View Full Version : Leaves Left Behind: MQ Discussion

The Sweetest Thing
05-06-11, 07:48 PM
Open thread in Underwood. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22770-Leaves-Left-Behind-%28open%29&p=183201#post183201) This thread is now closed, however if you'd like to RP with Stacia or any of the other characters, feel free to post here.

A maximum of two other people may join this... and I may bring in other alts. Basically I wanted to write this as a solo, but I want to include anyone who wants to write with me, if possible. If you can't keep up with the posting rate, I will either bunny your character along, or separate them from the storyline until you catch up. I will always do this respectfully, but just know I may be unwilling to wait on a response for more than a day or two.

Aside from Stacia, Jake, Duke, and Reever (all alternate PCs of mine) will appear at some point in this thread. It's really just about honing skills, running some fun interaction, and getting to know my characters better before I embark on something big with them.

Limited bunnying will be allowed of all characters by everyone, with the understanding that you will change anything the author of the character asks you to if they don't like it.

I'm looking for people who are willing to think and write outside the box here, and possibly push the envelope a little. Don't sign up if you can't work with unique ideas and nontraditional plot twists.

05-08-11, 11:51 PM
I might be interested. Maybe a little more insight as to what your intentions are for the thread though?

Feel free to hit me up on AIM or Skype or something if you have either of those. Would be cool to chat.

05-09-11, 12:22 AM
My intentions for this thread are to bring my alts (Stacia, Peacemaker, Otter Guy, and Jake Narmolanya) together so they can interact with each other and other characters in Underwood. That's really all the premise I have for this one. It's to get the narrative voices of the respective characters back in my head, more than anything else.

05-09-11, 12:32 AM
Fair enough. Might be an interesting way to start playing Ravenok. I'll see what I can do.

Rayse Valentino
05-09-11, 06:36 AM
I was sort of invited so there you go.

05-09-11, 04:59 PM
Hope you two don't mind me jumping into the mix? Even though I already did.

05-14-11, 09:14 PM
apologies for the delay... I'm caught up in editing Baby This Night, but I should have something posted soon. FYI Jake and Duke may enter as well.

Jake Narmolanya
05-15-11, 02:09 PM
Jake enters the mix...

I've actually got a decent idea of how this story could develop now, Rayse it falls in line with what you IM'd me (I just got that this morning when I signed on) and in fact I'm thinking we should move this thread to regions and include it as part of the Corone war. If you guys are both cool with that, I'll use my super mod powers to move it to Concordia shortly.

I'm working on a short post with Stacia that will conclude Jake's little altercation nicely (I hope) and give you guys a chance to interact with each other or some of my characters. If you really want to post right away, go for it, but I would recommend just waiting the 5-6 hours it'll take me to get that post.. posted.

After I finish that post I'll PM or post here an idea of how the plot could develop from here. If you guys have any ideas for storyline components, throw em up as well.

05-15-11, 05:46 PM
I can see where you might have gotten your idea from, which was sort of a deliberate effect on my part by introducing who I introduced. If that's not what you're talking about though, oh well, it's all kosher to me. Migrate that shit.

The Sweetest Thing
05-15-11, 09:17 PM
Alright... my post is a little rough, but I'll edit it later. The general idea is, the women are all in a room in the Promenade, jake is guarding the door. If you want you can talk to Jake, or hang out n the tavern (I left the description open to ya'll though I imagine it's a fairly large and busy place) or do whatever else your guys are doing.

The general idea I have is we'll use the events of the day (what is it, mid morning? i forget) as the rising action. Then the duel between jake and Ipsen (which starts at nightfall) will be interrupted by a small scale incursion by the Empire. Basically just a skirmishing force meant to assassinate some important people (who I'll introduce later) and test the town's defences.

