View Full Version : What's in a name?

Kyleen Elifost
05-11-11, 03:59 AM
Name: Kyleen Elifost
Age: 20
Race: Human
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'8
Weight: 115
Occupation: Information Broker
Birthplace: Concordia
Current Location: Althanas

Personality: Kyleen always has an angle. She looks at life as one big opportunity, always looking for a way to profit. She's not prone to acts of justice, nor does she actively seek to harm others. She doesn't have a high opinion of families or men for that matter, but they have their uses.

Appearance: Her flowing red hair goes down to her shoulders, and her slim figure allows her to be nimble yet curvaceous. She has many different outfits for every occasion, but the one she uses most often to blend in is a simple dark green long skirt, a brown long sleeve shirt, a brownish-red shawl, and a black handkerchief she ties her hair in. It's an inconspicuous ensemble that attracts little to no attention..


Lockpicking: An average ability to pick locks.

Con Artist: She can forge and assume identities with a moderate amount of skill.

Eidetic Memory: You don't have to tell her twice. She can recollect the sound and sight from any memory with near-perfect accuracy.

Painting: Coupled with Photographic Memory, she can recreate a scene on paper any number of different ways.

Deductive Reasoning: She can piece together what happened in any given scene with a few clues and intuition. She can infer a lot from body language and past experience.


The Sight of Names: Just by looking at someone, Kyleen can know their name. If they have multiple names or pseudonyms, she knows them all as well. It has to be a name that they actively used or identified with, not just rumors or names other people have used.

Athletics: Trained by a thief, she can avoid attacks with an above average efficiency, and perform a great amount of acrobatics without much strain. She can get away from most unsavory situations by slipping out of any little opening she's provided.


An untold number of outfits, from priestess garb to a noblewoman's corset and dress.

A sheathed dagger strapped to the inside of whatever lower garb she's wearing, from pants to underwear.


Her father is a thief in the Bandit Brotherhood. Her mother is a con artist. And her job is to sell people like them out. She gathers information from secret meetings and crime scenes and sells them to the highest bidder. Her unreliable parents were never around, so she was raised by the Bandit Brotherhood itself, but decided that she did not want to pursue the same path as her parents. Despite her work being very dangerous to thieves, smugglers, con artists, and whatnot- She still holds a place among the Brotherhood in the spirit of true freedom to pursue the lifestyle any BB member wants.

05-11-11, 08:17 PM
Hey there and welcome to the site.

Before I can get you approved I'm going to need you to move "Athletics" to the abilities section of your profile, instead of skills. My reasoning behind this is that it can be used in combat against other players and NPC's.

Get that done for me and you're as good as approved.

Kyleen Elifost
05-11-11, 10:53 PM

edit: Kyleen is not a thief. She believes her profession is much higher class than common thievery.

05-12-11, 07:24 PM

If you want to test your thief skills out why don't you go and visit the training forum, Underwood, there's a mission in there where you can raid to your hearts content.