View Full Version : Akashima, Akashima. Beautiful Akashima.

03-19-11, 11:25 AM
Name: Miyako Kawano
Nickname: Yako
Age: 16
Race: Human - Akashiman
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Left Eye – None, Right Eye – Light Jade
Height: 5’3
Weight: 106 lb
Occupation: Spirit Creature Keeper

Appearance: Miyako looks very much like the average Akashiman girl. Delicate features form her cheeks, jaw and hands, but years of childhood sickness have made her body weak and slightly malnourished. Her skin is pale with a hint of sun grazing upon her, as sitting outside was supposed to help guard against her various illnesses. Her straight, black hair is right above her shoulder blades and cut in a fashion so her left eye is usually covered. She dresses typical in Akashiman traveler’s robes.

Personality: Miyako is usually slow in movement but always quick of mind from years of being bedridden with only scrolls to occupy her time. Calm and collected is her usual demeanor, attributed to both her upbringing and the fact that being excited or angry posed a danger to her health. That being said, angering her is also difficult, owing to a particularly optimistic view and a want to understand, rather than violence.

Racial Trait(s):

Human, Akashiman – Respect for her parents and elders are paramount and proper respect must be shown to others as well as long as they are leading respectful ways of life. Even if they aren’t, Miyako will usually choose the higher path of avoidance rather than confrontation.

Other Traits(s):

Nekojin Allergy – Miyako has a mild sneezing allergy when she nears anyone of the Nekojin race.

Frail Body – Having a childhood ravaged by sickness have left Miyako much more frail than most of her peers. Her bones are more brittle and break more easily, while recovering herself naturally takes twice as long as the normal person.

Physical – Taking Frail Body into account, all of Miyako’s physical attributes, except her speed, are 3/4 the average human. Her speed is average. Miyako also cannot run for a longer than five minutes without winding herself completely and should she fall, will risk breaking something.

Mental – Unable to do more than read books, scrolls, and listen to the stories of others during her childhood, Miyako has a great appreciation of things of the mind. She is able to grasp concepts fairly quickly and is naturally open minded. She is somewhat wiser and more intelligent than those around her.

Eye of the Void – Miyako’s Left eye is missing and is replaced by a pitch black pit that draws in light. It is nothing more than a grim reminder of ever lurking danger.

Shimasen Playing – Miyako is able to play the shimasen at an above average level as long as the tempo is slow to moderate speeds. Miyako is only able to play faster tempos at an average level. She uses this to mainly entertain herself or others while telling a story.

Spirit Watch – Miyako is able to see and perceive spirit creatures where as the normal human cannot.

Herbalist – Miyako has learned a great deal about different medicines and herbs that can affect both those in the physical world and spiritual. Miyako’s knowledge of such things is extensive but not mastered. Her personal belief is that it never will be, as there is always an unknown.

Knowledge of the Spirits – Miyako was able to see strange spirit creatures and life forms ever since she was a child. Her family simply told her they were only manifestations of her fevered mind. She accepted this until she grew older and began to learn extensively about them due to unfortunate circumstances in her life.

Spirit Beacon – Spirits creatures are naturally attracted to Miyako if she stays in one area for too long. The effects is constant, but require at least a few months of Miyako staying in a general area of a square mile before attracting a potentially dangerous amount of spirit creatures.


False Fire – To those who are able into the spiritual realms will perceive the fire as a dark blue color and is used to actively destroy spirit creatures. The fire will manifest itself upon Miyako’s hands and requires a minute of burning before it can become effective. To destroy a spirit creature, she must remain in contact with the creature for at least ten seconds. As it is, spirit creatures will also actively avoid these fires upon sensing them, making it rather hard to actually come in contact with them. Those who cannot see into the spiritual realm will not see or perceive the flames. False fires cannot harm those who are in the physical realm of being.

Gifted Eye – Miyako’s right eye functions as a normal eye with the added ability to in complete darkness, but is unable to differentiate color while in darkness.

