View Full Version : FQ Idea

Jack Frost
04-08-11, 10:02 AM
Let's start an FQ!
If we want to get a good member base we should give them something to want to join in on! So I was thinking of doing perhaps a less cannony FQ, and try something different instead. From what I gathered there was a Thayne war a reeeeeaaaaally long time ago, and it's seemed to spark a lot of angst between groups and characters who revolve around Thayne lore. What if we set up a nice big list of Major and minor Thaynes, distribute one to each "person" (because some of us, including me, have multiple accounts) and write this bad boy out.
Now I bet a few of you are ready to reach through the internet and swat me for this idea that I assume at least someone won't like. Hear me out.
1. This could be a lot of fun!
2. It'll let us cut loose with our writing, give someone control over a deity leaves them a lot of room to write wild battle sequences and inspire lower level players (like me) to stick with the site until we get to higher levels and actually get to write a bit of this.
3. It'll wake up the site a bit, some of our more inactive members will see the site being really active and jump back in, we'll attract more newbies, stuff will get flowing again!
4. We can help members who never write together socialize. For example, I'm evil, Sei is good. I doubt there would be any cooperative questing between the two of us. Now lets say I took on a Thayne of Justice, and he was the Thayne of light, we could write together and create some really cool literature.

1. I could see this getting out of hand just a bit
2. We might not have the moderator support
3. We might night even have the member base for it...
4. It could backfire, people would get in arguments and leave the site never to return again...

That's my two cents. What do you guys think?