View Full Version : Athrem

04-01-11, 11:51 PM
Name: Athrem
Age: 22
Race: Elves
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6'5
Weight: 160 pounds
*Occupation: adventurer

*Personality: He is sociable with when he's among other elves, but not much with other races. He doesn't go out of his way to avoid people who aren't elves, but he does not tend to engage them in conversation unless they really intrigue him. Athrem is quite the ladies man, and is always polite to women that he encounters. Overall he is a nice person and is very trustworthy. He is also courageous in the heat of battle and is willing to die for another comrade if necessary.

Appearance: Athrem generally likes to wear a long sleeved shirt, pants, and boots. He changes depending on the situation he is in. (travelling, resting, fighting/questing) He has long brown hair and pale skin.

His brown hair falls back behind his head and he has pointed ears just like any other elf. His skin is a pale white, common in most elves. He is taller than your average human, but you could surely find many beasts that tower over him.

History: Athrem was born in a community of elves in the woods. He was raised by his parents there along with hundreds of other elven families. Throughout his childhood, Athrem was taught how to survive in the wild, how to fight with ranged (bow and throwing knife) and melee (swords, daggers, axes) weapons, and the art of spellcasting. He had made several friends during this learning experience and developed a deep relationship with each and every one of them. At about 10 years of age, a massive horde of orcs bent on wreaking havoc attacked this community. The battle lasted for a couple of days, and many warriors on both side fell. When the battle came to an end, the elves were victorious, but had paid a high price for it. Many of Athrem's friends and admired teachers had been killed in the fray, causing Athrem a great deal of trauma. What few friends were still alive were too busy dealing with their own losses to come and comfort him. For the rest of that year he was left in a state of shock along with the rest of that community.

Luckily for Athrem, his parents had not been harmed during the battle. They helped him recover from his trauma by continuing his teachings, hoping that it would keep his mind off of the horror he had been through. After that long year of mourning and recovery, he began making new friends. Athrem and his friends were eager to master the art of combat. They wanted to be the courageous men who defended the poor from the evil. Not only were they determined to learn how to fight with weapons, but also with magic. The elders were glad to teach these young spirits, because they were the future of this community.

Now 12 years old, Athrem spent the next ten years mastering the arts of archery, swordfighting, and spellcasting. Some of his training was physical and some of it was mental. After those ten years of training he was one of the finest warriors around. Not only was he strong, but he was quite knowledgeable about the world now. But for some strange reason he had the urge to use his skills, abilities and knowledge not just to protect the community, but to help others in peril. So one day, Athrem began crafting his very own sword out of iron and a fine yew bow. When that day came to an end, he had finally decided to become an adventurer fighting for peace.

- Excellent swordsman
- Excellent marksmanship
- Persuasive
- Wilderness Survival Skills
- Parkour

- Elfish Reflexes (1.5X agility compared to the normal Human Warrior)
- Can communicate with nature to help him (trip someone with root, lift him up with a tree branch, conceal him, etc)
Communication is instant, but the speed of the effect varies depending on what it is. For example, tripping somebody with a root would be instant, but being lifted up by a tree branch would take like at least 10 seconds if it was a smaller tree. Twice a quest, or once a battle, he can gain one effect from Nature to benefit him.
Possible effects: trip opponent, be lifted up by a tree branch, be concealed by foliage, use insects to pester opponent
- Night vision

Equipment: Elven sword (iron and steel alloy) and an Elven bow (yew), Leather padding with thin iron scaling

Enigmatic Immortal
04-04-11, 07:02 PM
Hey there and welcome to Althanas! I'm going to be the one to guide you along the way to getting through here, and hopefully we can make this process easy and swift.

Elvish reflexes: It can indeed pertain to speed, but overall I'd just place it at saying he has 1.5X agility compared to the normal Human Warrior. It's a good frame of reference for people to pick up quickly and agility is sorta a catchall for everything.

Your communication with nature, how long does it take for him to communicate, how quick are the effects, is there a time limit for the effects, and how many times can he do it? A good way to put it is that twice a quest, or once a battle, he can gain one effect from Nature to benefit him and then please list what those benfits are to the best of your ability.

I need to know what material your bow and sword is made out of, and I assume he has a quiver to go with them filled with arrows, right? Right? RIGHT? O.o

If you can get me these edits we will see where you are at, and then you'll be off having fun!

04-05-11, 11:30 AM
So do you think there should be a limit to how many effects I can use with the Nature ability? Also, for the animal transportation effect, are there any animals in Althanas that someone could mount besides maybe a horse?

Enigmatic Immortal
04-05-11, 02:17 PM
I would honestly say calling for help from an animal would be a separate ability all together. It's one thing to commune with the spirits of nature, and a whole new ballgame to commune with creatures. I'd say drop that and save it for a level up, however in the spirit of being nice I'll let you allow to control tiny insects. But to answer your question, yes, there are others. I know a character that has a lizard mount.

make that change for me and it all looks good!

04-05-11, 11:25 PM
Ok I fixed that.

Enigmatic Immortal
04-05-11, 11:51 PM
Okay then, it all looks good! You sir are Approved!

Go check out the Ravenheart Academy to get yourself thrown into the system and use it as a way to flesh out ideas for your character if you want. It's also a good way to meet other Rp'ers.