View Full Version : Amaretta

04-11-11, 01:22 AM
Name: Amaretta Alias: whatever pops into her head if she doesn’t wanna use Amaretta
Race: Succubus
Gender: female
Age: unknown, presumed immortal (typically appears in mid-20s)
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 125lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Red
**Special note: Height, Weight, Hair and Eye color are all for her natural form. The difference about this will become clear in her abilities )

Appearance: In her natural form, Amaretta is a tall creature with snow-white hair that falls to her waist, red eyes and black skin. She has retractable claws at her fingertips, wings that have spikes on them and a long tail with which she can do a wide variety of things. She likes to dress very provocatively. Her attire in her natural form consists of a halter-top style top akin to a bikini top and high cut shorts, both of black leather. She wears knee-high leather boots that have a 4” stiletto heel. (check out the profile pic for a full view, just imagine her without the horns.)
((For approval processes the leather of her clothing and boots is arctic leather))

Personality: Amaretta, like many succubi, likes very much to have a good time. Unlike some other demons though, she does not take a perverse joy in the suffering of mortals. She is very loyal to those she considers friends and tends to hold grudges for very long periods of time. She is, in general, a friendly-type since she believes the best way to have a good time is to do so with good friends.

Versatile: what man doesn’t want a woman that can get into almost any position he can think up? Ama keeps a strict stretching and exercise routine to maintain her incredible versatility.

Sure shot – this applies only to her magic orb ability. She almost never misses within 200 paces.

Hand to Hand Combat – Ama is of an average skill in close quarters using only her hands and feet as weapons.

Dream Girl: Amaretta can change her appearance (eye color, hair color, height within 6” inches, proportions within reason) nearly at will. She can use any combination of features to create whatever look she wants. For the purpose of the profile a set of features is referred to as an “outfit”. It includes hair, eye, and skin color, height and weight, and bust-waist-hips measurements, basically all outer details of an appearance.

She can only wear one “outfit” of features at a time.
She can change from humanoid to succubus and back again only once per day (or vice versa) because it requires quite a bit of energy.
She also cannot change humanoid “outfits” without first changing to succubus form.
When changing to a humanoid ‘outfit’ it doesn’t matter what the previous one was. She may change to whatever she wants.
Despite being able to put together any combination of features, Ama is not yet of a skill to make herself look exactly like someone else. She can accomplish “strikingly similar”, but it won’t quite be the same and anyone that knows her model well enough, will know that she’s an imposter.

Example: If she is currently appearing as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl that’s 5’ and wants to change to a 5’6” brunette with green eyes, she must first change to the succubus form. This is the rule for even the smallest change (like eye color).

One other thing to note, her clothes do not change with her outfits. Whatever she is wearing with one outfit is what she will be wearing when she changes to another form.

Dark Magic Amaretta has the potential to summon dark magic to do a wide variety of things. Her control ranges from small orbs of explosive force to destroying city gates of the size that protect such cities as Radasanth. She can create nearly impenetrable, foolproof illusions and shields that will block most attacks whether physical or magical.


There are quite a few limitations on her control!! For reasons unknown to her she is not yet able to reach her full potential.
At present the largest orb she can muster is about the size of a basketball and has enough explosive force to destroy an average house door made of wood. (Destroy meaning tons of splinters and passage is fairly easy, just look out for splinters as there would be rather large ones hanging from the doorframe.)
At present, she cannot destroy anything that is made of metal (not even iron will be destroyed or even melted, though it might scorch a little) and particularly strong woods or particularly thick chunks of wood will be able to withstand her dark orbs.
At present, these orbs can only travel in a straight line making them dodge-able, though they do travel fairly quickly. (anyone more than 2 levels above her is not likely to have a problem. Equal to 2 levels above should find at least some degree of difficulty in avoiding an orb).
Ama can only draw on so much power at one time. The sorcery lines in her skin make sure of that. As it stands right now, power usage follows about like this:
9” diameter (about basketball sized) – 45%
5” diameter (a little bigger than softball) – 30%
4” diameter (about a baseball sized) – 15%
2” and smaller – 1%
Obviously, a 9” ball has more explosive power than a 2” ball.
To gain back the used power she must rest from magic use. Every hour of rest = 10% of power regained.

In the light of a full moon, the sorcery that limits her dark magic is visible as bright blue lines akin to tribal tattoo lines, but only to those that practice dark magic. A user of dark magic is also the only one that can remove or weaken the limiter lines. Ama is not aware that these lines are what limit her powers.

Strength: Though she is slim and doesn’t look like she’d be any stronger than the average human girl, Ama is much stronger than she appears. She can lift about 1.5x that of the normal person. (normal here meaning someone who does not do anything to actively make themselves stronger). She rarely uses her strength and it is the only thing that remains with her no matter what “outfit” she is wearing.

Quick Healing: Ama naturally heals 1.5x faster than a normal person, but she must be in succubus form for it to work and it only applies to wounds taken while in the succubus form. Wounds taken while wearing a humanoid outfit will heal at a normal human rate.

Flight: despite how thin and incapable of flight her wings appear, Amaretta is fully capable of flight. She can fly unburdened for around 3 hours before she needs to rest. How does she manage to fly with wings that don’t appear equipped for flight? I dunno, ask a bumblebee how he flies; they supposedly shouldn’t be able to fly either. :p
Obviously if she is carrying a considerable burden (considerable meaning more than 15-20lbs) her flight time is lowered in regards to how heavy the burden is. The heavier it is, the shorter her flight time. She cannot fly and carry anything that weight more than 30lbs. Weight carried also has an effect on the elevations she can reach. Much more than 20 lbs and she’ll be doing well to clear 3-4 story buildings. Her wings are not strong enough for it. She also cannot fly during a battle.

