View Full Version : Zerret

05-16-11, 07:35 PM
Full name: Zerret
Age: 30
Race: Tainted Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye color: Crimson Red
Height: 6 Feet
Weight: 190lb

Zerret personality is mostly unknown since the only people he interacts with are those who hire him and those he kills. From his actions he appears merciless and void of emotion. He only cares about his own power and status.

Zerret wears a personally made suit crafted by demons to highlight his mobility and murderous fighting style

Stealth- Zerret is well trained in the art of clandestine willing to trail someone for hours before making a move.

Survivalist- Zerret can survive days on end in almost any environment with only a knife and his own instinct, having a well grounded background in Herbology

Martial artist- Zerret has been trained since a young age to defend himself against multiple foes using only owns body or his surroundings to aid him. This training also involved learning how to control mind body and spirit as one allowing for balance and relaxed state in stressful situations.

Blade specialist- Zerret has learn to incorporate many different styles of blades into his style of martial arts ranging from small kunai knives to long samurai swords.

*Zerret's Demonic equipment is bonded to his soul only able to evolve as he reaches certain levels.*

Demon armor- living armor that provides nothing more then clothing at its current stage

Tainted Soul- Zerret’s corrupted soul begins to emit dark energy from his body instantly giving off an aura of evil which causes fear in his opponents though it can be combated with a sound mind and willpower. So far he has only learned to use it to augment his own speed to 2x a normal human (can only be used a max of 3 times ever several hours.

Demon Blade- As a living weapon The demon blade is as strong as steel and devours the souls of those who fall to it, allowing it to evolve. Due to its young age its has no abilities other then to drain Zerret of his energy when wielding it.


Demon armor (Light enchanted armor with blades that trail his forearms and)
Demon Blade (An enchanted Ninja- To)
2 small swords
1 concealed dagger
6 Kunai throwing knives

Zerret was raised in a small village of ninja who lived in the mountains. It was believed by them that due to the evil deeds of man, man gave birth to an evil god that the first Hogosha with the aid of the heavens defeated him and his demons and sealed them inside the very mountain they live on. They believe that as long as peace is maintained the demons won’t have enough evil energy to free themselves. Time has passed and evil has been long forgotten, the only worries in Zerret’s life was competing with his brother.
Ever since Zerret was little he lived in the shadows of his older brother Ukazu. Although his brother was kind hearted always quick to defend his little brother Zerret, always offering a helping hand and a warm smile, still he felt a deep seeded jealousy. No matter what he did he always had to hear “keep it up and you might be as good as your brother.” He didn’t want to be as good, he wanted to be better. Even the girls over looked him, wanting to know if his brother was home. It was almost as if he didn’t exist they would just call him Ukazu’s younger brother. His brother was held in such high regard that there was talk of him becoming the next Hogosha, leader of the village. This would mean that he would go to the top of the mountains were it was believed the heavens were to receive special training from the current Hogosha and if completed he would receive the Holy armor and the Angel blade. This only fueled the flames in Zerret’s heart further to the point were he would challenge his brother daily to show his strength, but try as he might he would always fall defeated. Forced to look up at his brothers smiling face from the ground. This only fueled is anger further. Zerret decided if he could not defeat his brother he would seek help from the gods. He climbed to the top of the mountain on his own and pleaded for help but when he returned to face his brother his was again humiliated. Confused and angered by his own weakness he sought out help in legends and lore. He broke into the Hogosha’s house late at night and stumbled across a book about the forgotten one. It spoke of its origins and how it was ultimately defeated by his clan but more importantly it spoke of its power.
Following its directions to a tee Zerret found himself face to face with the evil force in person. Filled with fear he knew the beings position and struck a deal. He proposed that the being give him power and in return he would create enough darkness in the world to free it. The Forgotten one intrigued by the young mans offer and the thought of being free agreed. It reached its hand deep into Zerret’s chest leaving a curse to insure there deal, then forged him a weapon and armor born from the pit to aid him. When Zerret returned to his village his people looked at him with fear as he quickly headed to the Hogosha’s home and killed him before he could fight back. He then turned his wrath to the villagers, he could not help but enjoy the thought of those who once ignored him and though of him as week now running for there lives. As the village went up in flames and Zerret began to leave, he noticed his brother kneeling over his precious Hogosha’s body he had a look of sadness and anger in his eyes but what was most noticeable to him was one thing, He was no longer smiling.

05-17-11, 05:30 PM
Alright let's get this show on the road.

At your current level there is no way I can allow you to have total immunity to both magic and pain. What I can do for you is suggest you change your damage threshold to double (2x, or however you want the phrase it) a normal persons (basically meaning he only feels half the damage he is dealt).

As far as your magic abilities go I'm going to need you to change that ability completely. I cannot allow you to completely shrug off magic and absorb it at the same time, not at your current level at least. Currently you can make it so you absorb (low level) magic attacks and can use this to boost one of his stats (strength, speed, agility, etc) for a total of 30 seconds (roughly one post). I'd also like you to put some sort of limitation on how many times you can use this spell during a thread, because it's still pretty strong and I can't have you going around absorbing every low level spell that's coming your way. I would say you can use this ability (at max) twice in a day (demons got to get full on all that magic at some point ;))

Change those two abilities for me and I'll give this a second look. Thank you.

05-18-11, 02:01 AM
I completely changed my character i made a mistake by copy and pasting the wrong one. is it ok that i did this or must i keep the old one? thank you for the help =)

05-18-11, 03:21 AM
It's fine that you posted a new character, but the one you've posted now has far too many abilities for a level 0 character.

I would like you to start by changing his equipment for me. His sword, for one, cannot have indestructibility. It will have to start off with the strength of steel or iron. However, I can still allow it to devour souls and evolve as it does so, but any abilities gained in the future from this will still be moderated by me or another ROG mod at level updates.

Also, his armor cannot augment his speed at the time being. Like stated above, you can evolve it as time goes on and you level up higher and complete some threads. So please remove it's ability to augment his x4 speed, for this profile at least, it can be added at level 1.

As far as your ability Tainted Soul goes, is that all it does? Does it only give people the impression that something spooky and/or evil is in the area? If so it's fine, if not just give me some more details on what it does exactly.

Fix those things for me and we'll see where we stand on getting you approved.

05-18-11, 04:37 AM
sorry about the vagueness I explained them better.

05-19-11, 03:18 AM
Alright I had you approved, but I forgot to touch on one more minor detail. If you could please state that currently his sword is the strength of steel, that'd be great. It can, of course, grow in strength as he levels up.

Thanks and sorry for that last little bit, forgot to mention it earlier. Do that and you're ready to rock and roll.

05-19-11, 05:57 AM
I made the addition and its no problem i appreciate your guidance and patience =)

05-19-11, 07:19 AM
Thanks for making those edits for me and being patient through this whole process.
