View Full Version : Waran Lethe

Waran Lethe
03-15-11, 01:05 AM
Name: Unknown (Has amnesia using name Waran Lethe for now)

Age: Around 27

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Hair: Long

Hair Color: Black

Eyes: Brown

Height: 6'

Build: Lean

Weight: 170 lbs

Occupation: Conman

Skin: Slightly browned from sun, but naturally pale.

Weapons: Thin short sword and a dagger in his offhand (also used as a throwing knife).

Armor: Light leather armor.

(Skills and abilities rated on a 1 - 10 scale unless otherwise noted)

Sword Dancer - 7
Throwing Knives - 6
Short Sword - 9
Stealth - 7
Acrobatics - 6


Agility - 1.5x faster than a normal person
Charisma - 7
Confidence - 9

Waran is able to dance around strikes and lightly parry blows. Does not parry strongly due to the type of sword used in combat.

Waran's charisma and confidence is used to bend people to his will in order to use them to his ends. Does not always work against all characters, but has a high probability of doing so. Can easily make friends and gather information.

Using his agility he is able to escape a risky situations using something akin to Assassin's Creed. He will wall run and make difficult jumps with precision.

Class: Thief-acrobat. Very agile and able to hide in the shadows when needed.

Personality: Waran does not openly welcome the company of others, but realizes that it is necessary to succeed. He does not go looking for social gatherings, but can be the star of the room if he chooses to allow his presence to be known. Even with his friend Drax that he has met on the road he is generally silent unless something must be said. He also prefers not to talk to people unless he has something to gain from the interaction. He is very confident in himself and his abilities. He doesn’t shy away from anyone, and can gain their trust easily by listening more than talking. He is generally able to lead the conversation to where he wants it while saying as little as possible. Beyond all this he is loyal. He knows who is true friends are and he will fight for them when he is needed. He is very distustful of new people and attempts to control them as quickly as possible. He automatically assumes the worst in people and therefore doesn’t feel guilty taking advantage of them.

Story: The back story of Waran is full of holes. He was found in a field by Drax, a warrior, that he now travels with. His past has been forgotten about. This is why he doesn't know his name or his age. Everyone has become a stranger to him. The only things he remembers is how to fight, and his natural ability for talking to people. He sticks mostly to the shadows unless it is necessary to come out. He can’t remember if he has always been somewhat introverted and cerebral, but that is who he has become now.

Enigmatic Immortal
03-16-11, 04:36 PM
Well hello there shady mc shaderson! I see your shady character's nature is a result of his shady lifestyle. Enough shady things to say about such a shady individual, let's go through the shady process of registration and get you out of the shade.

For aesthetic purposes i would like to ask that all your skills and abilities be separated and then bulleted out. This helps the judges and the people who RP with you quickly find what you can do as a character.

I would like you to list in the category of skills how proficient he is with Sword dancing, throwing knives, and so forth so judges can accuaretly see how well you describe things in your thread in relation to your character's precision.

Also, i would like you to tell me in detail how agile he is. Is he twice as agile as the normal person? Three times? Is he faster at running? Can he climb walls like in assassin's creed? Can he do a handstand and walk over a tightrope? Silly, i know, but these details my good friend make it crystal clear what you are capable of.

Let's start with those edits, and then you'll be on your way to making deals with the devil in no time.

Waran Lethe
03-16-11, 11:03 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I have updated the details that you were looking for I believe. Hope this takes care of it. Let me know what other changes need to be made. I am also going to work on formatting my profile to be more accurate and presentable.


I attempted to update the profile section after this. Doesn't look like there is an option in the profile to bullet the stats. Also I see that my stats are getting cut off because there is too much content. Any tips for making the skills/Items area better formatted, or should I only worry about this in the post here that I can link to once it's approved?


Enigmatic Immortal
03-17-11, 11:47 PM
Okay, next thing on your to do list is to separate your skills from your abilities. Skills are anything that have no effect on another player, like mastery of swords of forging or language skills. Abilities are like your str, end, and fireballs and fancy moves.

Also, at level 0 being 3X as fast as a normal human is a bit much. I would like you to reduce it 1.5X as fast.

Make these changes and we'll see where we are at

Waran Lethe
03-19-11, 10:44 PM
Alright I think I got those separated out properly for you. Thanks.

Enigmatic Immortal
03-20-11, 02:42 AM
Everything looks about right, though in the future I would just consider Acrobats and Agility the same thing.

Just be careful when using your charisma and confidence abilities against other people. You know that it won't affect other PC's without permission, (Though if they seem like the character that would be duped by it, and choose to ignore that they'll be penalized) and also keep in mind it won't get you inside access to secret rooms and always work. All i'm saying is, don't let it be foolproof against the things it shouldn't work against. :)

Alrighty conman, you're out in the world and ready to scam. Approved

I would suggest for you to check out the Ravenheart Academy for ideas for your first quest just to get your feet wet and used to our system. It will be a great way to flesh out your character before going into his real history and storyline and earn nifty loot along the way!