View Full Version : Flora and Fauna of Althanas - A Complete List

04-27-11, 09:26 AM
Greetings! One thing that annoyed me was that there was never a complete list of all the Flora, and particularly Fauna on Althanas. What is important is that although some of the entries are simplistic (der, everyone knows what a giant spider is), they are all cannon. While its not my call what is cannon or not, I can put together this list. By sharing information like this I hope that other RPers can be inspired by some of the creatures. "Gee, It'd be cool to hunt one of those .... I think I'll start a thread", or "I need an unusual animal... I'll check out the Flora and Fauna list for ideas" essentially.

Ideally each entry would contain two paragraphs outlining first, a physical description of the creature (including abilities, strengths and weaknesses), and second its location (including continent, environment [eg. forest], behavior and any notable info (such as its pelt is used to create great armor). Enough to give he/she a decent description, but not enough to stop he/she from adding their own flavor.

Now, I have included races in this, because i think we should make it clearer what the difference is between races are, plus they are Fauna IMO.

What I have so far I gathered from the Bazaar, continent info threads, the alamac and history info. I also want to do one of these for all race and group sub-types, but first flora and fauna.

What do I want from you?

If anyone knows of more animals, or perhaps details of some of the ones mentioned, please post the info and I'll add it in!

If you think an animal should be there, also post.

I would specifically like info from Sei on the Mystics and Lorenor on the Forsaken. Anyone else, please take a look!

Flora and Fauna



Bees, Acid
Demonic Acid Bees!


Crab, Giant Spider:

Crab, Giant Decorator:

Cyper (Tree):
These trees grow close together. They are about man-height and thin, and people have been known to uproot them for a staff. Lightweight and sturdy, Cyper is perhaps too short for a full quarterstaff, but make excellent arrows.


Often confused with Demon, these are Nature based spirits that exist in the world (as opposed to another layer) and include creatures like Nymphs, Root Walkers, Tree Spirits and others.

A general term for a creature from the anti-firment.

Demon (Race)

A name describing a number of creatures that are considered unholy, although rarely used when the creature is undead. Mainly includes Demons, Werewolves and Vampires.

Draconians (Race):

A large reptile with four legs. Often has wings, but in some circumstances will not. These are generally called Earth Dragons.

Dragon, Earth:
A dragon without wings, often living in forests or other areas with overhead obstacles that would make it difficult to fly.

Similar to a Dragon, a Drake is smaller, often with an elongated neck and a longer, more serpentine body. Different to a Wym in that it has four legs.

Although plant-like in appearance, it is actually a predatory animal. It is known as a Dur'Taigen, and it is a shapeshifting wolf. One alone can change its form to look like a sapling, but more than one can combine their power to mask an entire pack as a gigantic oak or rowan. There is only one way to tell these trees from the normal vegetation. At their base will be a row of what appear to be large canine teeth. These teeth extend up the trunk for about two feet before stopping. Travelers are warned against approaching any but the smallest of these trees. Alone, the wolves pose no real threat. In larger numbers, however, these wolves can take down even a formidable opponent.

Dwarf (Race)

Dwarf, Aleraran (Race)


Einherjars (Author: Orphans)

This wood grows gray with age, while younger trees have a reddish brown tint. Eklan makes an excellent wood for light helmets and shields. Unfortunately, it does not cleave well, meaning it does not maintain a straight line for use in shafts, arrows, or staves.

A creature comprised of one or more elements, such as metal, fire and earth.

Elf, Aleraran (Race)

Elf, Dark or Drow (Race)



Fae (Race):

Fealotë, or Soul Blossom:
It is so named because it has a venom which does not touch the body. Instead, the venom penetrates the very core of one's soul, eating it alive for nourishment. The Soul Flower stores the soul within a central fruit for six days after consumption, and for that period the soul can be recovered by slaying the plant. Once killed, any souls in the reservoir of the flower will be returned to their owners. Since you won't be able to move when soulless, you might want to travel with companions who can deal with the flower should it entrap you.

Forsaken (Race):
The most advanced type of Undead. Nearly indistinguishable from humans, they only differ in that they don't age and are more susceptible to light or holy based magic. They also have a strong immunity to dark or unholy magic and complete immunity to poison and disease.

Fox, Spirit


See Ogre


A general term describing something crafted and brought into being by someone of magical or mechanical expertise. There are many different types, but the all Golems were created by another. They are animated by a number of different methods, including infusing a trapped soul, magical animated, but without a mind or many others.

Golem, Bone:
Popular with Necromancers who have a large supply of (often damaged) bones, these Golems are crafted by putting together bones from many skeletons (animal or other) and creating a much more powerful frame. Often a soul is trapped within the Golem to bring it to life.

Golem, Flesh:
Ranging from slightly off-putting to completely revolting, flesh Golems are created by sowing together the corpses of the deceased. A Flesh Golem is not as easy to create as a Bone Golem, but its flesh allows it greater protection from blunt attacks and the muscles far greater strength that would otherwise require the creator to further enchant the Golem. If created by magic alone or by someone lazy or inexperienced, the results can be quite disgusting.

