View Full Version : The Grim

05-04-11, 11:39 PM
Name: Ravenok Kinnes.
Race/Gender/Age: Human Male, 36.
Height: 6'2".
Occupation: Professional Vagabond and a self-proclaimed Vigilante.
Religion: Agnostic.
Origin: Dheathain.

Appearance/Build: Ravenok is the very definition of built. Years of dedicated training has left his body in the same peak condition he's kept for years, with bulk muscles that have been chiseled to anatomic perfection to encase a stout frame. His broad set shoulders, firm stature, and fiery dark blue eyes set him apart from most of the general populace as an unruly character, supported by long, unkempt, and thick dark brown locks that fall just short of his shoulders. Strong facial features and dark skin (maybe even with a subtle tinge of red) compliment all of this to give Ravenok an untamed, and even a little dark, visage.

As for apparel, Ravenok tends to keep it light and simple. His current garb consists of a sleeveless, jet black V-neck tunic; and a pair of old and plain dark red gi pants, formerly out of Akashima. Then, of course, the fighter tends to always wear his signature - not to mention always intimidatingly made - set of gauntlets, greaves, and pauldrons. A heavy brown hooded cloak veils his form most of the time.

As far as distinguishing features go, an intricate tattoo spirals down the entire right sleeve of his arm as black, elegant text snaking downward that recites: "... And as the world fades and crumbles, the sky will fall into dark oblivion. We stand, wavering, under the stars. Our minds are shattered. I will stand free, from corruption and prodigal sin, as the one that will drop the hammer of retribution on the unjust. Woe shall come to the vanquished." His teeth are also oddly sharp, not tipped enough to a point necessarily to be considered anything abnormal, although it does make his grin devilishly intimidating. Ravenok is also surprisingly youthful despite his age, showing little to no signs of aging; the reason why is a mystery.

Personality: Ravenok's disposition can be related to a tempestuous night in a stormy sea. On most good days when his addiction to Mind Dust is currently being sated, Ravenok is an ever-alert man who constantly remains in a quiet and reserved state of repose. At this time he's generally soft spoken, despite his obviously foreign voice of deep baritone. His rather neutral and laid back disposition at these times are often mistaken for lightheartedness, as he's actually quite the connoisseur of witticism and sarcasm.

However, as the days wane and supply dwindles, alertness turns to paranoia, calmness into restlessness, and quietude into obnoxiousness. His vision also narrows, both literally and figuratively. A rather slow process, but noticeable enough. Ravenok becomes almost the very definition of reckless endangerment, always donning a sardonic grin that shouts Chaos. The man's intelligence is poured into thoughts of nihilism and sarcasm with little regard to the well-being of most things around him. Most would think him bipolar.

At all times whether his mental health be somewhat sane or in a complete frenzy, Ravenok lives by a wild man's code of honor and conduct. He is a complete cynic that generally believes most souls are inherently tainted, making trust hard to come by. All of the events that have led him to his current point in life has left him with a severe distaste for the more ignoble actions that people perform, whether it be underhanded tricks or watching men manipulate each other; and it is this that has often times made him wanted by the law. He's not a "good" man by any means. Ravenok's just as likely to stop a thief dead in his tracks as he is to confront a guard for looking at him the wrong way, although his heart certainly isn't in the darkness. Consider him indifferent in a way.


Pain Armor: Ravenok's choice armor set - which consists of a pair of gauntlets, booted greaves, and heavy pauldrons. All of a fairly common design, the armor still favors full flexibility of the arms and legs; the gauntlets and greaves crawling about halfway up his forearms and shins, respectively. The suit is made of steel plate mail, painted black. The metal's original luster has faded greatly over time.

Clothing: He prefers to wear his signature three piece set of armor over anything more encumbering, often sticking to simple clothes otherwise. Black denim tunic, red denim gi pants, and a heavy brown cloak with a hood. Simple enough, for now.

Mind Dust x1 small vial: From previous excursions, the man makes it a mission to keep this drug on him at all times, for obvious reasons. One dose is about a single good sniff to reap its bittersweet effects. A small vial is usually only good for about half a dozen sniffs, each lasting almost a couple of hours.

Bedroll: It's a bedroll... So he can sleep on it, you know.

