View Full Version : Taelar Alrenhadil

04-04-11, 06:10 PM
Name: Taelar Alrenhadil
Age: 27
Race: Elf (Raiaerean)
Hair Color: Black, with a touch of silver highlight under moonlight
Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Occupation: Adventurer, freelance protector of elvenkind


While quite well into physical maturity, Taelar is still very young in many matters of the heart and mind. He's seen and endured quite a lot, as have all refugees from Eluriand, but still finds that he has trouble truly understanding and functioning in the broader world. In times of danger and hardship, he has found himself leaning on the mysterious Lady that appeared in his trance and offered him the gifts of magic. Their relationship has become almost like that of petitioner and goddess, though the Lady neither demands worship nor pretends to omnipotence – two qualities that have won her further respect from Taelar.

Around others, Taelar makes an effort to be friendly and outgoing; his natural curiosity serves him well here, though he also has a tendency to pry too far unless dissuaded. He is not very good at reading motives and intentions beyond the surface level, which combined with his tendency to trust first (except for, you know, dark elves and undead and things that are obviously worthy of loathing!) can get him into trouble. His trusting tendencies reach a zenith with other elves that are close enough to pass as Raiaeran – for an elf, even a stranger, he will risk life and limb without expectation of reward. Those of other races who have been designated or accepted as elf-friends receive the same regard.


Taelar is actually quite strongly built for an elf, with enough fat and muscle mass to make him appear sleek and well-fed, though he's still just a bit on the scrawny side of average for a fighting human male. He possesses the delicate facial structure, fine pointed ears and unblemished skin that mark most of his kindred, with the exception of a long scar that begins just above his left collarbone and traces all the way down his chest to the middle of his stomach. It's not particularly vivid or unusual, just a long cut that didn't quite fully heal.

His black hair is generally worn loose, though Taelar ties it back into a tail when he's doing something delicate or fighting; hair in the eyes is not a convenient thing. Under moonlight, especially of a full or gibbous moon, there's a touch of silver to it as though he was a wizened, mature member of his kind instead of the barely-not-a-child that he is. The rest of the time it's just black.

Taelar favors heavy leathers for hunting and combat as a balance between protection and freedom of movement. When in more casual settings, he prefers robes and other flowing garments, taking the comments about 'dresses' in stride.


In hard times, Taelar often thinks back to his early life and recalls the warmth and closeness of family life. The second of two sons – an exceptional blessing for his mother and father – Taelar was the more quiet and thoughtful, leaving Ashern to romp and hunt with those who had grown out of childhood pursuits. Oh, life wasn't perfect – there were the little snags and snitches of daily life – but in general, his father was firm and patient, and his mother always willing to lend an ear to his problems, desires and worries. There were rumblings of unpleasantness from far away, then war with Alerar, but none of it seemed significant enough to affect the Alrenhadil household and their little pocket of paradise in Eluriand.

In time, Taelar began to receive schooling in the elven fashion. He learned of the world, both of nations and of nature. He learned of magic, and the heights from which the world had fallen since the Wars of the Tap. Although he was a quick study, his attention easily wandered to creative pursuits. His teachers concluded that he would make a fine student at Istien after a few decades had purged the wanderlust from his blood.

It was then that outside circumstances intervened with brutal force. Undead armies marched on Eluriand, and every able citizen was called to contribute to the defense. Young Taelar was put into a mage's 'boot camp' for those in secondary schooling who'd showed promise. Although quietly terrified of what was coming, Taelar did his best to absorb the concepts, worked every day and night to try to prepare for what awaited them. Yet in the end, his teachers agreed that he was simply too young, too inexperienced, and not powerful enough. He would be just another tragic death if put on the walls with the more advanced students. Along with most of the others in his class, Taelar was evacuated from the city, along with his mother and father. Ashern stayed behind, joining the ranks of archers that prepared to face horrors that no arrow could hope to claim.

