View Full Version : Since this is where we are supposed to re-register old characters...

08-11-06, 06:29 PM
(There has been a lot to happen since I used MetalDrago, but I remember everything about him. He was at Level One and had roughly 150 gold.)

Name: MetalDrago Scorpio
Age: 2013
Race: Dragonian
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 198 lbs.
Appearance: Green eyes and silver scales covered by long, white hair. MetalDrago is not handsome by human standards, and Dragonian standards are complicated. His face is like that of a human's, covered in scales, and the only true dragon parts to his body are the scales, the wings, and his dragon claws on his feet and hands. He wears silver clothing, and his crimson cloak always covers his body when he is not fighting.
Personality: MetalDrago is a thinker, and a little introverted. He concentrates only on his goals for the most part, but is a caring and kind teacher to those who learn from him. He has a hatred that runs deep for Terramat (name has changed with the times, as I no longer want him to be known by the name he previously had.).
Weapon: Dragon's Honor (The sword would be about as strong as Dehlar at the moment, as it's power has increased with MetalDrago's)
Armor: Scalemail (strong as steel)
Skills: Fireball ( they have the power to scorch flesh with mild moderate burns), Fire Breath (an extremely shotr-ranged attack that can cause serious burns if the person attacked is stupid enough to remain under MetalDrago's breath for more than a few seconds.), Flight (No more than an hour, and tires faster if flying higher than a mile)
History: MetalDrago was born to a human mother and a Dragonian father. His mother was a strong woman, but the evil Dragonian she had fallen in love with wanted to take MetalDrago for his own. She refused, instead allowing him to take Seraius, MetalDrago's older, and purely evil, brother.

MetalDrago was raised learning swordplay, and used longswords, like the Dragon's Fury sword, with few slip-ups. Though he knew his swordplay was good, he didn't know if he had what it took to win a tournament. Regardless of his mother's words of caution, MetalDrago entered a tournament. He made it to the finals, only to be faced by a Dark Elf.

This Elf was powerful, swift, and untouchable. MetalDrago was bested easily, defeated in a matter of seconds. After he lost, he asked the Elf's name, and was given in reply, "Terramat. Remember that name, for I will rule all on this world someday..." MetalDrago was surprised by the elf's worlds, but he knew the conviction behind them. Terramat was smart and strong enough to take over the world, and MetalDrago vowed to stop him at every turn. Stop him he did.

After utilizing an ancient ritual area, MetalDrago was able to seal Terramat in another Realm for ten long years. When Terramat escaped, he said it had in fact been over ten thousand years for him, as time seemed to pass differently there. Terramat had escaped with Reiana and... Seraius, MetalDrago's brother. They were gone before MetalDrago could even see his brother's face clearly. All they left him with were these words: "Seek us out and we will kill you..."

MetalDrago has been searching for them for sometime to no avail. However, it is apparent that his luck is about to change.

Familiar: Phoenix, a being that uses a single attack, Firestorm, that, like MetalDrago's fireballs, can cause mild to moderate burns on the victim.

Cyrus the virus
08-11-06, 07:07 PM
Do you have a link to your profile? Use the Google cache to try and find one, because although I do remember you, I don't remember your EXP or anything. Basically, a link is neccessary. I'll handle this profile as if it's a level 1, since it shouldn't be too difficult to find the link.

Mythril's a little strong for his weapon. Dehlar would be more suitable I'd say.

Spells don't need to be limited in use anymore unless they're especially powerful, or healing. Basically, if you use an ability too much you'll pay for it in the judging. So you can take those things out. With flight, you need to keep the limitation.

08-11-06, 07:33 PM
I am afraid that for me, with my limited knowledge of search engines, that I will be unable to find the true profile of MetalDrago, ever again... He was level one in Tanthanas, and I will probably never see that level one profile again. Either way, I did fix what you asked me to...

08-11-06, 07:40 PM
((Don't mean to interupt this... but I can vouch for his level 1. He was in the first thread I ever did with Ranger on tanthanas...))

Cyrus the virus
08-11-06, 08:01 PM
Eh, fine. I'm a nice, sexy guy.

Approved. EXP will come soon, but you'll have to settle for that 100 gold.