View Full Version : Whatevers Clever

04-12-11, 11:24 PM
So whenever (whenever being a keyword) this profile gets approved I'm going to be looking for something to do, hopefully I'll have someone to do it with (should I rephrase that?).

With that said, I'd like to throw out an invite to get something planned out here and now. There's plenty to do, and like the title said I'm down for "Whatevers Clever." So whether we're fighting jackalopes off the coast of Fallien, fighting in the Dansdel (Dansdel only at this time), or smuggling grapes from Corone; I'm game.

Any ideas? I've got a few if the right person comes along, but if you have some ideas throw them up and we can get the brainstorm going.

04-12-11, 11:29 PM
Oh and this quest was looking pretty fun...

Demonspawn Skirmishes - Not yet claimed.
The gathering of vampires and werewolves in Concordia is growing, and the threat of an attack on Underwood looms as the demonspawn territory increases. Although the size of the force is still too small to launch a full scale assault on Underwood, the town council wishes to discourage the idea soundly, and limit the expansion of these bloodthirsty beings as much as possible. Take a dozen soldiers from the Watch (or recruit your own party) and act as a harrying force; pick off any small parties of vampires or werewolves you see. Drive the demonspawn back to their caves using fear, but be careful not to engage their company directly.

Rewards: One eklan stake received at the beginning of the quest and 20 GP for every creature killed, plus chance at promotion in the Watch if a decent score is obtained.

05-24-11, 02:08 AM
Id be up for doing anything, I'm rather new myself I just haven't posted at all because life has been in the way and what not, but I'm definitely down.

Lord Anglekos
05-24-11, 03:27 AM
I thought your profile was approved.

Yari Rafanas
05-24-11, 03:29 AM
This thread is also over a month old. ;]

Lord Anglekos
05-24-11, 03:32 AM
Ah-ha. That's what I get for not looking at the dates.

05-24-11, 03:57 AM
Haha, my (this) profile was approved.. A long time ago, ese.

05-24-11, 05:57 AM
Also what I get for not date-checking.