View Full Version : Unfamiliar Dreamscapes

04-29-11, 06:23 AM
Name: Rissa "Ris" Narikoze
Age: 14
Race: Human [Taerian]
Height: 4'0''
Weight: 61 lbs
Hair: Dark Blue -- Short
Eyes: Right: Gold. Left: Emerald.
Occupation: Taerian Cadet

A somewhat small girl whose hair is cut short (touching the middle of the back of her neck), bangs parting just above her eyes, left a little longer to the right and left of her face. She has a somewhat small-framed body compared to many of the girls in her age group.

Ris lives on a continent called Mistile (in another plane of existence), which is divided into two nations: Taera and Melchia. These two nations, West and East respectively, are in a constant struggle for territory and resources, holding a shaky Peacetime whose breaking point is imminent.
Just north of Mistile lies a sub-continent, Edare, where the nation of Edare resides. This continent is rich in the resource known as Warpstone and is well sought after and well defended by the Edarians, who have well-advanced technology and supplies for such a defense.

Back to Ris, anyway. Her family consists of scattered members- cousins, aunts, uncles, and her grand-father on her mother's side. Her grandfather has taken care of her since she was born- an old man whose eyesight and hearing are leaving him, but with the deftest fingers and most inventive mind there is. He's also the caretaker of Ris' cousin, Jae, a young woman of 16, preparing herself for boot camp as one of the finest marks-women from the academy.

Ris never knew her parents. They were husband and wife, Jyn and Laura, fighting during the second Mistillian War, working to become heroes when she became pregnant. Several months after she'd left him to return home and birth their child, he was shot down during a dangerous mission, bearing his nation's flag over the captured enemy camp and planting it in the ground with his last breaths, posthumously acheiving the title of "Jyn Narikoze, War Hero." His wife and Ris' mother, Laura Narikoze, died upon giving birth to her premature child days later, the news of his death never reaching her.

Rissa grew of age to attend her required combat classes under the watchful eyes of her grandfather (well, ... err. Watchful, figuratively), Professor Lande Weisstat, enheriting her father's weapon and Warpstone, as well as a rather sizable inheritance for Jyn's death in the line of duty, the majority of which being poured into schooling for the girl.

How's this all fit into Althanas? Well, hmm. A few weeks after her fourteenth birthday, the girl began to have dreams. Not sketchy, shattered images and stories as most dreams are, but a steady setting, continuing where it left off each time she fell asleep again, wandering through strange, alien woodlands. Well, alien to Ris, anyway. To most, they're known as the North-Western section of the Concordian Forests, not far from Underwood itself.

-Small Frame: She's a bit smaller than those her age, meaning that she's a little weaker but also a little faster. Perhaps she just hasnt had her growth spurt?
-Light Spoken: She has a naturally soft voice, sometimes making it difficult for people to understand her.
-Loyalty: Resczh- Resczh is very loyal to Ris, as he has known her and been by her side since her birth. [This is... more so a trait of Resczh, but I believe it would be more confusing to put it further down.]

-First Aid: stitching, sanitizing, and bandaging with a first aid kit, as well as utilizing some simple Mistilean herbs. Novice level.
-Survival, General: Building a simple campfire, selecting wood, foraging. Basic woodland survival. Apprentice level.
-Knife Use: Practical skills with a knife, especially in survival: Apprentice level.
-Marksmanship: Her ranged skills with a long rifle are at a Novice level.
-Fixed Bayonet: Her skills with a bayonet are at a Novice level. (Can be transferred to short spears at a moderate penalty.)
-Detached Bayonet Combat Essentially dagger/knife combat, specialized in stabs. Untrained.

-Dream Projection: When she dreams, she enters the land of Althanas.
-Attunement: Resczh- She is slightly attuned with Resczh, able to fire marking rounds and lower the equipped weapon's weight to be able to lift it as well as harden the weapon for blocking and making melee strikes.