Skills and Passive Effects

Addiction to Mind Dust(passive): Mind Dust is a highly addictive drug that has both various positive and negative effects on the user, from heightened alertness to increased physical capability overall, as well as putting him in a state of minimal euphoria and tranquility which borders on dangerous carelessness towards everything around him. The effects are short-lived, however, forcing Ravenok to take doses on a regular basis. Otherwise - when he is not sated - he suffers from headaches, nausea, vexation, and impatience.

As mind dust is a rather uncommon - though not rarely so - drug, coming across it isn't an everyday occurrence. Being addicted to it is quite the hindrance indeed, as it is usually only found in the dark underbelly of society, where the crooks are just as likely to sell a desperate addict sugar mixed with flour than the real stuff. Ravenok finds himself suffering from its many negative effects more often than not.

For future reference, the term "sated" will be referring to the time periods in which Ravenok is on Mind Dust.

Martial Arts (Above Average): Ravenok is an adept fighter when it comes to the world of hand-to-hand close combat, using his armor for both defense and great offense. Having trained over the years in various styles, though not mastering any, he has learned how to navigate a fight without the usual necessity of having to use some sort of weapon. His general specialty is in Striking: Aiming to injure, punish, and brutalize. However, the paradigm of his fighting style will usually change depending on whether he is sated or not.

- When he is sated, he tends to take to a fight defensively with bursts of offense, waiting for his opponent to strike in order to exploit a break in his opponent's guard. A spider waiting in its trap door.

- Otherwise, Ravenok is more lethal, more desperate, more uncoordinated, and more reckless. His style switches to flurries of aggression that shout viciousness.

Apothecary (passive): For all intents and purposes of being an intelligent junkie, Ravenok has actually become quite knowledgeable in the world of herb lore, powders, and mixes that when used properly can be used both medicinally or poisonously. There are even some moments that, when resources are available, he will make his own mind dust.

Athlete (passive, above average): He has trained his body for the sole purpose of having a body capable of doing those things that normal people can only dream of. Acrobatics, running, jumping, climbing, maneuvering over and around obstacles; Ravenok has dabbled in them all. However, there is always room to grow still, so he can only be considered an above average athlete currently.

Overall Intelligence (passive): Ravenok is fairly well spoken when he chooses to be and is an extremely quick learner when he so applies himself, although most of his learning has gone towards basic anatomy and fighting rather than your everyday scholarly Althanian lore; pressure points, vital organs, what burns, etc. Obviously in an effort to better his fighting capability. Usually he tends to undermine his own mental capacity.


Strength - 1.6x, when compared to an average human.
Overall Speed - 1.4x.
Dexterity/Agility -1.4x, 1.6x while sated.

Chi: Utilizing Chi is an ancient technique that Ravenok had begun to learn back in his homeland. The art is about literally manifesting one's "spiritual energy" into virtually any kind of force imaginable, commonly tending to be in the form of elements (creating a burst of flame, a blast of sub-zero air, or even water in more purer forms). It is said that the strength of the individual is what determines the limits of their Chi. It is a draining art that is said to have unlimited potential, with almost endless possibilities.

However, the only form of Chi that Ravenok can create at the moment is fire, weak and only enough to engulf his fist, with the strength to hold and manipulate such energy for several seconds. Also, as this ability takes a lot of focus, Ravenok only has access to it while he is calm and sated.



05-08-11, 10:45 PM
Hello Macabre, welcome to Althanas. Before we can get you approved there is a few things I'm going to need you to do for me.

First, I'm going to need to know how many doses of Mind Dust you currently have in your inventory and how long each dose will last. Make that clear for me and we're square as far as Mind Dust goes. Don't forget you can always obtain more doses in a quest, or even in the Bazaar, as time goes on.

As far as your abilities, I'd like you to word them a little differently. Instead of what you have currently (Strength, Running Speed & Jumping Capability, and Reflexes & Dexterity) I'd like it more simplified. The reason for this is that the stats you described above are inherent in the ones I've listed below. Example, your characters ability to jump would be determined by his strength and speed.

strength - 1.5
speed - 1.5
agility - 1.5
These stats will work for your current level.

Do those edits for me and we can wrap this up :)

05-08-11, 11:23 PM
Can we wrap it with flowery Christmas wrapping paper?

05-08-11, 11:40 PM
No, no wrapping paper for you!

Just kidding, you're approved, so go out and have some fun.