View Full Version : A little arsenic never hurt anyone....wait adventure. I swear I meant adventure.

05-22-11, 02:26 AM
The worn down path in front of her seemed to beg her to continue. She placed her feet firmly into the footsteps of the hundreds who made this journey before her. The cold wind dried a solitary tear into a streak on her right cheek and the cold it left behind felt like a slap. "Uneducated," That was the word her mother had used, as if tramping about and goofing off actually had anything to do with education. No one in the damned village read more than she did and yet apparently her parents though she needed to travel and learn the ways of the world. Apparently spending eighteen years with your nose between the pages of a thousand well worn pages is grounds for banishment. Well, maybe that was a bit harsh, truly they did not speak about her leaving until they discovered the dark spells she secretly studied each night. Nonetheless, it was all in harmless fun, much like the fighting group she attended each week. Something about magic seemed to scare them though, and quickly plans were set in place for her to travel the world before her nineteenth birthday. So here the she was, five foot four inches of trembling fear, waiting for the "Just Kidding, we love you and would never send you into the world alone." She took one final look behind her, taking in the barely visible chimney tops before picking up her stride. If her parents insisted she spend a year away, then by thaynes she would do just that. She tucked her long red hair behind her ear and took the first step towards her adventure.

Name: Serena Black

Age: 18 years 1 month and 12 days

Race: Human

Appearance: Serena is of average build, though quite curvatious. She is five foot four inches tall and weights just under 125 pounds. Her blue eyes stand out against her freckled face and deep red hair. Her smile is slightly tilted to the left as she attempts to hide a tooth she chipped slightly during her first training match as a child.

Clothing: Serena dresses somewhat boyishly though she does show off a bit more skin that her parents would like. She typically wears denim shorts with a baggy t-shirt tied in the back so that her mid-drift is visible. She is not one for jewelry though she does wear an anklet that matches those of all the girls she went to school with. Her shoes are blue running shoes, that she typically draws on with whatever she can find.

Personality: Serena has been described as the embodiement of the saying 'the calm before the storm'. She is graceful until she opens her mouth, which will almost always be followed immediatly by the insertion of her foot. She's awkward in social situations, though she yearns to feel like a part of the group.

Equipment: Serena carries a small bag which contains clothing, food and drink essentials, a decent amount of cash from her parents (this will only be used for quests, for food, drink, or hotel), and a few books she stole from the town library. It has a short sword attached to the back (it is strapped between the bag and Serena's back).


Grace and Giddyness- Fighting is one of the few times Serena truly feels comfortable. As such, she has honed her skills to maximize the attention she gets form it. When focused Serena can (at current maximum) have 1.5 times speed

Binding light This spell causes shadows to form around Serena's opponent and bind them temporarily. On an opponent close to Serena's level it would take nearly a minute to escape though of course it depends on the strength of the person. People of higher levels could escape in a matter of moments.

Mental Block -THis spell allows Serena to cause a distracting voice in someone's mind. THis gives her a moment to attempt an escape or alternate attack when desperate.

05-22-11, 09:47 PM
Hey and welcome to Althanas.

First thing I'm going to need you to do is seperate your skills from abilities. Abilities here, on althanas, are considered things that you can effect other players with, so I'm going to need you to place Grace & Giddyness, Binding Light, and Mental Block all into an ability category. Also, you have more abilities than we allow at level zero. Please choose one ability and remove it until a later level update.

Thank you.

05-23-11, 02:58 AM
Just making sure I understand correctly...you just want me to change the word "skills" to "abilities"? Seems kinda silly, that's why I'm not sure I'm understanding. Secondly, Two skills is the norm for level one? I actually selected three because of This (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22815-Lyra) thread which I based my profile off of. I just want to make sure I understand the reasons for the changes and exactly what you mean before I go chopping away.

05-23-11, 04:05 AM
I never said change the word skills to abilities. I asked you to seperate your skills (your basic understanding of weapons) from abilities (in my last post I summed up which of the things you have listed are abilities). Also, yes 3 abilities is what I'll allow at level 0, but you have four. Grace and Giddyness is counted as two, because it has two different abilities pegged to it. Hopefully that sums up my requests better for you.

Lastly, the short sword that you have can either be iron or steel at this level, so take your pick.

05-24-11, 06:37 AM
Your concerns (with the other profile in relation to your own) have been brought to my attention, as have the questions brought up to other members of the staff. I already stated in my above post why, and what, I need you to change in your profile. I judge all approvals under the same regulations, so I can assure you that what I'm asking you to do reflects the guidelines of what we allow at level 0. If you feel that you'd like another member of Althanas' staff to guide you through the approvals process I can have one of my peers, or superiors look over your profile. If not, please just make the changes requested so I can get you approved.

Sorry about the confusion, and delay. Hopefully we can get this sorted out so you can get to writing on the site soon.

05-25-11, 12:30 AM

05-28-11, 09:25 AM
Put a strength on the sword (iron or steel) and include fighting/combat skills (if you'd like) and you'll be approved.

06-21-11, 08:05 PM
Well I hope we can wrap this up in the future, but until then it is unapproved. I'll be moving it to decrease clutter, feel free to PM me if you'd like it reopened.