View Full Version : Matthew Aerinor

05-24-11, 11:47 PM
I'm leaving the history very vague and short because I intend to write a few flash-back solos better exploring his past. I apologize if his matter manipulation ability is confusing; at it's bare essence it's just as if he is fighting with a sword... without holding it. I don't intend to abuse this skill, especially not against other players, but if stronger restrictions need to be placed on it I'll understand.

Name: Matthew Aerinor
Age: 25 (lived for approximately 3 months on Althanas)
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 6'3”
Weight: 194 lbs

Personality: Currently Matthew shares his consciousness with a God of Destruction, Xenthis. Typically Xenthis only guides Matthew, but at times Xenthis is able to completely take over control of Matthew's body. In his current state Matthew is frequently rude and quick to anger. He has a very destructive nature. He has no problem killing anyone who stands in his way, and sometimes ends up killing innocent bystanders as well without flinching. Without the influence of Xenthis Matthew would be a far kinder person with a sense of humor, but he will act without mercy or manners as long as the dark God holds power over part of Matthew's mind. He is also very intelligent and cunning. As he has not lived for very long on Althanas he is not familiar with many of the customs and traditions, although he does speak tradespeak.

Appearance: Matthew has relatively short midnight black hair that reaches about halfway down his forehead. His eyes are a bright shade of gray with a hint of blue and flecks of black. The sun never seems to greatly tan his skin; he isn't unusually pale but one might think he doesn't get outside much. His lips are fairly thin and he doesn't frequently smile or frown. He has an athletic build with broad shoulders and thick muscles. Matt usually wears black or dark gray, most frequently breeches, a long-sleeved tunic, a hooded cloak, traveling boots, a belt, and gloves.

History (Abridged): Matthew was born in a different world than that of Althanas, in the country of Norviria. He was taught both magical and non-magical combat from birth, and was considerably skilled at both although he devoted more time to studying the sword. His nation worshiped the God of Creation and Light, Anthus, while the other superpower on his planet, Arkandia, worshiped the God of Destruction and Darkness, Xenthis; because of this the two countries were constantly at war. Arkandia typically had superior numbers, but Norviria had skilled soldiers, and the two countries usually reached a stalemate.

However, when Matthew was 25, he was involved in a battle between the two countries that Norviria was clearly going to lose. Not wanting to see his homeland ravaged by the Arkandians, Matthew drew as much elemental magical energy as he possibly could, as well as absorbing the energy from other magician's spells, and unleashed a horrific blast of magic. The resulting blast of fire, ice, lightning, and earth destroyed everything for a few miles around.

Attracted by Matthew's display of destruction, the God of Destruction sacrificed his being to destroy Matthew's planet. He then used his remaining power to recreate Matthew in a new body in the closest world, Althanas. He possessed Matthew, and now guides him towards Xenthis' own goals and aspirations. Matthew maintained a degree of his knowledge of swordsmanship and melee combat, but in harnessing so much magical energy at once Matthew eradicated his ability to channel elemental magic. He can now only use non-elemental forms of magic such as affecting time, gravity, or matter itself, but he has not learned to use most of these abilities yet.


Above Average Swordsmanship: Matthew was one of the best swordsmen in his native country of Norviria, but after his recreation his body has not had the years of practice he formerly had, and would only be considered above average in his ability. Occasionally he unconsciously employs tactics rarely used by anyone less than a master of the sword, but these moments are few and far between and his general knowledge is not at that level.

Average Close Quarters Combat: Matthew has some familiarity with a couple styles of unarmed combat using his hands, feet, head, or body, as well as some knowledge of close quarters combat weaponry such as short daggers or brass knuckles.


Matter Manipulation: Matthew can use his magic to move metal objects without touching them. This is not telekinesis or a manipulation of magnetic fields or air pressures. The longer an object remains in Matthew's possession, the better he can manipulate it. Currently, it would take about a week for him to be able to manipulate an object the size of an average sword before he could move it with almost as much precision as if he were holding it, and only a couple days for an item as small as a dagger. For simple movements, like launching a small, sharp piece of metal, only a couple hours are needed. However, more complicated movements can only be performed about as well as Matthew could perform them if holding the object (i.e. he could make a sword he has owned for a long time slash/thrust/parry/etc. about as well as he can fight with it in his hand), and the longer he manipulates the item the harder it becomes. Currently he could only use a sword to attack about three times in a row before it would fall to the ground. After a brief respite or after picking the object back up, he could launch another salvo of attacks. Additionally, his control over an object greatly decreases at long distances, or if he needs to supply a great deal of force (for instance if an attack was parried, it takes more magic to keep the object from being knocked away).


Average Steel Sword: A basic one-handed sword he stole from a blacksmith. It is well balanced but only of average craftsmanship, and has a blade about three feet long. It has a cruciform hilt and a black leather grip. He has spent enough time with this object to manipulate it fairly well with his magic.

Below Average Iron Throwing Knives (x10): Crude throwing knives that are little more than sharpened triangles of iron. Matthew typically uses these in combination with his magic to launch them at high speeds. He keeps them in his boots, belt, sleeves, or other hidden but easily accessible places, and usually tries to retrieve them after use if they are not too badly damaged.


Silver Sword Pendant of Norviria: A circular silver medallion with engraved crossed swords on it. It was given to Matthew as a medal for his incredible swordsmanship. Xenthis keeps Matthew's memory hazy enough that Matthew doesn't know what this is, but in his current state Xenthis is not powerful enough to compel Matthew to get rid of it. Matthew only knows that it used to be meaningful. He typically wears it on a leather cord around his neck, but keeps it hidden under his tunic.

05-25-11, 01:20 AM
I see no reason not to approve this. Just be sure not to get too wild with Xenthis taking control over Matthew's body. Since you haven't yet listed that as an ability it will do nothing as far as increasing his stats, or powers, to godly levels. It will only have an affect on his attitude/persona, which I'm guessing that's how you had it planned.
