View Full Version : Althanas turns of phrase

03-11-11, 08:24 AM
Many of us have created original colloquialisms while writing characters from various regions. I think it's high time we collected these into a database of sorts so we can all use them, so post any you have here, along with an explanation of meaning and place of origin, if possible. I'll edit them all into this first post and organise by region.

03-11-11, 08:29 AM
'Rodden: A red fruit from Scara Brae which is similar to an apple but shaped more like a pear; tastes vaguely of radish, but makes nice pies.

Van (Pronounced Vaarn): Trade-speak name for a guild leader or criminal king elected by hierarchy or council.

I am sure more will come to mind when I can remember half the things Duffy says...!

Silence Sei
03-11-11, 12:25 PM
'By Santh Til Garos!' ~ A shocked expression Althanians use to express their, well, shocked.

Berevar Bears ~ Bears as white as snow, the only thing that gives the beasts away are their red eyes. A baby Berevar Bear is roughly the size of a regular adult bear, and fully grown Berevar Bears are the size of three houses length and three stories tall. They eat about once a week, and hide in the snow to await their prey.

Quicker than the Facade-Ice Reaver War - a phrease expressing that something was fast, as the Facade claimed the IR HQ in roughly 4 hours.

Thats all I got for now.

03-11-11, 12:44 PM
Just FYI, I'm not gonna include things like animals and plant life in this list, just the turns of phrase.

Tainted Bushido
03-12-11, 03:11 AM
I use "Gods be damned" for expressions of utter frustration or for emphasis.

What in the name of the Seven Seals - refers to the Organization the Seraphs of Sintyre who protect seven seals that lock away more chaotic demons. Often used to express disbelief in a random or utterly chaotic action. I often interchange thayne and god with my expressions as well.

03-12-11, 10:57 AM
Lorenor sayings:

"I will cut you."-A dangerous terms which is double-speak for meaning that Lorenor is intending to cause you great harm.

"By The Thayne."-A general term that means expression of surprise, or excitement.

"To The Pyre with ye." -Basically, "Go to Hell.

I'll write down a few more as I come up with them.

The International
04-03-11, 03:41 AM
"Her words cut deeper than a Kachuck made blade."
This one's pretty obvious.

"Well you're a regular Coronian Captain, aren't you?"
I've always percieved Corone to be a maritime power, so I imagine if a crisis were to arrise on a ship and the original captain were undisposed people would naturally turn to the Coronian on the ship. This turns out to be a derogatory statement aimed at bossy folkes who want to be a hero.