Equipment, Althanas:
-Taera Scout Cadet Uniform [Navy blue with Gold trim and detail work, brown leather belts, steel-toed leather boots, hard leather knee guards]
-Simple Bayonet + Sheath
-Sharpened Stick [a makeshift spear... more of a comforting device than anything that would serve as a weapon. 5 feet long, about an inch thick, made from one of the uncountable dry sticks laying on the Coronian forest floor.
-Survival Kit [Flint/Steel, whetstone, 1 Hard-tack biscuit, small 8 ounce canteen, 5-foot-bandage]

Equipment, Taera (Does not effect Althanas at all at this point):
-Taera Cadet Uniform
-Simple Bayonet + Sheath
-Trainee's Warp Rifle (About 3' long; Tracing Rounds; Light Weight; Bayonet fixture)
-Armregen (the late Hero Jyn Narikoze's weapon, a long warp rifle of approximately 5 feet in length. A legendary, powerful, and priceless weapon. Rissa, however, is hardly able to lift it, let alone use it).
-Resczh (Jyn's former Warpstone, old and worn. He is serviceable and loyal to Ris, but his power is very limited). Color: Green. Frametype: Long Rifle.
-Survival Kit

-The Professor:
Name: Professor Lande Weisstat
Age: 93
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Grey
Height: 5'7''
Weight: ~180 lbs
Prof. Lande Weisstat is Ris' oldest known living relative. He is stern but not cold, not to mention his near blindness and deafness. Senility, however, has not claimed him at all, and he is still as expert a craftsman as any of the best of the others in his field. He is Ris' guardian in the land of Taera.

-Cousin Jae:
Name: Jae Weisstat
Age: 16
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Dark Blue
Height: 5'4''
Weight: ~115 lbs
Jae and Ris are like sisters. Jae is much more aloof than her younger cousin, however. She carries many of the same traits as her relation, though much taller and far more skilled, having had two more years of experience as well as specialization in long distance firing. Jae plans to head into boot camp in the Taerian capitol as soon as she is accepted.

-Warpstone, Resczh:
Name:Resczh the Emerald Bolt
Age: ~30
Color: Green (Range, Accuracy, Illuminance)
Resczh was once a very powerful Warpstone controlled by Ris' father. Over years of no use, though, the energy of the mighty Emerald Bolt diminished. Resczh is currently attached to Ris' Trainee Warp Rifle and is able to fire tracer rounds at a slow rate as well as reduce kickback on the weapon. (Tracer rounds are similar to a pellet gun in damage ratio. They cause the spot hit to be marked with a bright green dot for up to one minute).


Skill Proficiencies Breakdown:
-Untrained: Some knowledge but no training.
-Novice (D): Some knowledge and some training. One who knows some of the basics, at least.
-Apprentice (C): Higher knowledge and more training. Able to perform at a basic level, backed up with experience and rigorous training.
-Journeyman (B): Very knowledgeable. Has been well trained in the subject and can perform at above average levels, backed with real experience (especially in combat).
-Expert (A): Extensively knowledgeable. Has successfully self-trained and been fully self reliant in the skill. Has extensive experience of the knowledge and practice of the skill.
-Master (S): Exactly what it says. An Ace of the skill or trade.

