View Full Version : Whirring Machinery

05-10-11, 02:57 AM
Name: Lazzo Gyrosprocket
Age: 172
Race: Gnome
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 3'6 (about 1.07 meters)
Weight: 42 lbs (about 19 kg)
Occupation: Tinker

Lazzo is calculated and decisive yet fickle. He pursues that which he desires with great fervor until another more interesting project consumes him. He behaves similarly in social situations. Once a man no longer holds use for Lazzo, Lazzo discards him. This being said, he has very few friends.
He is also marked with a streak of cowardice. “Live to die another day!” is one of his many mottos. The only thing that will prevail over his cowardice is his greed. No matter the danger and no matter the cost if there is a fortune to be made, Lazzo Gyrosprocket will make it.

Lazzo is squat, even by Gnomish standards. He is short, round, plump and incredibly ruddy. His hair is greying, his nose, lips and ears are enormous, and his eyes are large beady blue orbs bulging from a sloping forehead. His hands are short and dirty, ending in sausage-fingers that seem ill-fitted to the task of fine mechanics, and he wobbles with an awkward gate.
Lazzo's left arm ends in a large copper canister. It is strapped and jointed up his arm to his shoulder, and a large tube connects it to his back. The canister has several knobs, buttons, dials and gauges and a thin pale blue mist wisps from the end. The tube connects to a small copper tank similarly outfit with valves, pneumatics and heat sinks. He wears similar robes to those of the Illusion-Academy initiates, but Lazzo his hardly magical.
Lazzo's voice is nasal but not shrill (Think Woody Allen, not Fran Drescher).

Master Engineer – “If it can be built, Lazzo can build it.” is another of his famous mottos. The only limitation on Lazzo's abilities as an engineer or tinker are time and resources. Lazzo understands virtually everything on the subject, from structural integrity to clock work to steam to pneumatics.

Skilled with Explosives - “And if I can build it, I can crash it!.” Although (thankfully) not as skilled in the art of destruction as he is in creation, Lazzo has learned a thing or two about explosives. Mainly how to not blow his stubby little fingers off.

Poor Combat skills – “Swords, Bows, Spears, Axes, Maces... to hell with them.”

Poor Magical skills – Although all Gnomes are magic to some extent, Lazzo is magically challenged, to be kind. His lack of innate ability provided the basis for a lazy approach to its development, and now he is hardly capable of the basic cantrips even beginning magi take for granted.

Adept Linguist – In his travels and studies, Lazzo has accumulated knowledge in the following languages:
Gnomish – native
Tradespeak – fluent
Dwarven – fluent
Orcish – Conversational
Elven – Elementary Conversational (Where is the store, My name is Lazzo. I am good. Etc)

Inventions (Abilities):
Lazzo's true strength lies in that which he can fabricate. His inventions and their uses will be listed here in lieu of abilities. His inventions are powered by his small innate magical capabilities, so operation of these inventions will be difficult for non-Gnomes and impossible for non-magical beings.

*****Offensive Amplifex Abilities *****
Chemical Spray – There are two compartments located toward the underside of the Amplifex that hold liquids. Frequently the liquids found in these compartments are lubricants or gels used in the creation of his inventions, but if need be Lazzo can eject them into the face of a would-be aggressor. Hopefully, some lands in the eye (or eyes) of his assailant long enough for him to flee. Usually the liquids are quite caustic and can cause temporary blindness as well as slight chemical burns. It is slightly more irritating than full strength law-enforcement grade pepper-spray. If it lands on skin, it can be promptly removed with water or a rag, but no adverse effects will be noticed. The liquid is very flammable.
**can be used twice without refueling.

Arc-Spanner - There are three small prongs at the end of the Amplifex at the 12, 4 and 8 o clock positions. Lazzo developed the arc-spanner for use in his inventing. Welding and firestarting mostly, but after a few mishaps he quickly learned how much the thing smarts. It packs a punch similar to a taser but is only capable of a quick discharge, not an extended shock. While it recharges it makes a faint high pitched whining sound such as a camera flash or night vision goggle.
**can be used once per three posts.

***** Enhancements *****
The G.O.G.L.S – Gravitational Ocular-Gyro Locator Spectacles. The G.O.G.L.S have 2 lenses that enhance Lazzo's vision. The first is a night vision set that lets him see 200% the normal human sight line in darkness. (Note, this also means torches are 200% brighter, etc.) The second is a thermal lens that shows infrared radiation. Things that output infrared radiation (heat) appear on the goggles. Embers, torches, and warm-bloodied bodies (not the undead or lizard folk) all appear on his lens, regardless of darkness, smoke, fog, etc. Room temperature objects cannot be seen, and large heat sources like bonfires render them useless.


