View Full Version : Ryari Ksartharjaa

Ryari Ksartharjaa
04-17-11, 02:36 PM
Name: Ryari Ksartharjaa (Ree-YAR-ri Kuh-SAR-thahr-yah)
Age: 15
Race: Human
Hair Color: Sugarplum
Eye Color: French Lavender
Height: 5"11"
Weight: 134 lb
Occupation: Wanderer, aspires to be a scholar or scribe, former flower farmer

Personality: She is creative, charming, witty, civilized, and original. Or at least she claims herself to be. Conceited at times, mostly Ryari is modest. She is patient, caring, tolerant, reputable, a loyal friend and community-minded, though at times can be aloof, sarcastic, pessimistic, and obstinate.

Appearance: At first glance, she would appear as a tall young girl with a very straight back and good posture. Her straight sugarplum hair is usually worn with a French Lavender Alice band that matches her eyes.
Literacy- She is one of the few in CoronĂ© that can read and write at more than a beginner's level due to an excellent education from her mother’s and older siblings’ tutoring and self-teaching. Ryari is very good at writing speeches, especially just winging it under pressure.
Multilingualism- Her language skills at reading surpass most of her peers, though her writing skills are limited to Tradespeak, Common, and Kantona. She is a fluent multi-linguist, being able to easily speak several languages.
Knife Throwing -Not very good at fighting straight on, but a fairly decent knife thrower.
Other- Also a decent craftswoman and painter. Ryari also has basic medical aid skills.

Perfection- This ability can only be used once every 24 hours. Whether throwing a knife at a target, crafting a miniature statue, or drawing the strokes in a picture just right…for a few seconds, Ryari can finish any activity exactly the way she wants to. Whether achieving the goal perfectly or losing perfectly.
Clairvoyance- For brief moments each day, Ryari can have a tiny glimpse at a possible future. This happens unpredictably, but it will happen 13 times over a period of 7 days. The lasting time of the ability varies but is usually between 5 to 20 seconds. The accuracy of the sight is 50% as the future changes constantly and so do the threads of time that overlap with it.

Pocket knife- Ryari bought this at a dime store
Language Dictionary- Ryari bound it herself; useful if foreign phrases are forgotten and extremely useful for whacking assaulters on the head.
Black Mirror- Enhances clairvoyance to be more in depth and last longer

Ryari was born in Scara Brae as the 3rd daughter and 6th and last child of Ajesh and Chanossa Ksartharjaa. When she was 4 years old, a flood destroyed their home and killed her father and three of her siblings.

Because their destroyed home was full of too many painful memories, Ryari’s mother Chanossa emigrated to CoronĂ© with her 3 children, using up most of the little money they had left for the ferry fee.

The family used up the rest of their money to buy a small flower farm near Gisela and right next to the Bradbury River. This Flower Farm was where Ryari grew up.

Because her family had no money for Ryari to go to school, her mother and older siblings sometimes tutored her in reading skills, writing skills, mathematics, history, poetry, music, foreign languages, literature, philosophy, and astronomy, though most of her current knowledge was self-taught. She was often curious about how nature worked and spent hours outside exploring the countryside.

Ryari was very intelligent and some say received a better education than some school boy who sat in a school building all day long instead being outside to really learn about how things worked in nature.

Tragedy struck when Ryari’s older sister Mariyana died in a house fire. Ryari was 12 years old. The entire house was destroyed in the fire and so were many of the flowers. If it wasn’t for the profit received from selling the rest of the undamaged strain, they might have had to sell the farm.

Tragedy struck again a week after Ryari’s 15th birthday. Ryari’s mother Chanossa drowned in the Bradbury River when she fell off the old bridge and got swept away in the current.

Because Chanossa left no will, Ryari’s older brother Azhasil offered to split their mother’s fortune and property in half, one half for each other. Ryari declined and told Azhasil to keep everything. She wanted to leave the wretched place where her mother and sister died and to see the world.

Waving goodbye to her brother with only a few dozen gold pieces and some necessities, Ryari set off in the direction of Underwood...

Enigmatic Immortal
04-18-11, 11:57 PM
Hey there, I'll be looking over this profile and answering all questions you may have. Please feel free to ask anything you would like, and I'll do the best to give you accurate answers. Though honestly, either your a vet, or did your homework REALLY well.

So, let's get you approved!

First thing I need from you is to limit perfection to ONCE in a 24 hour period. While at first glance once every 12 hours doesn't seem so bad, in a quest you could easily use this ability and I'll need it toned down.

Second thing I need is for you to give me the list of how many times Clairvoyance can be done in a period of time, how long the future sight lasts, and any other details you can explain to me.

Do this for me, and your ascension to my right hand will be nearly complete.

Ryari Ksartharjaa
04-19-11, 10:45 AM
Ok, I finished editing my profile! And no, I'm not a vet, I'm new to Althanas.

Enigmatic Immortal
04-20-11, 11:26 AM
Ah, then i would suggest making use of our new training forum just to get your feet wet!

So you got the mirror that aids your clairvoyance. That's fine, but don't let it extend the length anymore than a few extra seconds, ten at max.