A somber and reduced Alrehadil family settled into a new home in the coastal city of Jadet, which they hoped would be only a brief stay before it would be safe to return to Eluriand... and Ashern. There was little good news to be had, though. Weeks passed into months, and while Taelar's father still hunted and his mother still carved, there was no joy in how they settled into their new lives. Taelar did his best to support and encourage the other elves while presenting a useful and happy front to the city-folk, but it was a great burden for the young elf. Taelar couldn't help but feel that he'd failed, that his inability to learn magic quickly or strongly enough had led to Ashern dying alone in a hopeless war.

Lost and dispirited, Taelar set off one night to the north and west. Perhaps he would find some purpose or answers in the forests of Concordia. To make a long story short, he did – though it was not an easy or painless process. His willingness to sacrifice, however, drew the attention of a mysterious Lady who communicated to him in trance, a time that was usually occupied by his thoughts alone. She asked for his allegiance, and promised in return the magical power that Taelar hadn't been able to learn at the university. Taelar knew very well that he was taking a risk to accept. Though she seemed kind and fair, the Lady gracefully evaded questions concerning her true nature – and though she appeared to him little-clothed, she was never without a blindfold or veil over her eyes. Despite her mysteries, though, Taelar was both determined to make a difference and bitter towards the old arts at not having enough strength to save his home and his brother. Taelar pledged his life to the Lady's service and the well-being of elvenkind, which she told him were one and the same; she would never force him against the cause of his people.

When Taelar returned, his parents could sense that a change lingered about him... even if they couldn't quite put words to it. But they had been worried sick at his absence, and pleased to see him with a measure of peace and contentment. Taelar returned to his rounds looking out for the others of his kind and found new contentment – communing with the Lady nearly every night, and spending his days well. However, he knew the time was approaching when he would once more leave home. Unease lurked in the forest where the Lady had first found him... and Raiaera itself, the homeland of his kind, was a great big mess. Now, however, he was growing into gifts that would help him to do something about it.


Weapon (Light Blade): Taelar is skilled with the theory and footwork involved in using his pact blade, and by extension other swords and slashing weapons. However, the unique characteristics of the pact blade's balance make him clumsy with true swords, so his skill rapidly drops off to a level just above basic proficiency when using any weapon besides his pact blade. When it comes to wielding weapons lighter than a longsword, Taelar is average at best, and anything heavier... yeah. Better pick up a stick instead.

Weapon (Unarmed): While only an average unarmed combatant among trained warriors -- hard-pressed to best an average guard or militiaman overall -- Taelar has deliberately focused on the escape and evasion aspects of unarmed combat. In a situation such as attempting to trip an enemy or escape from a grapple, Taelar is above average, but his ability to hurt anything with his hands is rather lackluster.

Weapon (Longbow): Taelar is below average with a bow, able to shoot targets rather effectively but less able to land a decisive shot in anything that's alive or moving. He's usually better off using his granted magic in an actual combat situation.

Arcana: As a (brief) student at Istien, Taelar is able to identify magical effects with a fair degree of accuracy once he sees the actual effect in play. Identifying a spell or spell origin from casting, or seeing an invisible magical effect, is beyond him. When the fire trap goes off in his face, though, he could probably make a fair guess as to the nature of the spell used to make it... once he pats out the flames.

Academia: While a student, before and during his stay at the university, Taelar had a great passion for learning. He is therefore likely to know the sorts of information one could get out of a textbook -- populations, imports, exports, capitals -- as well as some more abstract debates on the nature of the world. Generally this doesn't go beyond surface-level knowledge.

Diplomacy: Even when unsure or off-guard, Taelar manages to give the impression of being sincere. He's also quite good at forming logical arguments and phrasing barbs in a less-offensive manner. However, this can only be used to full effect when he's speaking native elven tongue -- he hasn't quite mastered all the subtleties of Common yet.

Perform (Song): Although hopeless with flute or harp, Taelar has a pleasant singing voice and enjoys passing idle times or travel with quiet music.

Survival: Once utterly hapless at making his way in the wilderness, Taelar has grown steadily more competent at this, and he's finally -- after a few disastrous outings -- up to about average level. Scavenging food except on a limited basis is right out, but he can pick out a decent campsite, lay a passable fire, and identify some of the more common poisonous and nasty things in Raiaera and Corone.

