with several more warriors. Jensen turned to the warrior and let out a maddening cry of mirth, arms tossing forwards two knives. One soldier collapsed with weapon impaled in his eye, the Paladin using his shield to block the other one. Adolph rushed to Jensen’s side, standing with his brother in arms as the Paladin called a charge.

The immortal fought like a caged animal as the warriors surrounded them, attempting to use pole arms to defeat them. The Paladin kept out of the fight, grinning as Adolph had to avoid being impaled. The maul swept back and forth in wide arcs to send splinters of the pole arms to the side, Jensen gripping them and pushing them aside as he attempted to close into the ranks of the circular horde. Adolph felt his right side light on fire as one of the spears impaled the soft flesh beneath his ribcage, pulling out violently as he let out a garbled cry of half pain, half defiance. When the spear returned he roared like a lion sundering the pole in a shower of wood, stepping in wards and lifting the weapon to his side deflecting another pole. As another pole attempted to expose his unprotected side Jensen’s fist grabbed the haft, his other slamming down splintering the wood. Adolph at last breaching the lines screamed like a prophet of war, his weapon coming down with righteous vigor as the enemy fled in terror before his wrath as he split the collar bone of one his foes.

When he looked up he could see the enemy in full retreat as Seth Dahlios and Nathanial breeched the third floor. Several cobalt blue uniforms passed his vision as Herald’s voice rang down the hall signaling he was leading the charge. Adolph took a deep breath and searched left and right for the cowardly Paladin, but he knew it was futile as he noticed a window that was recently shattered. Adolph stalked over and looked out to see the man was retreating with several other warrior’s, his left hobbling as if he sprained something in his fall. Adolph cupped his hands to mouth, letting Crozius dangle from the chain on his wrist.

“Brother Warmonger!” He called to him. “Do not forget to shut the door on your way out!”

06-20-11, 12:23 AM
It took them several hours to clear the dead from the fortress. Seth merely watched the retreating forms of the enemy, his eyes never moving from his post. When he and Nathaniel had cleared the third floor his cousin's mangled body was conspicuously absent, making it difficult to determine where the enemy's main forces were. If they were not holed up in the fortress, that meant there was a camp, and Seth would be loathe not to look for any sign of his depraved cousin.

It wasn't until Adolph finally managed to get away from the other reporting people that he made his way to the roof, where the thief sat, watching the direction the enemy had run. The sun was slowly setting as the Lavinian Demon remained unmoving, his eyes almost unblinking. Were it not for the rising and falling of his chest, the Chaplain could have argued that Seth had become petrified in the moments closing the battle. Still, the silent sentinal looked out at the direction the enemy had run before the Chaplain rested a hand on the thief's shoulder;

"Where are they?"

"They cut through the forest to hide it, but I think I know where they went," Seth replied.

"Any idea of how many survivors?"

"Looks like your buddy and a handful of men. That means Shiryko, Beatrix, Rorton, and the fourth general weren't present. This was too small a force to be more than a token presence. They wanted us to take the fort," Seth replied.

"Are you frightened Dahlios?"

Grey eyes flashed a predatory warning as the Lavinian Demon eyed the Chaplain, "You got away with that joke once, I do not recommend you try it again Gretzel."

"I need a scout report. I need to gauge the enemy's numbers, so we don't spread thin and get slammed by a superior force. I also want someone who will come back in one piece. Can I count on you?" Adolph asked his tone dropping to a softer note, ignoring the previous joke altogether.

"I'll do my damndest, but if I chance at Beatrix I'm taking it," Seth replied.

"Why the hate?" Adolph finally asked curiously. Seth's eyes glazed over slightly before he shook his head and waved off the question, confusing Adolph even more.

"I'm leaving now, better to follow as soon as possible so they don't start covering their tracks. Catch you on the other side General," Seth retorted as he carefully swung his legs back to the top of the fortification and began his descent through the building. Adolph watched the retreating back of the Lavinian with a raised eyebrow before someone called out his name and with a sigh, he turned to face the next report coming in.


Darkness fell swiftly through the area, the boots of the Lavinian crushing the scree and dirt of the forest as he gave chase to the retreating forces. his gate was steady even as his eyes were warily watching for anyone who would be surely protecting the retreat, but found no one around. Something was coming to him, something he was remembering about the area before he heard it, soft faint, but intimately close;

"Wrong way."

He stopped, his ear straining to pick up the location before he sneered, recognizing the trick as one he used himself. He kept walking ignoring it, his taunter would surely reveal himself in due time.

"I'm serious, they actually went west, used the forest to cover the retreat," The voice continued.

"Parlor tricks don't work on me," Seth muttered as he kept going.

"Didn't expect them to. After all, you are the great Seth Dahlios, the Lavinian Demon, Thief Extraordinaire. For you to fall to one of your tricks, that would just be sad, wouldn't it Demon?"

Something raced along his spine as his hair stood up on end. He stopped looking down as his hand, which trembled in nervous energy. Flexing it he kept walking, ignoring the voice even as that excited energy never lost its intensity.

"So tell me Demon, are you jealous? Perhaps you still feel guilty, even if you hide it behind Bravado and call it courage," The voice continued.

"You know its rude to throw a name at someone without offering your own first," Seth rebutted.

"So which ragtag group are you a part of? Perhaps the Rehabilitation group? Being under the command of a silly actor who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag without going into character?"

Seth didn't even deign to respond.

"No, perhaps the rumors were true. Perhaps you did let your past go, good for you, monsters like us are so hard to come by, and we never, ever fit back into society, no matter how hard we try, do we?"

