View Full Version : Lyra

05-17-11, 01:41 AM
Name: Lyra Sylvari
Age: 125
Hair Color: White and Silvery
Eye Color: Leaf Green
Height: 5'6'
*Occupation: None

Lyra is a little over confident with very little to back it up, she carries herself like royalty and will be the first to tell you if she disapproves of something. This being said, all of these negative traits serve to cover up the insecurities she has inside. She is pampered to the bone, and does not like to get dirty or to do menial tasks that are fit for “regular people” Her demeanor is not unfounded however because she comes from a very old and respected Elvish family. She can be quick to temper, but she pretends to be the most mild mannered girl in existance. She has an intense love for nature, probably because of her magical qualities

She has very petite and slim build . Her skin is a beautiful ivory color and she is always impeccably clean. She wears her hair in a long braid that reaches down to the small of her back. Every last hair just seems to stay in place even in a strong wind. She is partial to wearing a pure white flowing linen tunic that closes with mahogany rod shaped buttons. The tunic cinches at the waist with a weaved belt that looks like it's made of delicate branches or vines. On her legs she wears tight riding pants, that end at the knee and leather boots that overlap the pants a few inches. Her nails are short and you wont find a speck of dirt underneath. Everything Lyra does looks graceful, the way she moves, the way she eats, the way she sleeps, that coupled with her holier than thou attitude, you would surely not approach her if you saw her on the street. She looks unobtainable, almost like a princess. When you first see her she looks like she is surrounded by a soft light throwing her slightly out of focus and making it hard to keep your eyes off of her for long. If you get to know her however, this light may fade depending on how much she likes you, because she can quickly lose her composure.

Lyra was born into the Sylvari family. Through not royalty, they are one of the oldest and respected families in the Elvin community. Lyra's family does not lift a finger for themselves if they don't have to. They have servants that do everything for them. Her mother was said to be the most beautiful elf maiden in Althanas, and her father dutifully protects the land when their kind is in danger. Lyra has been kept in her small community for all her life, and is always well protected. When she was born it was said by a mystic that she had the fate of the Sylvari name in her hands, so naturally, after then she was guarded and protected with the utmost care. Lyra has a distorted view on the world, because she has not come in contact with anything outside of her village.
She knows little about other people or races, so naturally she believes that Elves are at the top of the food chain. She knows nothing of danger, but as of late she has started feeling cooped up in her little village. She is starting to think that she owns the world and should be able to travel as she pleases and no harm will come to her. She is waiting for the moment that she can just pack up and leave he family home and do things on her own for once. (though she most likely will be unwilling to do much of anything that's considered work)

Coercion: Because of her confident demeanor, it is not hard for Lyra to get what she wants from most simple minded people, with a bat of her eyes and a well placed sigh she usually gets her hearts desire.

Song: Lyra is known for her singing voice and is knowledgeable in Elvish folk song, her voice could lull a gang of wild Trolls into submission

Expert archer: As with all elves, Lyra has been taught from her youth how to handle a bow, She can shoot moving or stationary objects, though her skills have never been put to use in actual battle, only target practice.

Moderate magic skills: She has mostly a scholarly relationship with magic and once again her skills have not been tested in the field of battle, all magic she actually processes are more of the defensive type (healing, nature)

In touch with the wilds: Lyra can communicate with nature in a sense, she hear the thoughts of the trees and wildlife around her, but can not actually issue commands or requests of nature.

Blending in: Because of her knowledge of nature, Lyra is good at blending in when she is outside, she knows where she can hide, and where shadows fall

Nature magic: Lyra can accelerate the growth of a living plant. This could be as simple as making a tree that grows in ten years grow in two, or making a flower bloom, or making a vine grow quickly so she can climb or swing on it. She can also, change the way things is nature are formed, like bending a tree a certain amount ( obviously depending on its size, she cant just bend over a huge tree, but shes the perfect gardener for bonsai!) or making roots grow across a path to trip or hinder someones way. Finally she can use her nature magic to heal dying plants

Healing: along with her nature magic, Lyra has learned how to heal minor to moderate wounds. She can significantly shrink the amount of time it takes a major wound to heal, and can stabilize someone who is has a mortal wound if she reacts quickly enough. Due to her distaste for other races however, she is not likely to heal someone who isn't herself or another elf. Also, the bigger the wound, the more energy it takes out of Lyra, if she tries to heal too big a wound too fast, Lyra could pass out, of fall into a deep sleep until her energy replenishes herself

Speed and Nimbleness: Lyra is very quick on her feet and agile like a cat, she can do acrobatic flips and jump higher than normal (a little over twice a human jump). She can run at high speeds (twice a human) and you will rarely hear her feet as she walks, runs or jumps off of things. Lyra always lands on her feet (unless seriously hindered in some way)

The Sylvari family bow: a Yew longbow engraved with the family quest, given to Lyra when she completed her marksmanship studies

Quiver and arrows: holds 30 arrows, Lyra does her best to retrieve arrows if she can

Small Pouch of seeds: Lyra carries inside her tunic, a small leather pouch of tree seeds that she carries to help the forest grow new life.

Lyra has a pet Lynx named Castien, that was given to her family to help keep an eye on he when she was young. He is a very intelligent and can understand human speech. She has grown up with him and they can communicate using both Lyra's nature abilities and the bond they have grown over the years. Castien can assist in battle, but is more an element of surprise than a weapon. He would do anything to protect Lyra.

05-17-11, 04:55 PM
Hey there, welcome to Althanas.

Looks like a neat character you've got going here, I'd like to point out that you cannot use your familiar against another PC without their approval. Also, don't expect your song magic to be of any use in the heat of a battle currently.

With that said you are hereby approved. Now go have some fun.