View Full Version : Tiurabo.

04-10-11, 11:07 PM
Name: Tiurabo, by Ganir out of Mikhaeli.
Age: 19.
Race: Human.
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Grey.
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 195 lbs, approx.
*Occupation: Mercenary.

*Personality: A man of many parts, he is a traditional fellow, out in the world as a sellsword because that is what his father did, and his father before him, and so on. Generally a calm sort, he is even tempered on most counts but may sometimes fly into inexplicable rages for reasons others would regard as trivial. This can make him difficult to handle, and sometimes dangerous to those around him, though usually he's more a danger to the furniture. As per his warrior's code, he will gladly kill any number of strange men for a bit of silver, but refuses to harm defenseless women, or any child.

He is the sort of man for whom one's word is their bond, and their hand is the contract. Likewise, once contracted to do something he stays bought unless his principles are violated, in which case he might give back the payment, or he may take some other, rather more drastic and final action.

Though some might dismiss him as a brutish, battle-loving soul, Tiurabo is far happier when matching wits than swords. Many more would call him "argumentative", and perhaps it is so, for he loves a good debate, especially those he loses; just as one learns from mistakes at any skill they turn their hands to, a man can learn a great deal of his opponent and the world from an argument in which he is soundly trounced.

Appearance: Stocky and muscular, he is obviously strong of body, but it is a soldier's or working man's physique, not that of an athlete who maintains himself for the pleasure of it. This is particularly evident in the way he moves with a slight swagger, and the abnormally heavy muscles in his wrists and forearms. His hair is long, hanging to his shoulder blades and tied back in a single ponytail and some accompanying plaits. His skin is tanned and weathered on his face, torso and limbs, but otherwise he is as pale as a ghost. His expression is generally fixed and concentrated, unless he is very much at ease or having one of his fits of rage.

Skills: Tiurabo is a trained warrior, hardened by a few hard fights. As such, he is well practiced in the use of his axes and bow, though hardly a master who knows all the tricks. However, his endurance is quite good, since he has been involved in at least one pitched battle, in which he served as both an archer and a frontline soldier.

Coming from a semi-nomadic people, he is well versed in the handling of horses and other livestock. Likewise, he knows how to get around the continent, as well as what plants are safe and which animal parts are poisonous, and how to prepare foraged materials into a filling and tasty meal.

Though he may not know how to turn swords into plowshares, he is a skilled bowyer and fletcher. Given proper materials, he can turn out a powerful longbow in a matter of hours, and enough arrows for three men of lesser skill in a day.

((More to be added.))


-Bull's Strength- Tiurabo is not only a soldier, but grew up in a society that leans heavily on marshal ability. As the child of traditional mercenaries, he has been groomed since childhood to be devastatingly powerful, able to strike through boards with his bare fists and lift or pull great weights, including the ability to effectively use a longbow. This last is especially impressive, given that such weapons require a great deal of training from a young age. It might be said that he has twice the strength of a normal man.

-Ancestral Rage- Kin to his explosive fits mentioned earlier, it is a product of his heritage, often seen amongst his people. However, this sort of madness is different in that he calls it to himself in the heat of dire struggle, strengthening his body, sharpening his mind, and allowing him to shrug off crippling damage for a time. When his Rage recedes, it leaves him drained and possibly vulnerable to renewed attack for a time. (Doubles his abilities in combat, halves them otherwise. May stack with Bull's Strength.)

-To be added-

Equipment: An heirloom suit of armor, steel with a red hardened enamel shell. It consists of a breast- and backplate, vambraces, and greaves (including knee protectors with leather hinges).

An ash longbow, which he carved and strung himself. He has a few extra strings, and carries steel broadheads for hunting and general archery, as well as hardened iron bodkins for use against armored foes (not wholly effective against plate).

A long-handled axe with a bearded head of steel. It is an effective and well-maintained piece of equipment, and just as handy in battle as it is for chopping firewood.

