View Full Version : What is your favorite tournament?

08-11-06, 08:09 PM
This poll question is very straightfoward:

What is your favorite tournament, and why?

Those looking for more information on our tournament rotation can find it by clicking here (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=tourney#faq_tourneyintro).

08-11-06, 08:11 PM
Simple... The Gisela Open is my favorite above all others.

08-11-06, 08:18 PM
I'm gonna say I'm really tired of the combat tournaments. I'd like to see a quest tournament but the AC was a little to convoluted to really work on a timeline. so I vote other, maybe somone will make a quest tournament that works.

Cyrus the virus
08-11-06, 08:43 PM
I must vote for the Cell, since it's the one that I've enjoyed most. The others rely a lot on the activity of opponents and partners... But the Cell is just a solo melee, and I feel the freedom brings out the best in my writing. It kind of suits me, I guess, just reacting and not waiting on people.

08-11-06, 08:53 PM
I like the LCC the best because of how open it is. The participants get to decide the setting and pretty much get to make their own rules. The teams make it easy for the fight to proceed smoothly in a way that is much more organized and coherent than in the Cell. Don't get me wrong, I love the Cell, but the LCC is a competition of chaotic organization while the Cell is more organized chaos.

If that makes any sense at all.

08-11-06, 09:07 PM
Oxfordshire Open for sure. Nothing stretches your writing ability more than writing a foreign character. Plus, the interaction tends to be so much more interesting because you are forced to study your opponent's character and already know plenty about your own, so it makes for very interesting and unique utilization of strengths and weaknesses.

08-11-06, 09:12 PM
I'm looking forward to the Oxeford Shire simply because the concept is interesting, and I can't wait to see how it plays out.

08-11-06, 09:13 PM
Maybe it's because I got to compete in it...

Maybe it's because of the chaotic, constantly moving action...

Maybe it's because of dancing elephants, mind-controlling furballs, and a hippie skeleton...

Who knows. All I know is I voted for the Cell...

08-11-06, 09:15 PM
Serenti Invitational. But only when everyone finishes their battle threads on time.

1v1 battles have a lot of potential but the LCC is also along the same line.

I don't plan on doing any tactical battles for now. Just cuz.

08-11-06, 09:25 PM
Serenti and not because I got to the finals. It's simple, one person and all that he/she has against the other, and that's what battles are all about it. In all truth, I think that's how the best fighter on Althanas should be determined. In all other tournaments the activity of others can seriously hurt you. Your partner doesn't post in the LCC, you attack an inactive person in the Cell, and OOC things kick you out. In Serenti it's one-on-one and you either fight or you're out.

I don't know what Oxfordshire is though.

Chidori Draconid
08-11-06, 11:23 PM
Although I've never experienced the majority of these tournaments first hand I have to say that the Gisela Open gets me excited, as you Santhalas and everyone else already knows. I would also rank Serenti up there because of what Letho just pointed out and the lack of activity in some of my most impotant threads is nil. It's really getting to me now.

08-11-06, 11:54 PM
I gotta say I love the chaos of the Cell. You fight you may end up making it through alive, or you may end up dead impaled when a crazed harpy decides she takes umbrage at you killing her master.

Viola Conda
08-12-06, 02:29 AM
the oak or whater one seems cool...register in that with Kupo


Oh dear lord...

Ayithe Solete
08-12-06, 04:57 AM
I really like the 2 on 2 battling of the LCC. Makes it more interesting having to work with someone else while you fight, i just wish the activity was better.

Although not being in the SI i enjoyed reading it and one on one battling is always interesting, a real battle. :)

08-12-06, 08:10 AM
Now why don't you update some of those winners. Gild won a Cell, Dirks won Gisela and Metalicakender and Ter-Thok won an LCC.

Anyhoo, I voted for the cell because to date, it was the best organized tournament I've been a part of.

08-14-06, 11:02 AM
I always will have a partiality to the original The Cell. In hindsight, I don't recall if I was in the second The Cell or the first The Cell. I just remember that it was always one or the other.

I think the way that AH 21 just kinda made the events happen, there was a certain speed and pacing to the story. Also, it was one of the first times I had my character Lorenor died.

