View Full Version : Fir Na Tine. [Level 1]

Lord Anglekos
05-19-11, 01:49 AM
I'm reincarnating my character here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22168-Stronger-Than-You-Know-Level-2) to create a character more suitable for Althanas 3.0; from my calculations, I should have around 2000 experience after reincarnation, which would make him a level one character. I tried to make him as evenly powered as possible for a level one, and ideally I would like to keep him as close as possible to the details below.

Given Name: Richard Elric Anglekos.
Pseudonyms/Aliases: None at this time.
Age: Sixteen Althanian years.
Race: Richard belongs to a relatively small group of individuals called, in plain Tradespeak, the "Soulbound"; a sub-race of humans whose ancestors, long ago, made a pact with the very spirits of nature that inhabit this planet. In exchange for tying their very souls, their essences, to part of the primal wavelengths that resonate all throughout the world, these humans gain the ability to conjure forth and manipulate the select elements that their souls are bound to. In Richard's case, he is what is known as a "Flamebound" (or, in their native tongue, fir na tine), being born with his "essence" tied to the nature of fire, heat, light and even electricity in some cases.
Gender: Male.
Hair, Skin and Eye Color: Richard possesses thick, shaggy hair that is as black as night, and it reaches down to about the nape of his neck. In contrast, his eyes are a crystalline azure that seem almost to glow unnaturally against his lightly tanned skin, and it's been noted that he possesses an almost wolfish stare that can often make people uncomfortable.
Height and Weight: Despite the fact that he is still growing, Richard is a pretty good size for his age, standing at a high 5'7" and weighing around one hundred and sixty pounds.

Occupation: None that are permanent enough to become applicable.

Personality: Calm, cool, calculating, sometimes even cold; these are four words that could easily describe the youth. He lives under the mantra that all of his fellow Flamebound do; as passion is what fuels their power, one must learn to control that passion into a sharpened blade, lest their emotions get the better of them and they burn away all that matters to them. This isn't to say that he lacks the capability to grow angry; quite the opposite, in fact, as Richard has quite the temper on him. However, he spends quite a bit of his time practicing keeping it under a tight leash.

Appearance: Even though he is but sixteen years old, Richard wears the flesh of a born fighter, with scars on his skin that tell the story of even his mere practice battles and the ones he's dealt within the elements. No longer does the fat of his days as a babe hang upon his body, but instead he remains toned and well-muscled from his days as an artisan of fire and smithery. He prefers to wear clothing that is loose-fitting upon him so it does not get in the way of his fighting style, and generally the clothing he wears is sewed in darker tones of ebony, blue and even crimson.


Hakyoukuken [Combat - Somewhat Strong]: Many consider Hakyoukuken to be the most perfect martial art that has ever existed. In fact, its origin isn't even human, although its true source is a mystery. Richard is an active practitioner of this ancient martial art, having been taught it by his own father before the man disappeared two years ago. While his training is technically far from complete, the youth has thrown a bit of improvisation into the mix as he's practiced it on his own for the time spent after that disappearance, making him quite adept in it. A practitioner of Hakyoukuken controls the tension of every muscle in his body and makes his/her attacks with devastating power, literally destroying their adversaries from the inside (see Abilities). This style also teaches one to get in the first strike; after all, if there is no attacker, there is no need for defense.

Swordsmanship [Combat - Below Average]: Sadly, Richard's skill with a blade is not nearly as proficient as that with Hakyoukuken, and it has only come to light recently of his interest in fighting with a blade after receiving several losses at the hands of Unbound (humans without ties to the elements) swordmasters. Still, what he lacks in skill currently he makes up for in creativity and enthusiasm, and while even the most basically trained guard would be able to out-duel him in a straight-up sword fight, he is constantly finding new ways to incorporate the edged weapon into his normally unarmed style.

Polearm Skill [Combat - Above Average]: While his skill in using a blade may not be up to the level he'd personally like, in his martial training he has learned how to use polearm-class weaponry effectively. Exotic polearms, such as scythes and tridents, he has a little trouble using due to his lack of experience with them, but not enough to make a noticeable change in his fighting capabilities.

Firearm Marksmanship [Combat - Average]: Currently, Richard has had some practice with the small revolvers that apprentices such as himself are able to wield, and while his training with it has not nearly been so intense as that of his martial studies, he is fairly competent with revolvers and other similar caliber firearms.

Hunting & Tracking [Perception - Average]: He was never much of a hunter even during his time in the village, but has gathered enough real-life experience and common knowledge to become a fairly competent hunter and tracker.