"What do you want?" Seth snapped, the intense energy quickening the beat of his heart before his eyes scanned the forest once more. He came to a stop in a clearing, the full moon bearing brightly down upon the thief as his eyes struggled to adjust to the intense light that filtered through the opening.

"So why join Sei? Surely someone else could have offered you what you sought. I mean even your cousin found something in our cause-"

"Where is that whore?"

"Hit a soft spot have we? Family is such a messy concern for one such as us. I mean, think about it, we are monsters designed to destroy everything around us. Yet we both created something, something vile, something dark, and we hope that they don't end up like us. How long can you keep up the masquerade Demon? How long before she realizes just what you are, what you're willing to do, and how much it pleases you to do it?"

"We're nothing alike!" Seth spat, even as he spun around. His pulse was beating a rapid staccato in his ears as he realized just what it was he was feeling. Something he had not felt in a long time. Something he had used as a weapon for so long he was surprised he had forgotten what it felt like.


"Of course not, you still love your little girl. Mine however, she did become just like me. A monster that seeks out other monsters. She doesn't even do it for justice, for pride, or any of those petty reasons the so called Ixian Knights do it. Though, she has been known to attack normal people when she gets bored. No, she does it for one reason alone..."

Knife came into hand as he worked the voice back to it's source, The lungpopper spun quickly on his finger before the knife was sent after it's target moving between the tree's before the sound of a thud echoed through the forest. Seth's eyes narrowed before he listened intently for any sign he had actually connected with the attack.

A dark chuckle filtered through the clearing, "There is something I do have to ask. I mean, tell me, how do you feel about the fact my daughter is less than a few hundred feet from your wife's doorstep? Is your daughter safe? Tell me Demon, how is your family...."

07-24-11, 04:07 AM
"Several more are injured, and we had a few people die. We are now down about twenty more warriors with all the casualties tallied," Aislinn reported, even as she looked about the ruined fortress. The initial attack had seen it peppered by magic, explosives, and more than a few shares of blood. The second had damaged the building further, slowly turning everything into a far more unstable structure. Though a long way from collapsing, there was still too much damage to allow the building to survive another siege.

"Good, that falls well within acceptable losses," Adolph replied as he sighed looking about the ruined building. Aislinn grimaced hearing the words causing a frown to light up Adolphs face before he pressed, "Are you alright Aislinn?"

"No casualty is acceptable in my book," Aislinn replied finally, her eyes clouding as she fought with herself, before committing to the argument that would come.

"That is war Aislinn, it kills and leaves people poorer than they had started. To ignore such a basic cost would be foolhardy," Adolph replied in a more stern tone, such as the tone when he was instructing the chaplain corp.

"I understand that Adolph, even still, I refuse to say anyone's life is so cheap as to be spent and found an 'acceptable loss'," The words were spoken back in a stern tone matching the authority of Adolph with every ounce of the stubbornness that she reserved for her students. Both met eyes as they realized that perhaps this was the first bump on the path of their relationship.

"What would you have us do Aislinn? Would you have us surrender to save lives? Had we done such a thing, then Valdta would not need saving indeed, for they would have been killed to the last man. The force that seeks to prosecute this war does not care one whit for the thoughts of those involved in their vendetta, only that their goal is achieved," Adolph replied, his tone while serious, lacked the edge that would indicate it an attack. The lack of hostility threw the Witch back as she realized he wasn't asking a rhetorical question, he wanted an answer.

"I never once said that the casualties were unnecessary, merely that I dislike the term 'acceptable loss'. It cheapens the life of the men who died to accomplish your task. Respect for the dead is as important to a medic as a respect for the life that lead to it. These men as sacrificing everything they have to protect what is left of this village, and while I understand you sacrificed alongside them, I too put my every effort to see this town recover from the last horror," Aislinn pointed out before she gently stroke a hand through her hair and came to rest on the chaplain fetish that glinted in the torch light.

Adolph's eyes softened before he nodded, "Perhaps you are right, but it does not make the term any less useful. It comes to the crux of the matter while maintaining the brutality of this war. Losses will continue to occur, and if we continue to keep our losses low, we will stand a better chance than if we cause egregious casualties. I will make strides to find a better term than 'acceptable loss', but until that day comes, I shall be forced to use it."

Aislinn sighed as she leaned into Adolph and closed her eyes a whisper of thanks leaving her lips as the chaplain pulled her into a tight embrace. The chaplain had come to expect such acts of intimacy, understanding that it was only around him that Aislinn felt comfortable enough to lower her defenses. The fact he was more than willing to support her despite the fact she had nearly killed him made everything, such as the conversation, just that. These spats would rise and fall, but in the end they had proven their devotion to each other in those scant moments within Sei's Tomb. The words spoken in that room had revealed a kindred spirit that could not be easily broken.

It was at this time the door slammed open, the hinges squealed in protest, as the form of an annoyed Seth Dahlios entered the room. His eyes locked onto the couple, even as Aislinn stiffened and carefully pulled herself from Adolph. The move was done in such a way as to belie the jerk Adolph felt when the witch heard the door slam against the wall, immediately causing her to raise her defenses. She stepped away from Adolph and studied the Lavinian's profile for any sign of the cause for his annoyance, and upon finding none raised an eyebrow in curiosity before the Demon spoke, "We need to talk, now."

Adolph ventured a look at Aislinn who nodded, understanding the implied question before he looked back at Seth and spoke, "Did you get a head count?"

The Witch left the room, closing the door behind her before she heard an explosion of outrage, Adolph hearing the beginnings of perhaps the worst recon report he had the luxury of listening to.