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08-11-06, 11:26 PM

Here's the good news: After not getting enough hours at work, I called my union and got myself a busy work schedule a couple of weeks ago. The good thing about this is that I make more money.

Here's the bad news: A busy work schedule means a very busy Gina, and that in turn means I'm usually exhausted by the end of the day. I tell you, manual labor may be rewarding, but it drains the crap out of you.

I'm not leaving or anything, but my activity may be lessened a bit for the foreseeable future. Though my most active account is this one, my Hana and Rabhya accounts will be affected, too. I'll probably be online and posting around midnight, because I work late, so I'll try as hard as possible to keep active. And there you go. :)

08-11-06, 11:32 PM
Oh, well. Do hope you still have the energy to come back once and a while. Don't push yourself too hard to stay online really late often, K? ^_^

08-12-06, 05:23 AM
It sucks that your activity is going to be decreased, but it's good to know that you managed to get some more hours. Life > Althanas after all, no matter what some people think. It's good to know that you're not leaving us though. Decreased activity is better then no activity at all and we all eagerly await your posts. At least I do. :)

08-12-06, 07:48 AM
good luck with your job picking up. just remember to have fun when you can^^

08-16-06, 12:07 AM
Don't push yourself too hard to stay online really late often, K? ^_^

Hehe, I don't, no worries. Thanks, everybody.

Although for some reason, I always seem to do best writing posts from midnight to 2 a.m. *blink*

Slayer of the Rot
08-16-06, 12:10 AM
You're fired.

08-16-06, 12:12 AM
You're just jealous that I'm makin' money. :)

Slayer of the Rot
08-16-06, 12:16 AM
Hey, I'm making money too. Just not legally. Or in money form.

09-01-06, 10:45 PM
Okay, looks like the work schedule isn't going to let up, especially a couple people are leaving the department. However, I'm getting sick of not having enough time to write, so I'll be trying to be much more frequent starting tomorrow. Besides, I'll probably be gone from that job by October. At least I hope so.

So I guess I'm back for the most part. I get knocked down, but I get up again stuff. :)

09-02-06, 12:06 AM
Try getting on SMS, you ugly avatar.

09-02-06, 10:06 AM
Shush, you ugly man.

My avatar is hot and you know it.

09-02-06, 10:15 AM
I mean AIM.