Bluff: Worth noting here because Taelar is so bad at it. Really. He's bad. Do yourself a favor and play cards with him, if you can convince him that this time it will be different. Even when feinting in combat, he rarely manages to be persuasive if his opponent can get a good look at his eyes / face / demeanor.


No Brute: Though Taelar is healthy and fit, he's still not terribly strong. His applied strength in combat is only about 80% that of an average human male, and his carry load is likewise lighter than it would otherwise be. His 'traveling kit' is not far from his maximum sustained carry capacity, at least when moving long distances on foot. Note that this does not affect his endurance – though his load is less, he can carry it for quite a long distance without tiring.

Elven Birthright: Taelar's movements are lithe and graceful, and he uses this innate gift to his advantage in many dangerous situations. When dealing with muscle and body control, Taelar's ability to control and direct these movements is roughly 50% better than that of an average human combatant. Note that this does not give him additional actual speed, though his effective speed may be improved since he can hold back less of his strength behind very fine movements, confident that he won't mess them up.

Pact Blade: This is the first gift offered to Taelar from the Lady, and the one that defines the life of service he has offered to Her in exchange for Her gifts. In a ritual that lasts four hours from start to finish, Taelar can bind a weapon that he owns as his Pact Blade. This ritual subsequently causes the weapon to vanish as though utterly destroyed. Afterwards, however, Taelar can call the a spectral version of the weapon to hand as a swift action – roughly equivalent of drawing a normal sword from a hip sheath, a gesture that Taelar often imitates when calling the blade. Bonding another weapon permanently removes the ability to summon the previous pact blade, effectively replacing it.

The spectral weapon behaves exactly as though it was the same as the weapon that Taelar bound, with the following exceptions. If Taelar is disarmed, or stops wielding the pact blade (say, just releasing it) the blade disappears, but may be called back to hand with a swift action. About 30 seconds, or at least one combat post, must pass between the blade being disarmed / released and being reformed. The pact blade also takes damage in the same form as a true weapon, and while it can be called or recalled, the damage persists over the course of a day. Every moonrise (whether the moon actually rises or not, just as a timekeeping point for the Lady!) any damage is refreshed and repaired, and the pact blade may be called in original condition. Only one copy of the pact blade can ever exist, so if by some chance some other cicumstance takes the weapon away, calling it anew destroys any other copies in existence. The weapon is spun of what Taelar calls 'starstuff' and so masses slightly less (though strength, sharpness, etc. are all identical to the material weapon that was bound). This means that it is easier to knock aside with heavy attacks, but also easier to employ in the rapid cut-and-thrust style that Taelar favors.

In appearance, the pact blade is identical to the bound weapon, except that the blade always appears illuminated by strong moonlight / starlight, giving it an odd 'out of place' look.

Moonlit Path: As Taelar has learned to trust the Lady's gifts, he has been rewarded with a second boon, the ability to call and employ small amounts of 'starstuff' in the same way that more conventional mages channel elements. He can throw a bolt of silvery light that is concentrated or dispersed, though the total energy of the bolt is roughly equivalent to that of a stone thrown from a sling. Thus, the broader the burst, the weaker its impact. This ability requires a free hand to focus and aim the burst, though otherwise there is no restriction – Taelar sometimes makes a grasp-and-hurl motion, but this is more an aid for mental focus. Gathering the energy for full-strength projection takes about a second, at which point it can be projected, which takes about another second. There is significant travel time, but the 'ball of moonlight' is quite fast, about the same speed as a well-thrown sling bullet. Taelar can call on this gift as frequently as he needs to, but using his hand as a channel does fatigue him, even though the power doesn't come from within. A full-strength projection is about as taxing as fully drawing back the string of a longbow, and holding the projection in place before throwing it incurs similar tension to holding back a nocked arrow.


Steel Bastard Sword: A plain but servicable weapon, leaf-bladed in style and sized to an elf of just a little longer reach, this sword was a gift to Taelar for seeing to some other refugees during his stay in Corone – the first weapon of another warrior thought lost in the seige of Eluriand. This item has since been destroyed as the focus for Taelar's first Pact Blade, but is listed for completeness and a record of the Pact Blade's starting strength.

