View Full Version : Advanced Battle Tactics Registration

Max Dirks
04-07-11, 11:05 PM
Hello everyone.

I'm looking for four students to participate in the inaugural "Advanced Battle Tactics" class at Ravenheart Academy. This class will be a hybrid IC/OOC thread where we'll go over the finer points of battle mechanics on Althanas. These include writing topics such as pacing, flow and continuity in battles as well as touchy RP topics such as powergaming, bunnying, god-modding, and omnipresence. In short, I expect to be able to raise your average battle scores by about 10 points. Each of these "lessons" will be integrated into Althanas lore in the form of advanced weapons training. This means your characters can score some knowledge about the most modern technologies and fighting styles Althanas has to offer as well.

It's first come first serve for anyone interested. If the class is successful, I plan to offer it over and over again so that everyone can jump on board. Participants in the inaugural class will receive standard EXP for their writing AND a custom user title. Reply here if you're interested.

Les Misérables
04-07-11, 11:08 PM

Resator O'Caariel
04-07-11, 11:10 PM
I am most definitely interested! I know I'm new to the forums, but I feel like this would be a great way to solidify my writing experience here (as well as get a head start!).

If you want, I can link you to my character's biography and what little I have written thus far.

04-08-11, 07:36 AM
I'd like to register. I've yet to fight a true battle, and I know my pacing, even in quest threads, is extremely forced.

Ganlon Martel
04-08-11, 07:36 AM
Ganlon Martel respectfully requests to be allowed your tutelage, sir.

04-08-11, 07:37 AM
And I'll throw in Taelar, as this is exactly the sort of thing he'd love to do and learn about -- even though I have yet to write a battle, per se. I think, though, that will make your goal of raising average scores by 10 points or more quite doable! ^_^

EDIT: Aaaand ninja'ed, knew I shouldn't have typed more than a 'here'. Good luck, everyone!

Max Dirks
04-08-11, 08:45 AM
No worries, Taelar, I'll take you all.

Expect a thread up by this evening. Be sure to read it carefully, as I'll be giving instructions on how the class will work there.

04-08-11, 11:04 AM
Ah... I would like to enroll with a character, but not sure which one would actually ICly be draw to it. Hrm...

I might have to wait for other lessons down the road at the current time, but I am definitely interested!

07-22-11, 04:46 AM
Hmm is it possible for me to get in on this?

07-22-11, 06:40 AM
Seems that I am too late for such an honor. If I could get in if anyone doesn't show up please send me an invite. I'll be there.