View Full Version : Destroy that which is ugly, so that which is cute may flourish.

03-22-11, 06:58 PM
Name: Bria Winceworth
Age: 9
Race: Human
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Pink
Height: 3' 9"
Weight: 60 lb.


Aleraran Scientist Saria Tainsworth dedicated her life to advancing the cause in her home nation, staunchly proud of being involved in projects which kept her homeland on the cutting edge of technology. During Xem'zund's rise and siege of Raiaera, the Alerar nationalist seized the opportunity to infiltrate her nation's rival land for her benefit. During the early days of the seize, she managed to reach Anebrilith before it was overrun and scouted out the famed Istien University. There, she found a bright and prodigious but very young student named Breanna Winceler. Kidnapping the young girl, the aging scientist absconded and began one of her most ambitious experiments yet: to transfer her mind and personality into the young girl, with the intent of weaving her scientific know-how alongside the girl's innate magic aptitude while also restoring her youth.

The experiment was- to a degree- a success. However, instead of having her mind and personality replace or dominate Breanna's, the two minds blended equally, creating a dual personality: two personalities, not split, but combined into a mishmash of each of the component parts.

After the experiment, part of the personality from Saria that phased out was her nationalism and activism, and as such Bria has abandoned Alerar. A traveling weaponsmith took temporary custody of her, allowing her to learn and study how to modify items with both scientific and magical enhancements.

Equal parts youthful mischief and ill-intended lunatic, Bria's blanded personality takes on the form of a mad scientist... as seen through the eyes of a fanciful young girl. She is obsessed with science and magic, and uses them primarily to the end of pursuits which are "cute", "pretty", or "fun." Morally, she is rotten to the core, and has little patience or concern for things that are not to her liking. Additionally, her youthful exhuberance often translates into many of her experiments- both in science and magic- being botched abberations of their original design. It should also be noted that, as with her name, Bria's mental recollection of her own history is a patchwork collaboration of both of her previous "lives" merged together.


Scientific Development - the core disciplines of science, including engineering, biology, chemistry, and physics (as known to Althanas)
Arcana - knowledge of the lore and workings of arcane forces, which applies to magical studies and their application
Apothecary - the refined study of botany, poisons, how chemicals interact, medicine, and the production of tinctures, potions, salves, and elixers (of a natural, synthetic, and magical nature)
Fabrication - an extension of engineering, this is the actual process of taking the raw materials and plans and creating her "experiments" end results.
Languages - Tradespeak, Drow, Elven
Martial Combat - While she is not practiced in a particular form of combat, she knows combat fundamentals and instead has self-taught through trial and error and study how to wield her highly unique arsenal of experimental weaponry.
Cooking - Extremely adept at cooking, to a highly tuned degree of skill. Specialized in study as a pastry chef and chocolatier.
Enchanting - Knowledge of imbuning magical properties and effects into physical objects.
Modulation - Knowledge of applying technological modifications to physical objects.
Brilliance - Very high level of intelligence.
Impetuous - Very short attention span.
Physical Attributes - Her stamina (ability to sustain exertion), stamina (resilience to pain and injury), speed, and agility are all average for someone her age. They give no tangible physical advantage over the average person, although they do help define her behavior how other people perceive her; generally as hyperactive, but clumsy enough to fall over her own feet, and taking injury and pain more seriously- at least on an emotional level.


Despite her age and size, Bria has the strength of an average adult male. This should be readily apparent in combat situations and not be "surprising" to other players, as it becomes obvious in combat when seeing her comically oversized weaponry.

Play Time!
If Bria focuses her mental energies for one post, she can conjure a transdimensional "Toybox", a large wooden box approximately 4'x2'x2'. As part of the finction of the box, it can store any item Bria physically owns. Any object not owned by her (or organic matter) placed in the box merely appears on the ground where the box was after it disappears. The box can only be conjured on a surface with enough space for it (it can't be manifest- for example- in the air above someone's head) and lasts for 3 posts before disappearing in a puff of smoke.


Quantum Transferal Project 1, Model 3 (Q-T P.1.3) *
A telescoping cylinder made of a magically imbued alloy [non-tiered metal strength, treated as silver for tiering, but does not provide benefits against lycanthropes.] When fully expanded, this tube is ~3 feet long and 16 inches in diameter. Resembling a portable cannon both in appearance and function, this weapon draws on magical energies to fabricate matter and propel it from the front opening at a high velocity. While Model 1 initially created the ability to fabricate it's own "ammo" and Model 2 enabled the creation of organic compounds, Model 3 has been refined further: it currently is calibrated to create only "live" ammunition, namely in the form of bunnies, puppies, kittens, or squirrels. As such is the ammo, it is inherantly nonlethal (at least to the targets), however the high velocity at which the created organic matter is propelled from the cannon ensures that the end result is fatal for the cuddly creatures brought into existance by the weapon. It hits with blunt concussive force slightly less than that of a rock thrown from a sling, has an effective range of 20 yards. Due to the time the magical channelling to create organic matter takes, this weapon can only be fired at a rate of one "shot" per post.