The Amplifex – Lazzo's first and most refined invention, the Amplifex is the omni-tool of inventors. It is around his left arm and extends from just below the elbow to just above the thumb. It contains a small claw-like appendage useful for fine manipulation, a tool extension and an on-board “Magicka Enhancerizer/Reductionator" that can either amplify or stifle Lazzo's magical nature for desired effects. However, the Magicka Enhancerizer is still in development and does nothing. He's gotten the Reductionator to work, but it is of virtual uselessness.
The Amplifex alone is a tool, Grappling Hook, rope, fire-starter and shovel, it should be viewed as Lazzo's Swiss-Army-Knife. It has no direct effect against another player, except maybe as a very expensive and very fragile club.

Gear Box - A small whirring contraption of springs, gears and hissing pneumatics. He stands about 16 inches (40 cm) tall and constantly rattles and shakes, looking as if he would explode at any moment into a shower of clock works. He assists Lazzo in his inventions and holds a very simple magical artificial intelligence. He is not capable of speech but understands primitive directions. He is in no way of any assistance in combat.

History: (I'm going to leave this intentionally vague, because I want to solo-RP some of the holes.)

Lazzo came into this world a teeny tiny bundle of Gnomish joy. His father worked in the mines and his mother baked a delicious Crumkelberry pie. As soon as Lazzo could walk, he was getting into trouble with his dad's tools and toys. By his adolescence he had created Gear Box and was well on his way to his current affinity with all things mechanical.
He was sent to the Illusion Academy, much in line with his fathers wishes and against his own. He had no desire to use magic, claiming that industry and technology was the way of the future. He was disowned from his family for a time after he failed the Academy, but after a few years he was invited back. The damage had been done already, though, and he never would really make amends with his father before his death.
Lazzo barely ekes out an existence with his inventions. He sells some, and occasionally displays them at world fairs or other events.
He has always been just dodging the hand that wants to squash him, and if it weren't for an uncanny amount of luck, Lazzo Gyrosprocket would be long dead.

05-10-11, 09:38 PM
Welcome to Althanas, let's get this ball on the roll.

To start off with I'm going to need you to list any abilities your Amplifex can do that can be used against other players in abilities. You have listed that it can create fire, can this fire be used against other players? How much fire can it create? Also, you listed it has magic enhancing/reduction. Since you haven't listed any magical abilities in your profile, besides saying he has poor magic skills, I'm going to have to know what exactly your Amplifex will be enhancing and what not. What magic capabilities does he have, if any, that can effect other players or NPCs in combat?

Also, what does the chemical spray do to another player? Does it just blind them breifly if it happens to hit them in the eyes? Does it cause burning to the skin? Any more information that you can provide about it can help me out with this whole process.

Fix those things for me and we'll go on from there.

05-10-11, 10:33 PM
A few questions, maybe some poor communication on my part. The abilities the Amplifex can do against other players is listed in my abilities section. It cannot create fire. Essentially, where as other characters may have flint and tinder, a compass, a whet stone, etc, Lazzo has the Amplifex. It sparks, discerns directions, sharpens weapons and other adventurely things.

The enhancer is a tidbit of some bad editing on my part. I originally had an ability called overload where Lazzo would channel his magical into the Amplifex for a beam attack. I will edit that to be more clear. He has no magical abilites that do anything really without the amplifex.

I will also clarify the chemical spray.

05-10-11, 10:51 PM
Alright, I get what your going for in that case. Thank you for your edits.

The last thing I would like to touch on is your G.O.G.L.S. and what they can do exactly. For now I'm going to need you to just remove the last ability of them (since it's in it's beta, you can always work through it in a quest, which I think you planned on doing already, and request it as spoils for a future level update). The night vision is completely fine as it is. The thermal ability is what I am somewhat concerned with. What can you see with it? You provided that you cannot see room-temp. level objects, and that a huge fire would render them useless, but I need to know what he will be seeing with that option of the G.O.G.L.S. moreso than I need to know what he won't be seeing. Just give me a little more info on that option, remove the third, and you're set for approval.

I look forward to your updates :)

05-10-11, 10:56 PM
Done and done.

05-10-11, 11:02 PM
Thank you for the edits. Good news is you're now approved, welcome to Althanas.

Feel free to check out the training forum Underwood, or any other region of the site, if you want to get a grip for how our site works. Now get in there and start tinkering!