View Full Version : Looking for a few character plot holes

Rayse Valentino
04-11-11, 12:02 PM
Specifically, I'm looking for any characters who have plot holes in their pasts that you might want filled. I'll make up a quest around your character's mysteries and unfinished business, and solve some of those old problems -- and create new ones, of course.

For example, your character may not know who his parents are, or who killed his parents, or he has somehow forgotten a few years, or he has obtained a weird relic whose origins are as yet unknown. Whatever! Post up here with your character's mysteries.

I was looking through old recruitment threads for some inspiration and this seems pretty cool. I'm at my best when I'm collaborating with someone's story.

Yari Rafanas
04-12-11, 02:29 AM
Remember way back when you and I tried to establish Yari's origin, who his parents where, find his brother Rayse Rafanas, and all that stuff? Someday I'm going to have to find that stuff out. Not today or anytime soon, but someday.

Rayse is right, though. He's great at collaborating so some of you should hit this dude up.