View Full Version : Solemn remebrance (Level Zero)

Honor the Dead
04-05-11, 02:07 PM
Name: Raphael Plain
Age: 17
Race: Elemental child (Read history)
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: White
Height: 5 foot 11
Weight: Average
Occupation: Mourning son

Personality: Raphael Plain is incredibly stoic, currently mourning a recent death in the family. His face never betrays his veneer of calmness.

Appearance: Raphael Plain is very well, plain. His eyes are white, his hair, white, and his skin pale. He is not easily remembered by anyone, besides his strange hair and eye color he has no reason to be remembered. He is average height, and average weight, and wears average trousers, an average short sleeved shirt, and average boots.

Raphael Plain was born on an island outside of Corone, to a race of people similar to humans except for one minor detail. Each person is followed by a familiar, born at the same time that they are. The familiar appears to the child on it's first night alive, and is never far away. These familiars are the source of the powers that the elemental children posses.

Rafael's familiar was a black kitten he named shadow. Shadow would walk with Raphael wherever he went, and the two became great friends. Then one day a ship with black sails came to the shore of his home, and that is where his story truly begins.

Shadow Elemental: Raphael practices in Shadow magic

Stats (1 Being compared to actual human 2 being above average human)
Strength: 1.5
Stamina: 1
Speed: 1.5
Intelligence: 2
Willpower: 2 This only affects when moving magic projectiles

Shadow Magic:
Basic control of the shadows that has three "Spell like" abilities

Web of deceit: A small web of shadows that are hardly noticeable to the average eye that is five feet in diameter. that will alert Raphael when someone steps on it.

Shadow blast: Raphael can gather up shadows into a fire-like ball the size of a baseball and throw it up to 25 feet away causing minor burns and also dim the vision of minor npcs and creatures if the blast hits the opponent in the eyes. It takes two posts to cooldown during a battle.

Shadow play: Raphael can manipulate dogs, bunnies, cats, and other small creatures in an area of up to 25 feet away from him. They must weigh under 25 pounds. He can see through their eyes, this is mostly just used to explore, and he cannot make them bite or attack anyone. He is vulnerable while doing this, but can sever the connection if need be and wake up slightly disoriented. If given time to sever the connection he can recover instantly.

One steel ceremonial katana given to him on his thirteenth birthday. It is five feet in length and of average thickness.

Shadow: This black cat is the physical embodiment of Rafael's power. He can communicate with his master mentally, as well as speak. his appearance tends to change with Rafael's power.

Enigmatic Immortal
04-05-11, 02:23 PM
Hey there and welcome to Althanas! During this process I will answer any and all questions to help you get going, but for now, let's do some basics.

Shadow blast: please tell me how big the ball of shadow is. Two or three posts needs to be told in exact numbers. I'd say it takes forty seconds, the equivalent of two posts in a battle.

Shadow Play: limit the range to 25 feet to start off with please, and no creature heavier than 25 pounds can be manipulated. Also, I would like to know if this has a time limit, how often can he do it, and what happens to his body while this is going on? Is he vulnerable while doing this, can he sever the connection instantly or does it take time? Details help flesh out how you'll use the ability in a quest or battle and make it easier for your opponent to understand what you are capable of.

Honor the Dead
04-06-11, 08:55 AM
The changes have been made

Enigmatic Immortal
04-06-11, 01:29 PM
Then you sir are APPROVED!

Head to the Ravenheart academy. All the cool kids are there.