Post any ideas/additions to what I've put up... I think we're set up for a pretty nifty intricate plot. I'm likin what everyone is bringin so keep it up, and I'll move this to Concordia soon so we can get the CQ exp bonus :D

I hope you guys don't mind that I'm bringing in secondary characters... I also plan to incorporate Duke (account name Peacemaker) and Reever (account name Otter Guy) at some point, but only for a couple posts each around the climax. I'm really looking to shake up the standard "posting order" of most Althanas style threads, so if you ever need an extra post somewhere just say so. We should use this thread for all related chatter, or just brainstorming for the story.

edit: thread moved to Concordia.

Jake Narmolanya
05-29-11, 11:12 PM
My apologies for the delay... multiple contributing factors, but nonetheless, onward! If there's anything either of you want me to change about the way I bunnied your characters, please let me know via PM or IM. Rayse, feel free to bunny Jake through a conversation over a cigarette, or even catch me on AIM so we can work it out together. Considering Jake can create gateways to just about anywhere on Althanas, it'd be understandable for Rayse to have a gut feeling about him being important, or something. Macabre, you can interact with Stacia/any of her NPCs however you'd like, and I'll respond as them wherever you leave it off. That includes the Akashiman dude, whose name I forget and I think I lost track of him in my last post... anyway, have fun with it.

Hopefully y'all didnt lose interest in this already, we're just gettin started!

Rayse Valentino
05-30-11, 07:21 PM
I'll catch you on AIM. I'd rather hash out the conversation than make assumptions, but I left some placeholder bits in the meantime.

Jake Narmolanya
06-03-11, 12:48 PM
That was a good post Rayse... I'm on short time right now so I just through up a short paragraph as a placeholder. Basically I'm trying to give Rayse a reason to be interested in Jake - I figured the subtle insinuation that he can manage intercontinental travel with ease would be enough, but hopefully I'll catch you for a chat soon about that.

Macabre, you're up... by my last count Matron Silter and the Akashiman Ryochi are in the stables, but all the other ladies are in the room washing up/changing, so have fun with it...

06-08-11, 12:03 AM
just lettin you guys know I updated my last post... Macabre, I think you're up now... let me know what your status is like.

06-12-11, 11:18 AM
Are you guys still around? Macabre if I don't hear from you soon I'll bunny on through and hope that you can get back in the next round.

Rayse, I think I missed some IMs from you so either hit me on AIM again or shoot me a PM.

06-12-11, 02:07 PM
Just letting you know that Macabre's been busy with both real-life, Rift, and unfortunate writer's block. He hasn't been concerned about coming back to Althanas for a while, so just go ahead and bunny him.

06-14-11, 11:43 AM
I got a PM from Macabre requesting that we wait on him a bit longer... considering the circumstances, I'll give it a couple more days.

In the meantime we can always do a round of editing...

06-21-11, 01:27 PM
I'm going to move the plot along shortly, will include a minor bunny of Macabre's character so he can stay in the background till he's back.

The Sweetest Thing
06-26-11, 10:22 PM
Macabre has been bunnied out of the main storyline for continuity purposes. Rayse, feel free to work the subplot we discussed using Ipsen. Try to give the reader a good feel of whatever sections of Underwood he passes through, and I'll do the same with my characters. That way when we hit the climax (say 2-3 rounds of posting from now) we should have some stuff laid out.

08-01-11, 02:42 PM
At long last my post is done... your turn now Rayse. I finally have an idea of how we can twist the plot to a satisfying end, so contact me on AIM when possible. Also as a shout out to Macabre, if you're still around and interested in rejoining now would be a great time to hear from you!

The Sweetest Thing
02-12-12, 07:15 PM
We're going to try to finish this, so anyone who was previously in it and would like to join up again for some of the action/conclusion, post here.

Rayse Valentino
02-13-12, 01:10 AM
I'm gonna be reviewing my own posts and making some edits. The last post I made doesn't sit well with me, even if I'm going to keep the general gist of what happened. It's not really up to my usual standards.

I think the only other participant was Macabre, I hope you have his number or something.