Ambidextrous [Natural Advantage]: As it stands, Richard is naturally ambidextrous and has no problem with wielding weaponry in either hand, and is even able to multitask easily with both hands.

Forging [Creative - Above Average]: Before his departure from his village, Richard had been undergoing limited training in the smithy, and is able to forge masterwork-quality items out of steel (or metals of equivalent strength) with his current tempered knowledge and skill, as long as he has the materials and time necessary.


~Physical Capabilities

Physical Strength and Endurance [Natural Advantage]: Richard is approximately 1.5x physically stronger than the average male his size and age, due to all of his martial training and physical activities, and also as a result his stamina has increased significantly, to nearly twice that of the average man.

Athletics & Acrobatics [Natural Advantage]: Richard is naturally nimble on his feet, and his training has taught him how to push the limits of his body farther and farther, allowing him to be able to perform feats such as handstands, flips, and even running on vertical surfaces for a short period of time with relative ease.

~Martial Capabilities

Ki Accumulation & Manifestation [Hakyoukuken/Passive - Average]: This is the basis that all of Hakyoukuken's techniques are based off of; the drawing upon and utilization of the energies within one's body to fuel the veritably supernatural stunts that wielders of this ancient art are capable of. In "game" terms, what this ability does is it simply summons forth the ki from within Richard and makes it tangible for him to use as part of the "costs" of other, more active Hakyoukuken abilities. At this point, with his current skill in this ability, Richard may summon up to only 1 Ki Point per post, but he does not need to be resting or inactive to do so, and he can hold up to a maximum of 10 Ki Points. COST: 0 Ki Points.

Asura Strike [Hakyoukuken/Active - Above Average]: One of the simplest but deadliest of the Hakyoukuken techniques, the Asura Strike encompasses all of what the martial art is about; striking hard, fast, and finishing the target in one blow. Utilizing the accumulated Ki energy from Ki Accumulation, the user abandons defense and pours it all into a single strike that transcends physical form, bypassing armor completely to internally disrupt and damage the target with a blast of kinetic force that, if given enough strength, can send the foe flying. The power behind the burst of force depends entirely on how much potential Ki the user has gathered beforehand; initially, the blast is equivalent to twice the maximum kinetic force the user can achieve normally. However, for every five points of Ki gathered past the initial minimum cost, the power increases by 1x; in effect, at this time, with the maximum amount of Ki Points Richard can hold, he can unleash an Asura Strike that is three times (instead of two times) the maximum kinetic force he can normally achieve, making it quite a lethal weapon indeed. COST: All available Ki Points, but has a minimum of five points to use.

~Primal Capabilities

Flame Creation & Manipulation [Racial Advantage - Somewhat Strong]: The trademark of the Flamebound is the ability to manifest and control heat and flame, and Richard is no exception to this rule. As he has lived under the teachings and ways of the Flamebound his entire life, his skill in doing such is unsurprisingly adept, even when compared to others of his kind. As his powers over fire are tied to the very essence of his soul, they run on a primal leyline and are not considered magic when it comes to technical aspects (anti-magic items, skills that only affect magical fire, so on and so forth); however, the reverse does not apply, as he can manipulate magical fire as well. At this time, Richard can create flames up to a foot in diameter with relative ease, up two feet in diameter with some difficulty, and up to a maximum of four feet with extreme strain. As for his manipulation and control over fire, Richard can augment/snuff relatively small to medium fires (examples: candles for small, up to perhaps a small fireplace's worth of flame for medium) up to twenty feet away as well as draw upon those flames for his own attacks.


Sebastian: A beautifully crafted single-edged blade of Akashiman origin and style, Richard forged it himself unconsciously under the tutelage of the town's blacksmith and named it after his own father, in order to never "forget the face of his father" in his search for him. The blade is made of masterwork quality steel, and is about three and a half feet in length total.

A single cloak of black that is reversible and white on the inside. On the black outside, clouds of crimson decorate it haphazardly. While not excessively thick, the cloak does a decent job of keeping heat stored and contained in the cold weather.

A quarterstaff made entirely of strong, sturdy oak, Richard barely uses it save as a walking stick.

A burlap sack for carrying his rations and change of clothing, along with a single canteen for water.

A pair of fingerless gauntlets made entirely out of steel, the armor runs all the way up past his elbows and is surprisingly light despite the material they were crafted from. On the forearm parts of the gauntlets is emblazoned the symbol of the sun in the form of metallic decorations, black and gold against the silver of the steel.

OOC Note: To be written at a later date in a solo.

05-19-11, 03:20 AM
Approved. Your exp and gold should be changed soon enough.