Lots of great Althanas vets of the old guard were in that one too. Even though that's my favorite tourney of all, I personally chose the option having to do with looking forward to participiating in some of the new tournies.

I've never been a fan of Gisela, and I've never been a fan of the LCC. I always liked that 1 v 1 style of tourney.

I've realized that simplicity often works best and getting too detailed with things might not always be the way to go. Tournaments are the same way.

The more straightforward and elegant they are, the easier they are to complete.

Storm Veritas
08-14-06, 11:10 AM
The Cell is a lot of fun, but makes for a horrible read. It's so disjointed, overridden with too many subplots, and so hard to follow that I just gave up on the final Cell altogether.

I love the mix. I've still never seen Gisela. I loved the LCC - great format if you get a good partner (which I certainly did). Adventurer's Crown was an absolute BLAST, but it requires tremendous mod oversight, perhaps an unrealistic amount of it.

Serenti is your standard cookie cutter single-elim tourney. Every place needs one, but by the end no one cares about it except the people still involved. It still got my vote, but I'll freely admit that I was obviously biased by being successful in it.

08-14-06, 11:32 AM
I'm actually looking forward to the Gisela battle and have a few things planned :D. But in general I think I can find interest in most of these tournaments. Something about Saxon facing off in battle as Fibonacci recalls it over a game of chess sounds really fun :p.

Slayer of the Rot
08-14-06, 04:11 PM
I always will have a partiality to the original The Cell. In hindsight, I don't recall if I was in the second The Cell or the first The Cell. I just remember that it was always one or the other.

It was the first, with Pixie.

AC, all the way. It's the only one I actually enjoy anymore.

08-14-06, 04:29 PM
My favourite will probably always be the Serenti Invitational. There's something nostalgic about it. Besides, it's just a simple, no-strings-attached, one-on-one duel. No gimmicks, no nothing, just pure skill. I love it!

Cyrus the virus
08-14-06, 11:50 PM
On that note, I will win a tournament.

Just FYI.

Vampiric Angel
08-15-06, 04:40 PM
I'm looking forward to the Gisela. I like the idea of having armies collide and whatnot. The only thing I have to ask is, What do you mean by explain every soldier?

08-15-06, 05:02 PM
You explain your different classes of soldiers (ie what kind of equipment they have, what if any special abilities they have, how many of that kind you have, ect.).

Vampiric Angel
08-15-06, 05:15 PM
Oh. Cool, is there a restriction on the abilities and such?

08-15-06, 05:51 PM
AC. Bring it back right away. Quest based tournaments own any battle based tournament.

Vampiric Angel
08-15-06, 06:04 PM
What is AC? I don't think I've been here long enough to know.

Cyrus the virus
08-15-06, 06:57 PM
Adventurer's Crown, a tournament of quests. Kind of pointless in my opinion, but a few people seem to really like it. Good for them! It also happens to be all the people who are not active enough to do anything in a battle tournament.


I believe I'll not be participating in the Gisela this year. Eh, not enough motivation or anything. So you kids have fun :p Have Luc in your army if you want, maybe.

Sighter Tnailog
09-01-06, 01:05 AM
Hahaha, if you're not active enough for a battle tournament, you're not active enough for a quest tournament.

The Adventurer's Crown is my baby. I love it. But I'm still working on finding that magic formula that will make it run itself without requiring lots of moderator oversight. The first AC didn't have enough -- the second, a good deal too much. If I'm given another shot, I think I have a plan to make it work wonders. But we'll see.

Right now, I'm voting for Gisela. Of our 1v1 tournaments, it's the one I like best. Although Serenti is a classic.

And, for the record, the first cell had Artificial Human 21 as the moderator. And AH21 would kill you if you waited too long to post. Don't know if we're still doing that, but it was killer fun. But AH21 couldn't spell, so you never knew who he was killing.

09-01-06, 11:59 PM
My vote goes to a tournament I don't think anyone has mentioned yet.

The Magus Cup.

I like the idea behind it, giving a chance for the lower level characters to make names for themselves. I also really enjoyed the diversity of the arenas.

I would have joined it, but I couldn't guarantee activity. However, I did read almost every battle anyways.

If it came back I would register. But the chances in that happen before Z-Man hits lvl 2 is extremely unlikely.