View Full Version : The Crimson Swordsman

Relian Tydonus
05-21-11, 10:00 PM
Name: Relian Tydonus

Age: 27

Race: Human

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Red naturally, Brown in public.

Height: 6 ft

Weight: 175 lbs

Occupation: Amateur blacksmith. Learned from his old master he can repair swords given the necessary tools and materials. He isn't very skilled in making blades from scratch however and thus only focuses his knowledge on his own blade.

Story: (Shortened Version)
Raised by his master Ryu Nagano, Relian never knew his real parents. Ryu took him in as his own son and apprentice, training him in the ways of the blacksmith, the bo, and most importantly the sword. Relian came upon his manipulation abilities while training hand to hand combat in the forest. He became very hungry so he looked for some food. He found an apple dangling from a tree and reached for it, however it was out of reach, when all of the sudden the apple broke from the tree and fell straight on Rel's face with more force than a small apple should have. Convinced he had made the apple fall he began to train himself to move objects with his mind. His mental training wasn't very intense since he had no master to train him in it. His progress with his manipulation powers was slow and not having enough patience to pursue it in depth he favored training with his new blade from his master. He was able to pick out one sword that his master had and he picked the old sword that Ryu had kept in his workshop for years now. The sword hadn't been repaired since it's last owner so Relian made it a hobby to clean and repair the blade from then on.
-Years Later-
Relian, now 27, had far surpassed his master's swordsmanship abilities and was becoming bored with his world. He decided to leave and find someplace more challenging and maybe more fun. So he set out to begin his journey which would eventually lead him to Althanas.

Relian is very confident of himself and isn't afraid to show it. He isn't the kind of cocky where he is rude to everyone he meets, but more that he is very sure of himself. This confidence has gotten him into trouble in the past as the ladies are drawn to him, even the ones currently with a man. Some men take offense to his confidence because he always has a smile on his face, even when threatened. Though usually cool-headed and calm he can't stand people giving him orders unless they have earned his respect in some way, either by presence or through actions. Those who feel some divine right to boss others around really rub him the wrong way.

Relian always wears his signature crimson duster, usually wearing dark denim pants and a black sleeveless shirt underneath. He wears black leather boots that are good for nearly any tough terrain. His hair is short, brown and smooth, which he usually lets fall in front of his eyes carefree. Being trained for most of his childhood he is well built and maintains his physique regularly. Relian has a tattoo of a red fire breathing dragon on his chest, the wings each touch his shoulders and the tail wraps around his navel, he got this during his teenage years and doesn't regularly take off his shirt so it isn't seen by many. His eyes are red but he can change them to be brown in public. Though his eyes will revert back to red in extreme displays of emotion (e.g. rage, sorrow, joy).


Advanced Swordsmanship: Trained from a young age Relian is very familiar with the ways of the blade, particularly his katana Kito. Usually he only uses one hand to fight with his blade mixed with hand to hand combat. If he is serious he will use two hands.

Average Hand-to-Hand combat: Trained in a style similar to Muay Thai, when he doesn't have his sword handy or doesn't feel like pulling it out he uses this style. It involves mostly using powerful kicks to the legs along with knees and elbows. Relian specializes in dodging punches to get in behind their guard and either punching the person out or putting and elbow in their jaw.

Beginner Bo combat: The first weapon he trained in before picking up a sword. However once he started learning sword he never looked back, thus all he knows now is whatever muscle memory he built back then.

Abilities: Manipulation

Rel has the ability to bend matter to his will along with his own chakra to suit his needs. Currently he can only manipulate his own chakra to create short bursts from his palm, and he can only use 3 bursts within an hour. After he uses up his chakra he must wait an hour to use them again. However he may try to use more, but it will have negative effects on his body and may immobilize him for a short period depending on how far he tries to push it. His ability to change matter in the world is very limited, currently only being used for parlor tricks such as moving a cup across a table or shutting a door from across the room. He can also pull his sword to him from a distance because he has trained with it so long that the bond he feels to it makes manipulating it easier than other objects, thus taking less energy. Eventually this ability could be harnessed to manipulate space and time, but that is a long way down the road.

Attributes compared to an average human:
Speed - 2.0x
Strength - 1.5x

Weapons: Katana and chakra bursts

Kito: His katana has been his closest companion since being his weapon of choice during training. An old steel sword once held by a capable samurai. After his death on the battlefield the sword was lost until Rel's master discovered it in his youth. He never used it but rather kept it as a project to repair someday. That day never came, instead he gave it to Relian and trained him in it's ways. Relian repaired the sword to prime condition and treats it more as a friend than an object, naming it Kito. He caries the blade in his hand most of the time, but on long journeys or when he feels like it he uses a shoulder strap.

Chakra Bursts: Relian focuses his chakra into his palm and sends it out all at once. The chakra itself doesn't damage his target but instead displaces the air around his palm rapidly causing a "blow-back" effect with massive force. At his current level he can only focus a small amount at a time. The force of the push is about equal to an average sized man running into you full boar.

05-22-11, 09:52 PM
Hey there buddy.

Before we can get this on the roll I'm going to need you to do a few things for me. First, I'd like it if you could seperate your abilities from your skills. Abilities are things can have a direct effect on an opponent in combat (your strength, speed, agility, also I would include manipulation/chakra). Also, I'm going to need a strength for that sword of yours. At your current level it should be no stronger then steel. So please either put it's as strong, or made of, iron or steel in it's description somewhere.

Get that done for me and we can move on. Thank you.

Relian Tydonus
05-23-11, 01:39 PM
How's that? I wasn't sure what you meant with the separating abilities from skills so I just moved the stats down under abilities. Also added steel in the description of the blade.

Edit: Changed a small bit of the story to add why he is in Althanas. Sorry new things just keep popping into my head, trying not to make big adjustments.

05-24-11, 04:28 AM
Approved. Thanks for taking the time and working through this with me.