Calming Voice – Those who are Miyako’s level or lower are soothed by her voice and are able to focus better. At the same time they are also less willing to attack her. Those higher level than Miyako can choose to be soothed by her voice and focus better, or they can simply ignore it.


Glass Eye of the Spirits – Miyako’s right eye was given to her as a gift by a wandering Spirit Creature Keeper after he had helped to save her life. It is made of glass, contains a spirit creature that feeds on light, and permanently embedded into her head. The color is a light jade.

Cherry wood Shimasen – A shimasen made from the wood of a cherry tree. The quality is above average and had once belonged to Miyako’s grandfather, thus making it priceless.

Akashiman Traveler’s Robes – Dusty green and blue patterns play across the shoulders and back while brown cloth makes up everything below the waist. Simple, but durable travelling clothing.

Spirit Needle – A 5” needle used to immobilize small spirit creatures. Otherwise, can function as a normal needle.

Portable Medicinal Cabinet – Various herbs, dried grasses, spices and other oddities are held in small draws of the cabinet. Its dimensions are 1’0 wide by 0’6” depth and 2’0 height and made from the cherry wood. Weight of the cabinet varies from 5 lb to 12 lb, depending on what is inside and how much there is. There is a small keyhole in the top middle front of the cabinet to lock the draws in place.

Cabinet Key – A small iron key kept on a leather cord around Miyako’s neck.

Miyako was born to a small village in southern Akashima to a farming family. A simple life was to be her intended destiny; to grow up working in the fields and to marry off to a good man, wherever that man came from.

Instead, a deadly fever over took the child when she was five years old and no matter how many doctors Miyako’s family implored, her condition steadily worsened for the next two years with no understanding. When at last it seemed that the child was destined to join their ancestors, Miyako’s condition lifted without reason.

For the next three years, until she was 10, Miyako has a slew of varying illnesses that had neither known cause or could be explain by doctors. To everyone, she was simply a sickly child. Other children were warned to stay away for fear that they might develop her condition. Scrolls, stories and her grandfather’s shimasen were all that she had in terms of entertainment.

When Miyako turned 11, an illness made her eyes sensitive to light and worsened with every day that passed. Eventually, Miyako had to bind her eyes closed to avoid all light, for no matter how minute, would cause intense pain. During this time, the shimasen and stories were her only friends left.

A few months passed and after many doctors had come and gone with no results, a traveler stopped by the house. He claimed curiosity based on rumors of a child who had unexplainable illnesses and was hoping to try and help. Desperate for a miracle, the parents agreed to let the man do so.

Immediately upon entering the home, the man informed the parents that their child was most likely a spirit beacon and that their home was actually infested with a multitude of invisible creatures. The man confirmed this upon entering Miyako’s room, his eyes following unseen things before settling onto the still bound eyes of the girl.

The treatment began with the removal of the bandages, revealing that child’s eyes were already devoured by a darkness eater; a spirit that fed off the absence of light until it could take the place the host’s eyes. In the attempt to help their daughter, the parents had only accelerated her condition.

With her parent’s consent, the man was allowed to draw out the spirit during a full moon. After he did the man destroyed the darkness eater, but not after it had already left dark voids where both Miyako’s eyes once were.

To balance the girl’s body, the man gifted the girl a glass eye on the condition that she takes to the life of travelling. The parents were resistant at first, but after he explained the reason why, they allowed it. That, and Miyako agreed with the man.

Years later, Miyako is still travelling the roads of Akashima, returning home every year to see her parents. She has taken on the same profession as the man who had given her a new life. One that isn’t simple or static, and if anything, fit Miyako’s curious personality perfectly.

Enigmatic Immortal
03-20-11, 02:50 AM
Hello and welcome to Althanas! (Or back if you're not new) Must say this is refreshing to see someone use our Almanac to create such a flavorful character!

I'll be your spirit guide on this little trip through our land, so heed my words and you'll be banishing the spirits in no time!

First off, uh....huh, go figure. I find nothing really wrong with your character. It all looks really well balanced out and not that crazy. I'm assuming the False Fire can only effect spirit creatures, so in essence, you're useless in a battle. (No offense.) Everything seems to be in order!
