View Full Version : Godric Vrowl'Ravanosk "The Bringer of Vengeance."

05-17-11, 04:02 AM
Name:* Godric Vrowl'Ravanosk
Age:* 30's before he was turned
Race:* Human/Undead
Hair Color:* White
Eye Color:* Gray
Height:* 6'3”
Weight:* 230 (300 with armor)
Occupation:* Death Knight
Birthplace:* Albion
Current Location:* Unknown

Personality: Very cold. Just his voice will send bitter chills down one's spine. Godric can be very inpatient at times, especially if it is someone he finds lower rank than he. His presence is frightening and the Death Knight is very manipulative as he is powerful. The undead man will do about anything to make you feel powerless, fear. He feeds from it.

Though it seems that he is at the point of no return, there still seems to be some form of humanity left in him. The death of his loved one thrives his vengeance, along with the blood lust of his undead half.

(Still have yet to build his personality as I play him.)

Godric has long locks of pale white hair, which was once upon a time a vibrant yellow, but now rests aged and bitter. His eyes are as gray as a stormy day, and his skin looks of death, for his body is slowly decaying as the years progress. Not as fast as a normal corpse would, but decaying to say the least. Godric's facial expressions are very grim and cruel, seeming to always having an intent or goal to cause harm.

The Knight is a rather large and built man, having had many battles through his time living and... well not living.. Which leads to many battle scars, the most noticeable one being down his right eye, which was done by a blade many.. many years ago by the Paladin named Sir Cornelius the 3rd.


Swordsmanship – (Master) As a Paladin, Godric was trained by some of the best in the kingdom of Albion. Not only was the Knight trained to be defensive, was also trained a great offense in case the king were to ever be in trouble.

Tower Defense – (Above average if tower shield. Average if not) While intrusted to protect the king, Godric was trained to be proficient in the strategies of using a tower shield to defend him along with others. He may also attack his opponent with a bash if so needed.

Archery (Below Average)- Not to really ever be used, but needed as a paladin, was trained a few sessions on using a bow.

Melee Weapons – (Average) Had sessions in the use of other commonly used weapons such as spears, maces, axes, and flails.

Heavy armor proficiency- (Over Average) His fatigue is much less from his armor than battle and can perform a fight for many periods of time before becoming too weak from its burdensome weight. He may not be able to run a marathon just yet, but he'll get there someday.

Abilities:* (Touch.) Life Drain – When Godric grabs or touches his opponents, he can take their life and energy, fueling his own. If drained too far the opponent will fall unconscious from great fatigue. But Godric can NOT kill his opponent with this power or it'll cause a large paradox reaction that will harm him or even bring death. Especially if its a more powerful character. His Osteomancy

Osteomancy – Godric's prime magic. He has the power to create, and manipulate HIS OWN bone matter along with his familiar and allied npcs. He CANNOT force osteomancy on his enemies.

Bone Projectile- With the use of his Osteomancy, Godric can create spear like bones that project from his body like arrows, spears and etc. For now, the power of the projectile is no stronger than a thrown spear or strung arrow. He can summon 1 spear per post and can't create more than 4 all together. After using all for, he will need a short resting period of at least 2 posts before they start to regenerate.


(Iron) Black, finely detailed, heavy armor. Helmet included.
(Iron) Towershield
(Steel) Evil Bastard sword. (One or two-handed.)

Undead Horse Sorin “The Plague Steed” – His undead horse can not attack. Its only a source of transportation. For now.

The Dark Castle Keep of Ravanosk – A keep in a dark tainted mire. Dead warriors and bones scatter out through the swamp and the keep itself is guarded by undead soldiers, summoned under Godric's command by Dol Nihilus. The mire itself seems to have a great weary feeling, for it is surrounded by a dark mist. Even the trees are contorted from its evil. (Only ONE skeleton can be used as a familiar.)


Skeletal Warrior
(Below Average swordsmen)
He can not die. If you take off his head, he will still attack. You take off his arm, he'll use the other arm. The skeleton can only be disassembled. When disassembled, the skeleton will return back together from Godric's Osteomancy. (At the end of combat only)

Also, the familiar can't be used against a player unless approved by the player or moderator.


(Since I really want to express and build deep details through roleplay, I'm going to make Godric's history kind of watered down and to the point. A summary basically.)