Hunting Leathers: Leather armor with hide-reinforced bracers, pauldrons and boots. Although crafted in a pleasing way with embossed patterns of vines and leaves, it is otherwise entirely unremarkable, providing modest protection for only a slight hinderance in travel, adventure and combat.

Backpack containing:

Cheap waybread for a week's travel
Change of clothes [heavy cloth robe, leather breeches]
Flint and Steel
100 ft silk rope
Two rope hooks
Fishing tackle

Selith, the Cheerful Singer

In his brief term at Istien, Taelar summoned and bound a familiar under the watchful eye of a teacher to serve as a scout in wartime. Selith, the spirit bound in the body of a mockingbird, was missing for some time after the flight of the last ships from Eluriand, but reappeared sometime after Taelar's vow to the Lady – perhaps a boon from Her, or perhaps just coincidence, but Selith remains tight-beaked on the matter. His persona is male, and his title an exercise in humorous irony. Selith takes great pleasure in mimicking the ugliest calls he finds, or singing a beautiful symphony of tweets and chirbles only to end on a discordant note. He is a very independent familiar, usually left to his own devices by Taelar, but reappearing when called in a time of need. Taelar cannot 'possess' or see through Selith's eyes, but has an awareness at all times of the mockingbird's general whereabouts and condition. They can communicate mind-to-mind at short distances, but Selith can't vocalize beyond the range of a normal bird, and thus can only voice his opinion through Taelar.

Enigmatic Immortal
04-04-11, 07:09 PM
Hey there and welcome to the bounty of Althanas. I see you already did your research on the other realms, which is great to see! I'll be the one to help answer of your questions and move you along so you can begin questing. Hurray!

Your Blade Pact as I read it is fine, but i do want some time identifier as opposed to an out of character one. Like say, if it's damaged it takes a full minute before summoning a new one. Also, is there a limit to how many times he can do this?

Same deal for moonstuff. Or starstuff, I don't remember, hold on let me check...............bah, nto even close, Moonlit path! Ya, i need a number of times you can use it, how swift is the summon, effects and so forth in detail. These little things will make it easier to see what clearly you can and cannot do. Thanks!

Outside those two things I think you got a lot going on, but I'll allow it since none of it seems overtly hideous. You're one of the few people who listed what their traveling sack contained, which was kinda cool to see. Make me these changes and we'll see where you are at.

04-04-11, 07:28 PM
Thanks for the quick feedback! Let's see...

Pact Blade: I'd peg the 'recharge' time in real time as around thirty seconds. There's no daily limit that I currently have in mind because it's basically only active while Taelar is actually wielding it, and goes away when he's not -- he can't sheathe it or anything. And if it becomes persistible, sheathed, etc. then there's really no reason to peg it as an ability since then it's just sort of an odd glowy weapon.

If it would sit better, I could restrict the rebuild-from-damage aspect to only happen once every night at 'moonrise.' That way, damage done to the blade would persist and make following battles more difficult, or even leave him weaponless for the day, but Taelar could still call it to hand freely if it was just disarmed / dismissed.

Moonlit Path: I'd say a second to gather the moonlight in hand, and another second to project it, call it about a second for it to hit most targets, so a time from start to finish about like using a sling or bow. While it has no long-term use limit, I can see some worry about it being 'spammed', so what if it incurred fatigue about like using the equivalent weapon? That would limit it to about an attack per post, or maybe two if Taelar was standing still and devoting his entire turn to going pew-pew.

If those changes / clarifications work, just lemmee know and I'll edit them in this evening. If not, or if you'd rather curtail them some more, let me know what needs changing and I'll put in the altered version instead.

Enigmatic Immortal
04-04-11, 08:23 PM
those changes are fine, and don't worry about your lightsaber pact, it's fine unless for flavor you wish to add in that cavete. (Which personally I like) please edit them in.

04-04-11, 08:36 PM

Enigmatic Immortal
04-04-11, 10:26 PM
Alright then bud, looks like it's all in order. We got the Underwood Mission Board ready to go to town with adventures taking names and kicing ass if you want a jump start, or dive into your own ideas using the recruitment thread! You have fun now, and keep your character away from mine. (He's racist against elves. :))