Three small throwing axes, steel-headed. Can double as hand axes in a pinch, handy for combat in confined spaces where his usual weapon would be unwieldy.

A pagan amulet that warns him of magics being worked against him, indiscriminate in that the more powerful the spell, the hotter it will get (includes spells that help or heal, only while the spell is being worked). Two sets of travelling clothes. Flint and tinder. Saddle and tack for his horse. Rations for three days. A pipe and smoking materials.

History: To be added.

04-11-11, 11:49 AM
Hey there, welcome to Althanas! Nice looking profile you got here, there's just a couple details you must add before I can approve you for roleplaying on the rest of the site.

I need a measurement of how much stronger than a normal person bull's strength makes him, For now, I would recommend strength x2 that of a normal person.

Same kind of thing for Ancestral rage. Does his perception and endurance increase? How much? These kinds of details shouldn't change much about your profile, I just need something measurable before I can put this "In the system".

Also, I can't allow and amulet that "repels" fae or demons. My suggestions would be an addendum that it is supposed to ward off fae but actually only glows when they are near, or something.

Let me know if you need help, or when you've made the changes and we'll catapult you over to the RP boards :)

Lastly, it isn't mandatory but I'd recommend including at least a short history so you have something to work with story wise.

04-12-11, 11:45 AM
Okay, twice the strength of a normal man is good.

His perception of things not directly affecting him pretty much drops to nil, but that's mostly because anyone actually involved in a fight with him has his full attention when he calls this. Not sure how that would go systemwise, up or down. His endurance rises drastically, not sure how much, perhaps 2x again, but this ability will leave him very drained and possibly vulnerable. That's why I noted that he only uses it in dire need.

How about instead of warning him of evil creatures, it warns him when people are doing magic on him? So it might warm up during a healing, or get hot when someone his trying to glamour him. Thoughts?

04-12-11, 10:27 PM
Thread updated, BTW.

Enigmatic Immortal
04-13-11, 12:25 AM
As i'm taking over Numbers while he is on leave, i'll be working on this now. Thanks for cooperating.

As I read it, Ancestral Rage just gives him 4X str. That is fine, but I want you to post this boost is for one post only. Also, you mention you shrug off crippling blows during this period of time, but that actual ability reads that only his STR is modified. I assume you may want to tweak it...

give me some feedback on that and we'll check where you are.

04-17-11, 05:39 PM
Actually what I was thinking was that it doubled his combat abilities. So 2x STR, PER, AGI, etc. in combat, and it halves his socials. So 1/2 CHA, INT, WIS, what have you if they don't relate to what he's doing in combat. It's a berserker ability, in short.

As for one post only, I would guess that it depends on the post itself. Were he to be smashing his way through a groups of faceless mooks over a series of short/middling posts lasting about ten minutes, then it'd be more than one post. Were he to be last-ditching against a powerful opponent at the end of a prolonged fight, I'd say it'd last one post.

What say you? I'm not familiar with the overarching system, so what I've said here may be against the (un)written rules. If so, lemme know and I'll change it.

Enigmatic Immortal
04-18-11, 11:49 PM
I am not trying to come off like a jerk, so please do not take this as such, just been a long day...

The post limit is non-negotiable at this level, so I'd make the most of it when you do it, but in all honesty when someone activates the last ditch effort maneuver it usually is a one post deal. You may increase the length of how many posts it goes on in updates, but at this initial level I have only approved characters upping one stat, let alone three. I will allow you to keep boosting all three combat stats (STR, END, AGI) but you must mark them as such, and he's down after that point. Anything that increases during this time MUST BE NOTED or else you will be docked points for powergaming when the judge checks your abilities.

So make these edits and we'll see where we are at.

05-31-11, 01:47 PM
Alright so it's been over a month and there haven't been any attempts to make the updates that were asked. At the current time this thread is basically just creating clutter in the RoG. I will be closing this thread and moving it, if you want it to be reopened in the future please PM me.

Not approved.