View Full Version : Rhiannon Orris

05-10-11, 03:12 AM
Name:*Rhiannon Marie Orris
Hair Color:*Blonde
Eye Color:* Blue/ Gray
Height:* 5'10”
Weight:* 125
Occupation:* The Technocratic Union
Birthplace:* New York
Current Location:* Unknown Realm (Althanas)

Personality: Rhiannon is a very straight forward, chin up kind of women. Some would say she has a serious case of penis envy and is often called a bitch, which is by no means a new title for her. Besides her stern, bullheaded attitude, Rhiannon makes a great leader type when on a mission or secret operation given to her by the Union. Her reliability is what made her a Union leader after all. On a positive trait, the glass is always half full. She tries to find the positives of everything in a situation before a negative.

Seeming really rough on her outer shell, the women is soft on the inside and caring individual. Protecting the people was her life and internal goal. She cares and loves but never shows it do to her training as a Union Agent. Feelings would only bring weakness. Weakness will only bring failure.

Appearance: First thing you'll tend to notice (especially if male) is her physically fine fit body, due to the harsh training from the Technocrats. Rhiannon has a broad busted chest with model perfect six pack. Her arms, legs, shoulders, back, and glute are very toned as well from the daily PT sessions. Some would mistake her as a personal trainer over anything else.

As for clothing. She is usually seen in her agent attire consisting of a green beret with a golden Technocratic emblem along with a black tight fitted vest. With a green pair of spandex like jeans, she accompanies her feet with a pair of steel toed black leather combat boots. Rhiannon's hair is usually pulled back and always has her dog tags dangling down her chest, not to mention her fingerless gloves. She just wears those because they look tough.


Survival: Her body only needs a small amount of rest, sleep, and food to still function 100% She only needs 5 hours of rest to be completely fine, which is 3 hours shorter than a average joe. As for food and water. She can get by with half a ration container and 16oz of water and be 100% With less, her performance will gradually flaw.

Martial Arts: (Above average) As an Agent, Rhiannon was strictly trained to Master Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jujitsu for her means of self defense and hand to hand combat. (Which is what she uses most.)

Investigation:(Average) Since the Union deals with top secret matter, her skills of investigation are that of a college level. She knows some tips and fundamentals of what to look for when searching for a person or thing.

Certified in Firearms: ( Average) Trained from a shotgun all the way to an assault rifle, Rhiannon had to prove to be at least satisfactory. With her pistol, which is her only firearm (usually) is no better than your Town Cop.


Keen senses:(x2 of human) Modified by the Biological Union facility, her senses are beyond a normal human beings. She more like a wolf or other wild animal with extensive hearing and smell. Her site is nothing more than 20-20.

Fast Healing: (x1.5 faster than human rate) The Technocratic Union increased the movement of her cells to heal any wounds she has at a moderate speed. Ex. A gun wound can take about a month and a week where she will heal within a week to a week in a half due to her modification.

Damaged Beretta with empty 13 round clip (9mm) (Needs a firring pin, a recoil spring, and a new barrel. The barrel warped from the transition between realms.)
Stainless steel combat knife with unscrewable compass.

Steel Telescopic electrical rod ( 5 shocks) The rod can take some time to regenerate power after depleted of its energy. Since she doesnt have something to plug it in, it charges from solar power which is a much longer process.: Sends a shock to the enemy when made contact. The electrical charge is strong enough to cause damage to a foe but will not completely stun them like a higher voltage tazzer would. If struck in the arm it might shock them enough to drop their weapon depending on the foe.

Small first aid kit.
3 Rations and 20oz canteen.
Cell Phone (not usefull at all in this world.)
Zippo lighter


Rhiannon was born and raised in Alaska where there only seemed to be snow, snow, and more snow. Growing up she saw fun as in riding dog sleds and camping by rivers. She would often go hunting with her grandfather Jinkins to hunt the Caribou. She lived in a small, isolated village, where she attended a school with no more than three hundred students. Everyone seem to know one another. It was as if they were one big family. Rhiannon's mother and father were Jeffery Donner Orris and Lindsey Ray Orris. They were both very loving, supportive parents, and still are till this day.

As Rhiannon aged, so did her intelligence, which was quickly being observed by her teachers. The little girl seemed to never see anything under an A- in her whole young school career. And the odd thing about it is that her parents didn't have to pressure her at all. This continued throughout highschool and was offered many grants and special attention from college universitys such as Harvard...but there was one other association that grabbed her attention...and quick. The Technocratic Union.

Through her life as a child, Rhiannon wanted to be involved in law enforcement. She wanted to be a police chief just like her daddy. When it came to college she was most defiantly going for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, but never thought her life would take a turn when she met Mr. Turner, a recruiting agent. He was a handsome man in a black suit and a set of fancy black sunglasses. Offering her the deal of a lifetime. In his hands were a flashdrive she was to look into when no one was around but herself. Finding this all very odd, seeing he found her during a 10 mile hike in the wilderness, couldn't help but take the flash drive. It took her about a week before she ever had the time to look it over. And when she did, she was astonished to see what was before her. A heavy description of the Technocratic Union and their about of Biological Advancement in Human Biology and the Justice of Science and Common Safety of Unknown Technology. Her chances of opportunity to qualify as one of their agents was a simple button of yes or no. So of course she clicked Yes.

