View Full Version : Melchior, Asura of Carone

05-08-11, 08:06 PM
Name: Melchior
Age: 27
Race: Human
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: N/A
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 150 lbs
Occupation: Wandering Monk/Asura
Birthplace: Unknown.
Current Location: Corone

Melchior approaches everyone he meets with great caution. Lacking the ability to see, he cannot read a person’s body language and is therefore unable to attain any sort of “first appearance”. He likes to keep to himself; often, he keeps his distance from any kind of interaction, regardless of the intention of the opposite party. He is quiet in most cases, but that’s not to say he’s incapable of intelligent conversation. He puts all of his efforts into maintaining the tunnel vision on his quest.

Melchior is tall and lanky, to say the least. He is not “defined” or “toned” in any form of the words. He has slender arms that struggle to carry even the lightest of swords. When he is not tied down to a particular place, he wears his silk robes to maintain a light and airy feeling. The robes are white in color, with various embroidered patterns that flow down the sleeves and back. The front has a v-neck style fold that extends down to his sternum. It has a decorative obi that splits the top of the robe from the bottoms; a pants-like setup that are also white in color. Unlike the top, however, the bottom has no sort of decoration. Melchior does not wear any sort of metallic armor as it dulls his senses. His weapon is a decorated, but otherwise lack-luster iron katana that is dulled and has notches cut out of it. Lastly, he wears a black tattered cloth over his eyes to hide the atrocity of his eyeless face.

Eye of the Magi [passive] - This skill allows for Melchior to gain some sense of the surrounding environment. Anything he can smell, hear, or touch (rarely does taste come into the equation), translates into a shadowed image in his mind. It is never clear, even if the best case scenario happens. No great detail is ever involved, just shades of grey.

Increased Sensory [passive] – the use of all senses, with the exception of vision (which is not capable), is raised to an above average level. Melchior can smell things far away and identify familiar scents. He can pick up very quiet noises, of varying pitches from a few hundred yards away. The sense of touch is heightened and he can feel very slight changes in pressure and temperature. The increased taste sense allows him to thoroughly enjoy a nicely cooked meal.

Short Sword & Longsword skills [Ingrained] – After training sword use with the Monks, he has gained the knowledge of sword-usage while lacking sight. He uses his other skills to strike with speed and high accuracy. This includes long daggers and katanas as well. He does not have much strength to wield large blades, as well as lacking the ability to use any other weapon with a level of medium to high proficiency.

Reflexes/Agility/Speed – 1.4x human
Intelligence – 1.5x human
Sensory – 1.4x human

The following are important to note as ‘anti-abilities’ or weaknesses:
Physical Strength – 0.8x human
Vision – 0.1x human (Eye of the Magi allows for 0.6x human, as it is still only a shadowed perception)

White Silk Garb – Very light; allows for increased agility and helps with sensory of touch.

Black Eye cloth – Used to drape over his eyes so they are not seen by people who pass him.

Decorated Iron Katana – Old and worn, it is dull and has various notches carved into it. He came across the sword a long time ago, and has used it ever since. It is just barely sharp enough to cut through human flesh, let alone the flesh of other beings. It was the Katana of the Abbot at the monastery that he took after everyone had perished.

Melchior is a lone wanderer. He has no family ties and no one he calls a friend. His mother fell to the plague when he was a child, and his father went insane as a result. Ketsusha, his father, spent all of his time scribbling random figures and symbols on parchment using his blood. He would cut the tips of his finger and draw them out on the small parchment squares. One day, low on alcohol, Ketsusha violently lashed out on Melchior. Melchior, being a child of roughly the age of four, had no means of defending himself. He was pinned down on the ground by his father, who was using his fists as bludgeons. In the midst of the fury, his father pulled his arm back, and bumped a small lantern off of a meager little bench. The lantern, lit, fell on to Melchior’s face and shattered upon it. The glass shards stuck into his face and eyes, and the small remnant of fuel burned his eyes. This was the last thing Melchior saw. His father committed suicide after realizing his heinous act.

Shortly after the death of his father, Melchior was taken in by a group of monks that had a monastery in Corone. Everything was a struggle for him, as he was blind; his association with primarily everything ended in frustration. Simple tasks were made difficult, or impossible. It took many years for Melchior to acquire the patience to learn and cope with his disability. Around the age of eleven, he became fascinated by the sounds of the monks that were training with weapons. The methodic movements and rhythms became something Melchior could become fixated on, and recall easily. He joined the other monks and began to train. He would train in the morning, eat one meal, and then train until it was time to rest. He repeated this process daily.

Around the age of 20, the monastery that he had been at for so many years was attacked by a group of mercenaries. On that day, everyone had died… everyone except Melchior. After all of the monks had perished, Melchior took on the remaining mercenaries on his own. He had picked up the katana of the Abbot and used it to avenge the fallen monks.

Seven years have passed since that day. He still seeks the source of the mercenary attack to complete the avenging of his fallen brothers. The katana he carries, now dulled from battle, is not sharpened by choice. Melchior wants the final attack to be dealt by the blade, in its truest form.

Silence Sei
05-08-11, 09:25 PM
Actually, this looks good to me.

Approved. Just be careful with that advanced sensory thing.

05-09-11, 03:33 PM
Will do ;) Thankya sirrrrr.