View Full Version : Anybody Up For Some Torture??

The Trap Master
05-29-11, 06:45 PM
Like the kind only Trap Master can deliver?

I'm willing to work with just about anyone to teach them that there is a lesson to be learned. If you need some of my previous work, I have a list of completed battles in my sig.

For those who don't wanna click links, lemme give a quick recap. This character, The Trap Master, is basically the Saw of Althanas. He is a notorious criminal who kidnaps people and kills them in the citadel (The last little bit they don't know about due to the fact that they're drugged and wake up in a room all their little lonesome). Basically, TM setsyou in a Saw-like trap, and your character has to do something usually painful in order to escape, for three or more rooms in a row, with now healing in between. This is really a way to highlight your character and their history, kind of a showcase of your past.

So, who's up for some psycho torture?

The Trap Master
05-30-11, 12:03 AM
So I was told a wishlist may be handy as well. Very Well, here's a few people who John would love to torture.

Requiem of Insanity, be it via quest or battle, that would be fun.

Hysteria, for serving the scumbag Lorenor

MD, for pretty much the same reason as Hystera.

Knave, but we've discussed that on AIM and I just have to get around to making it.

Letho, but wishing for a battle with him comes with the territory.

Bloodrose, see Letho.

Dirks, See Bloodrose.

Zerith, just because getting all the Ixian Captains past and present would be kinda cool

Duffy, and several of his tantalum troupe, because that would be kinda interesting to do I think.

Macabre, because every good torturer needs to torture a druggie.

Slayer, see Macabre.

Thats all I got at the moment.

05-30-11, 12:26 AM
Sure, why not?

If he thinks that he can go a better job than Jebb Remi. I'll let John have a shot against Z.