Once a noble, chivalrous Paladin, now remains tainted by evil, thus known as a heartless Death Knight. How such a man, a Paladin could ever possibly be corrupted by evil? You must remember, they are human beings after all, which means they still have a human's will. Unfortunately, this one gave into the darkness and sin.

Over a hundred years ago, in a land not known to Althanas, was ruled by a righteous king named Derringer the 7th. The Ravanosk family, for centuries upon centuries, has devoted their eldest males to being a royal Paladin and protector of the king. Godric, was the last in the chair to ever being their paladin in the kingdom of Albion.

The boy started training as a young boy at the age of six, being trained by his father, the Paladin of Albion at that given time. Training to be a paladin was a very long process, which took many years into adulthood. Learning the ways of the sword was the easy part, it was the magic and knowledge that took years to achieve, but like every Ravanosk, achieved with great success.

Godric took over his father's position after his father felt it was time for his retirement. Paladin's could only serve in their prime, and at a certain age, they were forced to pass their flame aside when they started to grow old and weak.

As a Paladin, the man was very loyal to his king, always performing his bidding one hundred percent. Until one day. The king ordered that the Paladin burn his wife alive for the acts of heresy. Godric having to kill his own wife, watching her suffer and scream, broke something loose in the man's mind. A dark whisper in his ear started to take over, plot his mind, eventually corrupting him to evil. Godric would not be satisfied until he had revenge on Derringer the 7th. So he did. When the king least expected, especially by his holy protector, fell before his kingdom.

Godric would of announced the kingdom as his, had he lived long enough. It wasn't long before the terror ended. Many soldiers attacked Godric, but weren't strong enough. It was the Holy Paladin Cornerlius the 3rd who brought down the Ex paladin Godric Vrowl'Ravanosk. Godric did not receive a proper burial. Instead they just tossed him naked in a swamp. The crocodiles would make a good meal of him. It was unfortunate they never had the chance. A dweller caught site of him first.

Dol Nihilus, the whisper in Godric's ear, brought Godric new life as a Death Knight. And together they raised a powerful undead army, over throwing the Kingdom of Albion. Cornelius was the last to go out of the royal house, and indeed did he suffer a horrible fate worse than the others. Lets just say he wasn't a dish fit for the gods by no means.

Once Albion's protectors were destroyed, the Kingdom then burned. Albion's allies and friends were too cowardly to face the army, so they covered under their blankets in fear. Without a Paladin to protect their kingdoms, they saw no hope. Once vengeance was served, Godric left the lands, never to return. Though his haunting tales have scattered throughout all the lands. They were even booked in documents that might of now been seen in Althanas. Why Godric is now in Althanas is still yet to be found out. Dol and the Deathknight adopted an old ruined castle keep in a swamp, making it their own. The place was rebuilt and repaired by skeletal workers on Dol's behalf. As of now there is no army among them, but what will there be in the future for Althanas? Is Godric satisfied with his revenge, or shall his tortured soul bring chaos to this kingdom as well?

05-17-11, 04:44 PM
Alright I'm pretty sure I know who this is since we discussed this the other day.

Let's start this out by having you put your skeleton in a familiar category. Also, state that the skeleton cannot be used against other PCs unless first given the go ahead.

Fix that for me and we can continue, thanks

05-17-11, 05:14 PM
Fair enough. Done and edited.

05-18-11, 03:07 AM
Alright two more things and we can wrap this up.

For Osteomancy I would like it so he can only manipulate his own bone matter, his familiar's (meaning your skeleton's, so you can piece 'em back together), and people who allow him to (including NPCs, regardless if they are writen by you or not). I cannot allow a character at your level to have complete control over his enemies bones (regardless if they are PC, NPC, or whatever else).

Lastly, I need you to put a limitation on how many times he can use his bone projectile so he's not just shooting out waves of endless arrows. Throw in something like he can use this once every other post and can only create one projectile at a time, or something along those lines.

That's all, make those changes and you're approved.

05-18-11, 03:18 AM
Problem solved. Limited Osteomancy to me, my familar, and allied npcs. He can only have 4 projectiles before resting for now and can create 1 per post. So it would take 4 posts in order for him to have all four.

05-19-11, 03:13 AM
Cool, approved, now go out and have some fun.