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04-11-11, 09:35 PM
Name: Coran Murdos
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Human
Origin: The Underground City of Alintria (Hidden within the Neverscale Mountains, Scara Brae)
Current Home: Western Concordia Forest, Corone
Occupation: Student, Scholar/Mage in Training
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Strawberry Blond
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs
Build: Naturally Athletic
Best Feature: His Dimples

Notes regarding appearance/clothing: Despite being a jovial young man, with smarts and good-looks to match, Coran often looks distressed. It's likely that he is deep in thought most of the time, for that matter. His face is rather pale and his frame rather small, but he's no push-over. He is always clean shaven and well groomed. His teeth are perfectly even and are a dull shade of white, but their color is still passable as perfect. He has one birthmark, a tiny mole, that rests in the depths of his right armpit, but besides that he is beauty-mark and blemish free.

Vice: Lust
Virtue: Diligence and Humility

Notes regarding personality: Coran is a shy, and sometimes seemingly distant, young man who often withholds himself from social interaction unless spoken to first. Some people, who know him personally, would chalk him off as being rude, while people who don't know him might distinguish that he lacks confidence. Neither is the case, however. He is confident to the point of cockiness, but he doesn't show that side to just anybody. Also, he's a raving pervert, just like any other teenager.

History: (Will establish later via quest.)

Knowledge of Linguistics- For the past ten years Coran has taken classes to better himself in the languages of althanas. Currently he can speak (with little trouble) and understand (near perfectly) all althanas languages. This does not include ancient dialects or languages not heavily used on Althanas' main continents, to understand those he'll have to crack a book and clear up a week or two in his schedule.

Magical Knowledge- Coran's main course of study at The Adventures Academy was magical knowledge. He has a complete grasp of magic overall and the rituals that come with most forms. This doesn't mean his spell casting abilities are up to par with the great wizards of lore, but it grants him the ability to (possibly) on day grow to be a great magic user.

Intellect- Coran is an intellectual type. The only thing he enjoys more than a good book is a good woman, which he has yet to come across at an all boy academy. With that said, Coran is of genius intellect and has endless possibilities of how much knowledge he will muster as time goes on.

Research Skills- Needless to say, but Coran can sure do his research. Before setting out on a quest or long winded voyage, you can be damn sure that he's figured out everything about his destination. This can range from the local landscape to the type of shoes the locals wear. This, however, doesn't mean he is flawless in his research. There is always room for error and like any other human, Coran is only mortal.

Arcane Blast: By drawing materials from whatever is around (water, fire, earth, or air) Coran can create a blast the ranges from tiny to a maximum of one foot in diameter. These projectiles can be cast to travel a distance of (no longer than) thirty feet and require no incantation to conjure. Currently the blasts have the strength of a hard punch and will take elemental effects of the material they're made of. (May only be used 4 times per post).

Elemental Control: Coran can currently control his surrounding elements with little success. At the time being this ability does little more than make the wind blow a bit harder, or make fire spread/grow a slightly quicker rate. However, he can form small amounts (no larger than a gallon) of water to simple shapes of his liking (this ability works as little more than a parlor trick in most cases). His earth control abilities go to the extent of moving rocks (short distances) and blowing loose dirt around at his bidding.

Agility: Coran has 1.5x the agility of a normal being.

Power of Learning: Coran his the ability to learn new spells during quests. This doesn't mean he will get a new (permenate) skill/ability every single quest, but when he needs to, he will create new spells to overcome his current challenges (by combining knowledge he already has, or has at his disposal). (Will not be used in a (PC) battle what so ever. Whatever skills/abilities he enters the (PC) battle with are what he uses, and nothing more. Also, any skills learned this way will be locked to a one time occurance, that will not be unlockable until character update at next level up. )


Grey Adventurers Robe & Brown-Leather Boots: Plain grey robe that extends past Coran's knees, almost to his feet, and is complete with a hood. The boots are made of a rough, brown leather that provide good protection for his feet at the price of comfort.

Duskchaser Wand: A wand made of sanded oak. While using this wand Coran's spells have a higher chance of success than they would when "Dry-casting" (Casting without using an object to funnel his energies).

Leather Caster Gloves: Plain pair of leather gloves that provide provide slight protection from fire.

Ancient Magic, by Belladona Drake: A book regarding the ancient magic of the world.

An Examination of Black Magics, by Talon 'Orange Fang' Orought: Gives Coran basic knowledge of how to distinguish black magic from other types of magic. It also gives him a run-down of basic incantations and spells that a black-magic-user might use. Good study material if Coran is faced by a black magic user and must figure out how to defend against them.

Coran's Grimoire, by Coran Murdos: A book dedicated to Coran's quests and discovered spells. It is roughly 500-pages in length and is split in half (one half for spells, the other as a journal).

Name: Sir Douglas Wynn Browning
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Race: Human
Occupation: Guardian and Tutor of Coran Murdos; Instructor at Adventurers Academy, Concordia Wing

(More will be written about this character as time passes, but currently he is locked for quest purposes only and will not be assisting Coran too much in those either)

Enigmatic Immortal
04-13-11, 12:19 AM
Alright, let's do this. I remember you talking to me earlier about your profile way back when. Now I see it in the flesh. Woo!

Your arcane blast, as I read it, needs only a slight tweak - i will not limit the number of times you can do it in a day, but the number of times you can do it in a post. IE no more than five in a post. As it requires no incantation, I assume you can just SPAM the shit out of it. (I'm thinking Magneto from MvC3.) Unless I got that wrong, please make some agreeable change in your eyes to limit it so that isn't the case.

I know, I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that your ability titled Power of Learning is the basis of your character, that it is your way of leveling up, and it is intergal to your character's story, but it cannot be allowed. I'm sorry. There are no abilities that can be gained as quest spoils anymore. Everything MUST be done through the RoG. If you would like to tweak this I can allow you to learn spells that cannot be used after the quest that spell is involved in, but even if you never use it for battle, I cannot let you just learn abilities at your pace. You are not the first person to do something like this, TwinCast had a similar ability, but we had to make them give that ability up with 3.0.

These changes need to be addressed before we roll forwards. I'm willing to work with you, so please do not think I am sledgehammering your ideas, but as it stands these are the things we need to work on first.

04-13-11, 12:26 AM
Okay tweeked...

Power of Learning: Coran his the ability to learn new spells during quests. This doesn't mean he will get a new (permenate) skill/ability every single quest, but when he needs to, he will create new spells to overcome his current challenges (by combining knowledge he already has, or has at his disposal). (Will not be used in a (PC) battle what so ever. Whatever skills/abilities he enters the (PC) battle with are what he uses, and nothing more. Also, any skills learned this way will be locked to a one time occurance, that will not be unlockable until character update at next level up. )

Hopefully to your liking.

Thanks EI

Enigmatic Immortal
04-13-11, 12:34 AM
4 hard posts and a limited version of a deus machina! Seems like you sir are ready to go! Have fun out their you hear!