On Warp Weaponry and Warpstone:
Warpstone is a strange material found deep in the caves and caverns within the mountainous regions and deep beneath the surface of the turrain in Mistile and Edare, and may be found in other areas as well, though rarely. It comes in many different colors, each with its own properties. Some examples include (but are not limited to) Red (Firing Speed, Melee Prowess), Green (Range, Accuracy, Illuminance [marking targets, distraction, light source]), and Blue (Support/Defensive roles, Illuminance). Each color is not limited to its specialties but will gain attunement in those specialties more easily than in others. Some colors are more common than others. Each type of stone must be processed into a core to be used in a weapon, then chambered into a weapon frame such as a Long Rifle, Pistol, or Blade frame (...or another frametype).
Weapons created for these purposes are very expensive and require prime materials as well.
Upon being processed into a core, the Warpstone itself adopts a personality and a spirit which will become more loyal to its user as the user gains its trust, while the user gains attunement with the core as they use it and unlock its true potentials.
An attuned user is able to perform with their Core at a much higher proficiency than one who is unattuned. For example, an experienced marksman may be able to reduce the kickback of his weapon and the strength, frequency, and accuracy of his shots and be able to fight for prolonged periods of time while one who is not as attuned with their weapon may only be able to fire a few innacurate shots before having to rest their core and themselves.
Warpstone cores will also lose ability over times that they are not used or practised with.
Warpstone Ore appears as an opaleen metallic substance. It manifests in veins within solid rock. Smelting it and moulding it into a core shape causes it to take on a color and begin to develop itself into a core for use in weapons.
The Ore can also be processed into fuel for specialized machines.

On Edare and Mistille:
I will be creating solos for the happenings in Ris' homeland. I have plans to at some point have her true self replace her in Althanas... or... something, but ... they're very vague plans... and I'm not yet sure how they're going to work at all.

On dreams:
The two areas are within different time sequences and planes of existence. Happenings within Ris' home plane continue to take place while she sleeps and dreams, while happenings within Althanas are held stile while she is awake in her own plane, unless she's asleep within Althanas, at which point her dream rejoins her once she has awakened. I suppose there's probably more to it... it confuses me.

On Bayonets:

A bayonet (from French baïonnette) is a knife, dagger, sword, or spike-shaped weapon designed to fit in, on, over or underneath the muzzle of a rifle, musket or similar weapon, effectively turning the gun into a spear. In this regard, it is an ancillary close-quarter combat or last-resort weapon.
However, knife-shaped bayonets—when not fixed to a gun barrel—have long been utilized by soldiers in the field as general purpose cutting implements.
[here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayonet)]

Silence Sei
04-29-11, 07:47 AM
Ok, lets do this! This is a great profile by the way. Just a few things before we can approve you.

Make a sections for abilities, and a seperate section for skills. Dream Projection and attunement would be the only things you listed that I would classify as Abilities. Everything else would be a skill (Or possibly a 'trait', as you listed two of those).

The Bayonet - I'm going to give you some leeway here and say you can have it, but on Althanas it is missing all components that would make it fire any bullets. You'll have to earn the components in several quests, or buy them when you have enough GP. It will essentially just be a fancy looking spear.. In Taera (So long as you're not involving other people's PCs in that world until you're a few levels higher), I'll give you the bayonet, but it will only be able to fire in solo quests until you obtain the parts on Althanas.

Get rid of the hatchet in the first aid kit, adding that n there makes for too many possible weapons for a level 0 to start off with.

Sound fair?

04-29-11, 08:21 AM
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! Wee~ I thought I'd have to wait 'till tonight.

So, Abilities and Skills as well as Traits are fixed to your specifications, I think.

The hatchet is gone. It was a bit of an offhanded, end-of-creation toss in to make gathering firewood easier... heh...

And as for the Bayonet, I had no intention of starting with a rifle. I added a little addendum to the Clarifications section with some copypasta from Wikipedia. It's a device that affixes to a rifle, not the rifle itself, and is inherently unable to fire bullets or any other projectile through mechanical means. In essence, it's a knife with a dull edge and a sharp stabbing tip. My apologies that I didn't express that entirely!

I hope that fixes everything! And yes, it seems very fair to me. Thanks again for your speedy reply!

Silence Sei
04-29-11, 09:47 AM
No problem, welcome to Althanas.


04-29-11, 10:29 AM
*salutes* Thank you, Sir!

Enigmatic Immortal
04-29-11, 02:06 PM
And Sei forgets to close a thread. :D

Where would the fairy king be without me? Check out underwood for some ideas on getting started!