View Full Version : So, I discovered I'm happiest....

Silence Sei
05-23-11, 10:43 AM
...When I'm doing 50 bajillion threads at once.

Now, I have a IK recruitment thread waiting on our 3rd person to post, a quest with Knave and my fight with Bloodrose both waiting on me, not to mention my relatively dead threads with either EI or Zerith :P.

I have talks with Paragon about a quest throw down that we'll soon get underway, and I have been posting like mad in recruitment thread.

But I need MOAR!

So, who's down to do some things with the Hero of Radasanth?

Requiem of Insanity
05-23-11, 11:20 AM
Ouuuuuuuuu! Me!

05-23-11, 11:40 AM
As long as it has nothing to do with a civil war, I'm sure we could figure out something.

05-23-11, 02:39 PM
I'm always up for a thread, Sei.

Me and you need to do a simple enough rip-roar of a quest to unlock Duffy's Zodiac weapon, before the finale to Lucian's death occurs in Fight For Favour and Sei and Duffy fall out (Liquid Timmmmeee!)

What do you fancy?

Silence Sei
05-23-11, 04:43 PM
Sei and Duffy are going to fall out? O.o;

05-23-11, 04:48 PM
Keep an eye on Fight For Favour.

From a previous thread, Sei agrees to wield the sword but at the time, doesn't know he has to kill Jensen. (Which turns out was part of the trick to defeat Lucian).

Prima Vista is destroyed in the process, and the troupe leave the Ixian Knights and split up, I want to write with them seperate for a while and get them back to their roots. Ruby at home with the husband, Lillith in Akashima, Duffy running amok in the slums with the orphans putting on plays, Blank killing things.

It's all part of the plan, and only temporary :)

Silence Sei
05-23-11, 04:51 PM
Ah, gotcha, much like Jensen's banishment.

Maybe we can do a thread with eacdh character afterwards where Sei tries to convince each one to come back in his own way, only to meet utter failure?

And I moreso meant that with the way Duffy outright despises Sei, it's be hard to have more of a falling out.

05-23-11, 05:29 PM
Haha, a 'definite statement' of disagreement then.

I like the idea of a 'come back' thread, that could be Duffy coming to understand Sei properly now Lucian is gone and he's lived a normal life for a few months. It could ideally trigger the Zodiac weapons properly and see him pledge properly to help the Ixian Knights now the troupe is gone and his attentions arn't distracted.

We has work to do gumbo!

05-23-11, 10:03 PM
Me wants to play! Duffy might think he's too cool to play wif me though.

05-23-11, 11:51 PM
Wait... what!? You're happiest with more threads than you can handle? Well thats fine for you, son, but we've been in the same thread for... almost a year. Fine, you can see other people, but I demand VIP status.

Relian Tydonus
05-24-11, 04:44 AM
I just got approved and ready to do somethin!

Silence Sei
05-24-11, 07:13 AM
Sure, hit me up via PM, or IM (Ashtonwise on AIM) and we'll talk.

Requiem of Insanity
05-24-11, 10:49 AM
Seiiiiiiii, we need to start discussing the big battle between our power groups. I want it to be great and quick, and I need your input on how we're going to go about it.

Silence Sei
05-24-11, 10:57 AM
Then hit me up on IM, Dag nabit!

05-25-11, 02:46 PM
... and my fight with Bloodrose

And here I was thinking you'd forgotten about me :P

Silence Sei
05-25-11, 03:05 PM
Not at all, just gotta get the epic creative juices flowing in order to get a good reply.

That, and I was baiting you to make sure you were still around, Rosy :P

05-25-11, 05:25 PM
So I discovered I'm happiest...

Right after relieving myself in the bathroom.