Carried Weight – Flight time ratios (for ease of understanding how weight effects her flight time)
0 – 10 lbs – 3 hours
11 – 20lbs – 2 hours
20 – 30lbs – 1 hour
30+ lbs – less than hour. At this point it would be easier to walk than fly.

Claws: Amaretta’s claws are retractable (like a cat’s) and are as strong as steel. These are her only weapons.

“Thick” skin: though her skin is deliciously soft to the touch, it is quite resistant to blade attacks. Her skin is as resistant as arctic leather. This resistance is only applicable in her natural succubus form. If she is in a humanoid form, her skin takes on the normal resistance of any human. (I realize that this is probably pretty strong, but it is her only natural armor, is only applicable in her natural form, and will not be able to get stronger with levels. If she wants further protection she will have to go buy actual armor.)

Other stuff:
2 changes of human clothes, both are relatively nice dresses without being fancy, and of course have low necklines, she is out to have a good time after all
1 hooded cloak that reaches her heels. Typically used to hide her natural form when she must be in it and in a town at the same time

Amaretta’s early history is rather boring to most. It’s filled with centuries of partying and sleeping around and such stuff that just gets old to write over and over again. In fact, her story doesn’t get interesting at all until about 50 years ago. At that time she seduced a young man and had a marvelous time of it. She thought he did too, but when she went on her merry little way, the young man became very angry and jealous. Apparently, he did not realize that Ama was in no way a one-man woman or that she was a succubus. Seeing her with another man a day or two after she’d been with him ticked him off. Finding out that she was a succubus to boot sparked a desire to “purge” the land of this “evil”. Unknown to Ama, he was a very strong wizard and quite capable of doing exactly as he said he would. In his jealous anger he caused a number of problems for Ama that she would later term as being “not very nice at all.”

In short, he used his magic to bind her ability to call on Dark Magic via lines in her skin that glow blue in the light of a full moon, though only those with connections to dark magic can see them. Once she was rendered incapable of using magic, he encased her in a case of crystal and used a ruby to hold in place the spell that kept the crystal from shattering. Within the ruby was a second spell that could only be undone by the unlikely combination of a 20 year old necromancer that could handle spells that his 40 year old superiors would have difficulty undoing. He was quite determined to keep her from roaming Althanas ever again. Satisfied that he had accomplished his goal, he left her in a cave on a lonely, isolated, uninhabited island and went on about his life.

Fifty years passed before a ship carrying a necromancer berthed on the island to search for fresh water. Whilst stretching his legs, the young man found the cave and decided to explore a little thinking perhaps there might be treasure. On seeing the rather large ruby, he set to work getting it loose. In her crystal casing, Ama’s eyes flashed open then she mentally sighed. It was just another man after the ruby. It would kill him just like all the others that had accidentally found this place. Needless to say, she was quite surprised when a moment later the crystal shattered in a million shards and she fell forward, landing neatly atop her inadvertent rescuer.

It took a moment for her to fully appreciate that she was free, but then she took off as quickly as she could, spread her wings as she neared the cave mouth and soared into the air. She spent quite some time cavorting through the air and dancing through empty fields before she settled down, put on a humanoid appearance and sought out the nearest town or city to begin her adventures anew.

At the moment, she wanders wherever she pleases having a good time. She doesn’t bother herself with fretting about the wizard who locked her away for so long and concentrates her energy on enjoying all that life has to offer.

04-11-11, 11:58 AM
Fun looking profile, but it'll need some fairly heavy editing.

If her "flexibility" and "balance" skills exceed that of a normal human, they need to be listed as an ability. For convenience purposes we have defined the ability "agility" as referring to flexibility/physical prowess and balance.

So that's another ability, but even without that you already have five (dream girl, shadow magic, strength, healing, and flight.) With the agility ability that makes six, which means you need to get rid of three of them before I can approve you at level 0. I'll leave up to you which ones to remove, but keep in mind the leftover ones may still need to be modified afterwards.

Let me know when the first round of edits is done. I wanna get this girl approved so she can sex Josh up a bit.

04-11-11, 07:03 PM
I'm not weakening her further. If I have to, I'll simply scrap her. I'll reclassify things if that'll help, but this is all integral to who and what she is and I'm not going to sacrifice that. This is why I was hesitant about creating a new chara for Althy. The RoG process has become even more of a hassle. And I'm not going to discuss this back and forth in a thread for everyone to see. If you really wanna discuss it, then catch me on AIM, otherwise you'll prolly be waiting several days. Not that I expect that to matter, just letting you know that it will probably take me several days to figure out what I can do.

04-19-11, 12:26 AM
I think that should do it...

Enigmatic Immortal
04-23-11, 03:39 PM
If you agree to the things we discussed on AIM, than I will approve this profile. Remember that not everyone will fall for your charms, and that though you have a considerable higher number of skills compared to a regular level 0, you will be passing up the option to take a level 1 update. This means this character is locked this way until level 2, and nothing can change ability wise at those levels.

I also want to make it clear that this is a very extreme exception to the normal guidelines of the RoG, and I will not be making this a habit of negotiating. That being said, play within the confines of the rules set, and you mam, are set to sex up things. Enjoy.