Double Rainbow*
A large (42 inch) maul made of yew, this oversized battle hammer has been magically enchanted to change colors on a rotating basis every few seconds. This enchantment is purely aesthetic, and in no way affects the performance of the weapon. Also, due to the rounded heads on the hammer and the flexible wood, this weapon tends to have a degree of bounce when striking.

EZ-Bake Satchel*
A small, brown linen sack Similarly magic in nature, when reached into it conjures any hand-sized baked good of average quality that the carrier is thinking of at the moment. As this was developed as the ultimate "snack time on the run" tool, it only functions up to twice a day... just enough to hold someone over between meals.


Being unable to decide on wanting a pony or a unicorn, this abused and lame animal is the end result of trying to make both into one. By hand carving a twisted bone horn, with a similarly twisted "screw" end on the opposite end, Bria's first living experiment was boring the bone protrusion directly into the forehead of a pony. Unfortunately, her calculations were off and a portion of the bone "screw" end protruded into the equestrian's frontal lobe, causing brain damage. While it can be riden, it cannot go faster than a trot, and bears the bloody scarring of exactly what it is: an enfeebled horse that has had a bone horn literally drilled into it's head. [Half speed, strength, maneuverability, and reaction time of an average pony]

*All of the above marked cannot be sold. Not that you'd find someone willing to buy it anyway, but still.

03-22-11, 08:40 PM
Hello and welcome to Althanas! I commend you on your highly creative and outrageous profile. You've actually done a very good job of keeping this both zany and within the rational bounds of a level 0 profile, however we'll need to make a few tweaks before I can approve it.

First thing I need to point out is that you have too many abilities. You can partially remedy this by merging "Strength" with "Physical Attritbutes", however your magical fuzzy beast cannon counts as an ability, so you'll still 4 abilities, and we need to get that down to 3.

If we can agree that Bria's stamina and speed to not exceed that of a normal human her age, then you can move the description of her physical attributes to skills or personality. However, actions such as swinging a hammer repeatedly or carrying around a furry cannon would tire her out quickly in this case. If you want a tangible advantage over "average humans" in these areas I will need a more tangible measurement of the advantage, namely one that has a number attached to it.

So basically what I'm saying is, if none of Bria's physical attributes exceed that of a normal human, they do not need to be listed under abilities, and you're fine for abilities number wise. However if you do want a measurable physical advantage, one of your other abilities will have to wait till next level.

As for the other abilities... Play Time and the QTP 1.3 are fine, but Glitter is a little too... instantaneous. My suggestions are that you either add a slight charge up time (a few seconds would be fine) that other magic users can detect, or else stipulate that she must shoot/throw/cast it like a spell at the affected area. I realise this is a non-lethal attack but it appears unavoidable under it's present description and I won't allow that.

The only other stipulation I'd like you to add is a one or two batch daily limit for the satchel. She can upgrade it in the future but we only allow basic magical items at this level.

If you need any help, or once you've made your edits post here letting me know.

03-22-11, 09:55 PM
Edits made:
-Other Physical Attributes moved to skills. They were never in fact designed to give her any sort of advantage over normal people, I just placed them under "abilities" as kind of a bookend to Strength since I did need to separate it out. I've slightly reworded it to show this (so there's no confusion to the intentions with them) and moved them to the correct heading.
-Glitter altered so that the "cast" is instant, but the actual effect doesn't manifest for a few seconds. So it shouldn't be unavoidable any longer. Also, it didn't make sense the way I picture it in my head that only magic users would get warning, so the "warning" is apparent to anyone who's actually paying attention. I figure a clever swordsman who sees someone casting should similarly know to ready themselves for a spell and be able to evade as well as a mage would.
-EZ-Bake Satchel gladly limited. And the limitation works out in character, too, so double cheers.

So, yeah, I guess that's a long way of saying: Requested edits made!

Edit of Edit:
On second throught, Glitter removed for Level 0. Strength, while not exceeding "average" human levels definitely exceeds the parameters of her age/size, so it would still leave me at 4 abilities. As one of the others is a primary weapon and the other is pretty much the only way I keep from physically lugging all these huge gadgets around, Glitter's the only real "expendable" one and will hold off for now.

03-22-11, 10:04 PM
Well then, enjoy a 100 exp bonus on your way to approvedville.