Golem, Metal:
Often created by Dwarves or by Dark Elves, these creations are finely crafted and appear often as large humanoids. They can be created with nearly any type of metal, or metals depending on the reason why it was created. The Golem is then animated by either magic, or mechanical means, the likes of which are hidden from other races.

Golem, Clay:
The most common type of Golem, the Clay Golem can be created by many different magical sects. Of these earth magic by far the easiest. Clay Golems are strong, trieless and nearly immune to fire and slashing. They can be composed of either raw clay and earth, or specially crafted and placed within a kiln to create clay armour.


Through the passes of the mountains are the thin, feminine monsters known as harpies. They are naked women who’s wings extend from the middle of their back outwards. The harpy wields her claws in battle and slashes with the bone projection from the tip of her wings. The most devastating attack that the people of the island must worry about is the scream that they may unleash, a powerful and occasionally deadly sonic blast.

Human (Akashima)





Liviol (Tree):
Liviol wood is the product of trees spending centuries in magically saturated grounds. Modern Liviol comes in colors ranging from deep blue to royal purple. This wood, depending on what wood it originally spawned from, serve to enhance the normal properties of the wood with new potency; Trakym Liviol, for instance, resists magic with extraordinary power. Liviol is most often found in the Warded Wood of Salvar; the difficulty in getting to the Warded Wood, however, renders it quite pricey. It is also located deep within Raiaera's Red Forest, but no sane lumberjack goes there.


Magim Beast:
Its skin is often used in the creation of very heat resistant leather or pelts.

Mystics: (Author Silence_Sei)


Neverscale Crawlers:
The crawler is not something specific, but rather a general term used for all the dangerous sea-life that ‘crawls’ from the ocean. The most noted crawlers are waist-high crabs or lobsters, scaled snake-like creatures that slither from the depths, and general merpeople.


Njalian Magi:
Undead wood elven/spider hybrids... you heard me.


Oak (Tree)






Redwood (Tree)
Grows in Akashima.

Root Walker
Its husk is the hardest known wood in the entire of Althanas, and equally as rare.

Ruilserk (Blood Vine):
Also called a blood vine, is about as thick as a forearm and has sharp thorns covering its side. At the base of every thorn is a small sucker which attaches to flesh, bores a hole through the skin, and begins to feast on the blood of its prey. The ones on the outskirts of the forest are small, usually much thinner and shorter than others, but once you penetrate the core of the forest one finds blood vines which can grow to be over twenty feet long. Luckily, they are deathly afraid of fire and can be easily beaten back with the simplest of fire charms.

Rywan (Trees):
Rywan trees grow very tall and very wide. Rywan is too inflexible for a bow, but makes an excellent rod for one-handed shafted weapons such as hatchets or tomahawks. A heavier wood, it is unsuitable for arrows, as its weight throws off an arrow’s flight. Rywan tends to splinter after too much stress.


Scorpions of the Black Desert

Sea Serpent:
Giant Serpents that live in the sea, growing anywhere between thirty to a hundred metres long.

Shark, Giant:

Shark, Diamond:
This particular Shark is covered with an extremely rough and strong skin. How this particular shark came to be with its unnaturally strong skin is a mystery.

Sifan Worms:
While not actually worms, these tiny creatures feast on leaves and produce Sifan Silk. They are very closely protected by the Corone Merchants that own them.

Snake, Giant:

Soul Blossom: See Fealotë

Spawn, Haidian

Spider (Giant):
Spiders of enormous size, the largest equal to the size of a warhorse, live throughout the forests. These spiders weave a tight web, as strong as steel and able to be spun into cloth. Though the web is useful for cloth armor it is often forgotten because its dark gray coloration is not enjoyed by the more vain young warriors. These spiders are sometimes ridden by goblins raiding along the base of the mountains.




Talymer (Tree):
A light, waxy, and shiny wood, talymer is perfect for larger longbows, as it requires intense strength to pull the bowstring and can send an arrow straight through full plate mail at 200 feet. Although such bows take longer to draw and expend energy quickly, they pack a very real, very powerful punch.

Trakym (Tree):
Flexible to a fault, trakym's springiness makes it too weak to give a good draw on a bow and too yielding for a staff. However, it has one great benefit: it resists magic well. Although good for virtually nothing else, a trakym-lined piece of armor or shield is much more resistant to magical assault.



Ulder (Tree):
Dark brown in color, ulder is the best wood for regular-sized bows and horsebows. It gives a moderately powerful draw, and can therefore be drawn from horseback, and it does not require intense strength to pull the string.




This plant grows about chest hight and when it flowers produces small balls of raw Vlince, which when spun can be used to create the very durable fabric.



A long serpent like reptile that has wings and two legs. Often confused with a Dragon, Drake or Giant Snake.



Yew (Tree)



04-27-11, 11:52 AM
Excellent idea Talen.

I will try and work out an entry or two between all the other many tasks!