View Full Version : Worldwide quests?

Jack Frost
04-06-11, 01:47 PM
I was perusing the Ravenheart academy's mission board looking for something to do to curb my boredom when something struck me. What if we developed a system to do jobs all over Althanas? We have an Underwood Mission board, I saw some for Radasanth and such. I want something that's less restricted. I want something that is bigger. Here's my idea.

A very prominent Merchants guild that is based all over Althanas has noticed an increase of crime around all of their trade routes. Out of concern for their goods, and for their customers, they have posted a bulletin board in every city their trade routes cross through. On these boards will be jobs ranging from escort positions to slaying menacing monsters on the road. Due to the size of the guild it could justify higher tier rewards, more pay, and the variety of jobs.

What do you guys think?

04-06-11, 02:27 PM
There was a time when every region had it's own mission board. Some actually had several. While I can't say for sure when it will happen, I can promise you that something along these lines will become active again eventually. I really like your idea about the merchant's guild to, and if you're interested in pursuing it, the best way to start is simply by writing about it. The idea will most likely catch on, and who knows, it could become a full fledged concept or feature down the line.

In the meantime, what we do have active right now is the Ravenheart Academy and Boss Battles. The submissions thread for RA is found here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22525-Training-Forum-Submissions-FAQ) in the Writers Workshop. If you'd like to have an official job from the merchant's guild, make a submission there and the RoG staff will review it, make a few changes or add some things, and in a few days you will see that job in the "mission board" section of Underwood. The same could be done through boss battles submissions, although those are considerably more difficult to complete due to the time constraints.

EDIT: I should have mentioned... although the training forum is detailed to Underwood for the purposes of teaching storyline and continuity, you can still write threads that take place anywhere on Althanas in the training forum, and the same applies to the Ravenheart Academy mission board. If you're looking to explore other continents but still want the benefits of the training forum, I encourage it.

The International
04-06-11, 09:07 PM
Numbers is right. Just start quests involving the guild simultaneously and give them some sort of similarity in the title. Get enough people to do it with you and you'll have your own little featured quest.