View Full Version : Rae Verlyn

06-01-11, 01:02 AM
Rae Verlyn



Hair Color:

Eye Color:
Light blue


152 lbs.

Gambler, former pickpocket

Rae is typically rather sarcastic, a bit cynical, and very untrusting of others. He's willing to help people out, but expects his fair share of pay in return. For Rae, his number one priority is his well being and happiness and he is convinced that everyone is exactly the same - subscribing to the theory that people only perform acts of generosity because they expect something in return. Generally he dislikes others, however he'll still joke around with people and remain rather social. He enjoys impressing women when he can. Rae is also fairly intelligent, and he knows it, which naturally leads to at least some arrogance. Above all, Rae has learned that in gambling and all other aspects of life confidence is one of the most important things to display to those around you.

Rae wears rather plain clothes on a day-to-day basis. Typically he wears neutral colored long-sleeve shirts, very dark green cloth pants, a brown leather belt, and dusty black shoes. He has brown hair down to the top of his shoulders and strikingly light blue eyes. His face is rather attractive, typically he has no trouble finding women who enjoy his company. He's somewhere between average and handsome but certainly isn't drop dead gorgeous. Rae is incredibly slender and has very little muscle tone at all. He's also left-handed and has rather small feet.

Rae is quite learned and speaks both common and Drow fluently. He's also incredibly lucky, which is what lead to his slight successes as a gambler (Rae's luck has no effect on combat). Finally, Rae is a very good talker. He tends to want to avoid direct combat and likes to keep himself at range when combat does find him, so being able to talk himself out of bad situations has become one of his most depended skills to getting things he wants. He's also pretty damn good with women.

He's a bit faster than the average human (1.2x) but is also not as physically strong (.8x) as most other people.

Energy. Pure energy can be emitted from Rae's fists or palms. This energy is yellow and white in color and when focused into bolts can be flung at enemies. He can fling these energy bolts about once every second and a half but firing them at such fast speeds equates to little more than a powerful punch from an average human being. When channeled for about ten seconds however the bolts of energy can cause large gashes or create small dents in light armor.

Rae's energy bolts tend to be good for keeping foes at bay, a human or elf clad in armor would, at best, only be knocked back by a semi-charged bolt (5-6 second charge).

While rapidly firing Rae's stamina decreases and after four rapidly flung bolts Rae has to take a breather before firing more. After charging up a full blast (10 seconds) Rae becomes drained and cannot fire anymore energy for a few minutes.

On his left hip attached to his belt is a small bag which contains a deck of cards and a flask of alcohol (usually whiskey). On his right hip he has a sheathed iron dagger that used to belong to his father. The dagger is primarily used for intimidation or to cut purses and other general uses. He is not very proficient in hand-to-hand combat, relying almost entirely on his energy to deal damage. He prefers to keep his foes at bay so that he doesn't have to use the small dagger.

Rae was born to Simo and Evel in a town in Salvar. He spent the first three years of his life here until his father got himself into trouble with a local group of thieves. Simo was already in bad with the group from his gambling debts but things really escalated when he stole some gold from the thieves in order to play another round of cards. In fearing for their lives, Simo and Evel moved their young son to the city of Ettermire in the land of Alerar. Evel wanted Simo to stop living a dishonest life, she wanted him to hold down a job at one of the manufacturing plants scattered throughout the city. Simo agreed, however his low pay meant that the family had to settle for an apartment in the slums of Ettermire.

At first, Evel didn't want her young son to go out of the house much. Gangs operated in the slums and the Dark Elves who dominated the city weren't exactly accepting of humans. She educated him by reading to him and teaching him to write, hoping that he'd one day become a scholar. Through reading Rae became entranced in stories of adventure and seeing the world, at his young age he dreamed of one day wandering the world and making a name for him and his family.

When he got a bit older his parents laxed a bit on his rules and let him meet some of the other kids his age in the slums. Rae had learned Drow and spoke it well due to his young age when he moved to Ettermire. His fluency with the local language impressed many of the Dark Elves who, although skeptical at first, embraced him and treated him fairly. This however only lasted until Rae got into his early teens, at this age living in the slums the other children he had grown up with were joining the Dark Elf gangs in the slums and although they enjoyed his company Rae was certainly not welcome to join any of the local gangs.

However, Rae Verlyn discovered that he had quite a talent for robbery. It wasn't long before he became a pickpocket ad a rather talented one at that. Cutting purses, smooth talking, and running away when things got hot came very naturally to him. He made a decent life for himself and helped his parents pay for rent in hopes that eventually they'd be able to afford leaving the slum they had lived in for over a decade now. Aside from helping his family put food on the table or make rent he would often spend his extra money on books. Simo and Evel were worried that their son had gotten involved with crime, however they both decided that what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

At the age of sixteen while reading a book of philosophy, Rae could feel his hand burning. In terror he looked down, expecting them to be on fire or red hot, but instead he saw bright white vortexes forming in the palm of his left hand. He balled his fist, hoping to put the...whatever it was...out. Only to discover that forming a fist made the small white force grow slightly larger. While focusing on his right hand he noticed the white energy in his left hand began flickering yellow and before long he had a similar bolt stirring itself in his right hand. Discovering that he could fling them to knock small bottles or books over. He was unsure what this ability was and upon questioning his parents neither of them could recall anyone in either of their families who was gifted with any sort of magic. From then on Rae would begin training and practicing with this energy. He was very grateful for his new found powers as he was quite weak compared to his peers and knew that he would be able to use his energy strikes to fight without being able to learn any sort of swordplay.