“I really hope there isn't some catch.” she murmured as she went ahead and clicked her mouse to yes. All it said was thank you before the flashdrive spit out of her computer and caught fire. In panic, Rhiannon yelped as she quickly stomped it out, her eyebrows raising. Why would that happen?! Suddenly her phone rang from an unknown call only seconds after the whole incident. Answering cautiously, a deep voice told her too look outside to a black Lincoln parked in her driveway, to go there. “I- Don't think my parents...”

“Your parents will sleep well for the next eight hours, miss Orris. We will inform them of your absence when they are awake. Mr. Turner will be there in the morning.”

“O-okay?” Rhiannon looked around at all of her things nervously, starting to shake. Shake? Why was she shaking? It just must be because she is feeling very nervous, especially with a car waiting for her at 3am in the morning. How did they get here so fast? “I need to..uhm.. pack my things.”

“There is no need, Miss Orris. We will supply you with everything you need upon arriving to our facility.”

The phone started hissing with sparks and Rhiannon jumped, screaming as she threw it across the room. “Does Everything self destruct!?”

Rushing herself and slipping on a hoodie, she hurried outside and out the door. A quick sting stabbed her in the back of the neck, falling to the floor.

There is only the Technocratic Union. You are a solider of Technological Justice and humanity.

This is all she knows now. They took her away that day... Erased her memory of who she was. Luckily for Mr. Turner, she kept her biological name. The Union had destroyed all proof of her birth and existing outside of the Union. They were hers now. She agreed the terms.

They chose her because her brain development was extraordinary and more of any normal human being. For as fast as her brain movement was, she should of died of a stroke years ago, but only was 100% healthy and intelligent. She was perfect for their newest technology. Since her brain activity was so high, only she could handle the biological modifications to her body. (Explains her abilities.)

With the project a success, they tested her abilities and began training her in many scenarios and combat. Within 3 years she was ready to be a Union Field Agent. They sent her on many missions accompanied by soldiers much like her without modifications as proved to be successful. Within another year she was promoted a leader in the Field. They dealt with many top secret technology and weapons, shutting them all down completely before they could ever sprout into very dangerous things. They were a secret organization and were fighting a unknown war among mankind.

One certain mission got the best of her. The Russians designed a machine that could open a portal of any time period. It HAD to be destroyed. So she was sent out with the other top two agents. They weren't expecting to run into other weapons such as the two Russian cyborgs. They were the protectors of the portal. Both Field agents were immediately killed and Rhiannon barely made the fight, which also caused something..very.....very..bad.

“Dodge this, asshole.” She growled pulling the trigger of her gun point blank at the cyborgs head. It was her last bullet, and it counted. The last standing cyborg screeched so loud that it was ear piercing and waves of electricity puled through him as he stumbled back and fell into the portal. “No!” Rhiannon screamed, jumping to grab it, but it was too late. He fell through.

The portal started going haywire, cutting in and out violently, creating a strong wind throughout the room. Then it all stopped...

Rhiannon's eyes glanced around, grimacing as she held her ribs, forcing herself to her feet. Flipping open her phone, she was getting ready to call the Union when the portal turned back on, but was much different now. The portal was red and started sucking everything in with tremendous power. What was going on!? Rhiannon held on for dear life, screaming as she lost her grip and was taken into the new portal. This couldn't be happening! After her disappearance the portal exploded, taking the whole Russian base with it.

“Sir? What happened?”

“We lost her...”

“She's dead?”

“No, she no longer exist...”

What was meant to be a Time Machine ended up turning into a portal of a different Realm from the cyborg creating some kind of malfunction in the structure and balance of the machine. Now she was in a whole knew world very much different then her own.

She was in the World Althanas!

05-10-11, 05:56 PM
Hey there and welcome to Althanas. There are a few things I'm going to need you to edit before we can go on with getting you approved.

First, I cannot allow firearms at your current level. If you could please edit into your gun's description that it is missing a few key pieces, rendering it useless currently. Please understand that you can always come back later and buy those pieces in the Bazaar (they won't be cheap though) or even write a quest where you achieve them as spoils.

Secondly, please move Survival to skills instead of abilities. Also, can you clarify what "1.5x?" is in relation to for your healing ability, like you did in your Senses one.

Lastly, I need to know the metal material your rod is made of. At your current level I can allow Steel or Iron, so take your pick.

Do those things for me and we can continue this process of getting you approved.

05-10-11, 08:43 PM
Thanks for the help! I moved survival to the skills section, the rod is steel, and the x1.5 is how much faster the healing rate is compared to a normal human being.

As for the gun. Needs a new firing pin, a spring, and a new barrel because hers is now very warped.

All of this has been edited into the profile. :)

05-10-11, 09:05 PM
Alright, one last thing and you will be approved. I will need you to make a limit to how many times you can use the rod's electric shock in a period of time. I was thinking currently it could have 3 to 5 charges in it before you would need to let it charge for a while (several hours).

Make that last minor edit for me and you'll be approved.

Also, a little food for thought:
As far as ammo for your gun goes, you can still find and buy (it ain't cheap though) that in Althanas as well. Just a friendly reminder (for when your gun is fully functional) if you didn't already know.

05-10-11, 10:05 PM
Completed and fixed. :) 5 shocks since its her only weapon for the most part before it needs several hours to charge.

05-10-11, 10:28 PM

If you're looking to get a quick start, or even want to get into the swing of how things work here on Althanas, go check out the Underwood Training Forum. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to offer to the site :)