View Full Version : The way of the hero

Leon Jenkins
03-12-11, 12:16 PM
Leon Jenkins was a city boy for sure, after all he had grown up in Radasanth. His father, Leroy Jenkins, was a blacksmith. His mother, Jenny Jenkins, was a baker. His father was the largest man he had ever met, towering seven feet tall and weighing several hundred pounds and was capable of lifting his own weight. His mother was a short skinny woman who was elegant and refined. Their marriage had been the strangest sight to see in decades, and everyone wondered one thing. What would their son look like?

This question was answered several years later when Leo had been born. The result was not expected. Leon got his mothers gorgeous green eyes, and his fathers brown hair. He wasn't as tall as his father, but stood around six feet tall. He had not inherited all of his fathers muscle, just a little, which added figure to his frame. His skin was lightly tanned from all of his days out playing hero with his friends by Sei's tomb.

Then as his friends got older they started becoming apprentices. Timmy, a small breakable looking young man starting working for a seamstress. Elaine, a gorgeous young woman who Leon fancied, started working for a scribe. Soon everyone he used to play with had not more time, and he was left alone with his wooden sword and shield to play alone. His father had quickly decided that Leon should try apprenticing in his shop.

Leon however, did not enjoy the experience. He learned some of the basics, but decided that it was not the path for him. His mother pulled some strings and had him come apprentice with her boss at her bakery. He enjoyed the smell, but the heat and constant flour covered conditions made Leon hate the place as much as his fathers forge.

Around the age of 16 he got the idea to get a dog, so he found a mother who had just delivered a litter and adopted Rosco,a handsome young pup with gorgeous amber eyes and light brown fur that let him camouflage in the dead grasses of fall and winter. With a new friend he continued to relish the thought of being a hero, until one day he snapped.

He took Rosco, who by then was two, and left Radasanth. He had decided that the proper clothes for traveling in the summer would be a simple outfit of cotton trousers and a rugged shirt. He managed to fashion himself a slightly sturdy shield out of Oak planks, but no weapon. He quickly made his way to Underwood, where he had heard a hero could get a good start. That us where our story picks up. In the sleepy town of Underwood, looking for a chance to start out as a hero.