After discovering his powers and a few close calls Rae decided that theft was too dangerous of a profession. He began frequenting bars to get drunk, gamble, and flirt with whatever tourists were there. Though his parents were against it, Rae was different from his father in the sense that he actually won more than he lost at cards. His winnings weren't extravagent but they were enough to impress the local women and fund his alcohol budget while still giving some to his parents in hopes of leaving the slums and living a good life.

The good life wouldn't come however and eventually Simo's past caught up with him. The group of thieves from his childhood happened to stop by Ettermire and by chance saw Simo in the streets on his way home from work. They jumped him and dragged him into a secluded alley. After beating him relentlessly they drove a short sword threw his stomach up into his heart. The thieves asked around, discovered his residence and left his dead body on the steps of the Verlyn's door. This tramautic event was enough for Rae ot decide he had enough of this life. He wanted to finally travel and see the world, make a name for himself. He didn't care about anyone else, he just wanted fame and money. Vengeance is something that most would seek for the murder of their father but for Rae it was a minor priority drowned out by his lust for wealth and his desire to discover more about his unusual abilities.

So, leaving his mother to live as a widow and provide for herself the then twenty year old Rae ventured out of Alerar and into the rest of Althanas. Traveling to libraries, gambling with fools to win money, binge drinking, and sleeping with the women of whatever town or city he was visiting became common place. Rae would often do work for people as well and enjoyed exploring dangerous locales in search of treasure. Rarely would he engage bandits, monsters, or other troublesome beings but he would often find incredibly interesting artifacts or gold only to waste it all away in the bars he frequented.

Lord Anglekos
06-01-11, 09:55 PM
Hello there! I'd like to welcome you to Althanas, as I'll be the moderator taking care of your profile today.
Before you can be approved, there are a couple things I need taken care of.
First of all, things like enhanced speed (and decreased strength) are things that we here on Althanas consider "abilities", while mostly knowledge-related skills (like combat training, and the likes) belong in "skills". At level zero, I'll allow his speed to be up to twice (2x) as fast as the average man; and I'm guessing what you mean by "not as physically strong" is he is .8 times as strong as the average man his size and weight. If you could put that into his abilities, that would be a great start.
Secondly, I need to know how his being "incredibly lucky" affects him in combat, if at all. Does it grant him a second chance, like for example averting a sword's tip so it strikes a non-fatal wound instead of a fatal one? If he shoots an arrow, does his "luck" adjust the trajectory of the wind just enough for it to pierce the opponent's head? Stuff like that. Edit in a clarification and we'll be all set.
Thirdly, I want to inform you that unless an ability states otherwise, we on Althanas tend to assume anything that affect reality from the character costs stamina, endurance, whatever you want to call it. So even though he can be flinging these destructive bolts of energy around every second and a half, make sure it costs him the appropriate amount of stamina to do so, otherwise you will be docked for powergaming. Accordingly, the more powerful the bolt, the more stamina it costs.

Make those edits in and post when you have done so, and I'll take a second look.

06-02-11, 12:26 PM
Hello there! I'd like to welcome you to Althanas, as I'll be the moderator taking care of your profile today.
Before you can be approved, there are a couple things I need taken care of.
First of all, things like enhanced speed (and decreased strength) are things that we here on Althanas consider "abilities", while mostly knowledge-related skills (like combat training, and the likes) belong in "skills". At level zero, I'll allow his speed to be up to twice (2x) as fast as the average man; and I'm guessing what you mean by "not as physically strong" is he is .8 times as strong as the average man his size and weight. If you could put that into his abilities, that would be a great start.

That's cool, I didn't really mean it to be something as insane as twice as fast as a regular person though. But yeah, his strength is probably .8 compared to the strength of a regular human and his speed is roughly 1.2 faster than the average human.

Secondly, I need to know how his being "incredibly lucky" affects him in combat, if at all. Does it grant him a second chance, like for example averting a sword's tip so it strikes a non-fatal wound instead of a fatal one? If he shoots an arrow, does his "luck" adjust the trajectory of the wind just enough for it to pierce the opponent's head? Stuff like that. Edit in a clarification and we'll be all set.

His luck has no effect on combat, just general things. Winning at cards, finding things that others would miss, or just being a bit luckier with the women. I'll be sure to edit that in.

Thirdly, I want to inform you that unless an ability states otherwise, we on Althanas tend to assume anything that affect reality from the character costs stamina, endurance, whatever you want to call it. So even though he can be flinging these destructive bolts of energy around every second and a half, make sure it costs him the appropriate amount of stamina to do so, otherwise you will be docked for powergaming. Accordingly, the more powerful the bolt, the more stamina it costs.

I don't really intend on making the bolts do insane damage as my character tries to avoid combat if possible. But, I'll be sure to try and explain stamina usage in accordance to his skill.

Make those edits in and post when you have done so, and I'll take a second look.

Thanks! I'll edit now, I appreciate the feedback.

06-02-11, 06:36 PM
Sorry for taking this over LA, but I don't see anything wrong with it and would like to go ahead and close it/move it now while I'm on.


Feel free to check out the quest recruitment area of the site, there's been a lot of people seeking quest partners lately and I think they'd be more than happy to have you along on their adventures.