View Full Version : A Lesson In Song (Quest Recruitment)

06-01-11, 07:58 AM

I am wondering if anyone would like to partake in a quest in Istien University or Anebrilith. After the events of Your Souls Are Mine, Ruby wishes to learn or to or be taught about blade singing. Can you help her?

Silence Sei
06-01-11, 06:11 PM
Emma would be more than happy to accompany Ruby, as she wants to be the daughter who fights the best, as well as use a fighting style that takes advantage of her acute hearing.

06-02-11, 12:38 AM
Godric lusts for nothing more than power. If anyway he can benefit from assisting this woman he'll do it. I lack level though..

06-02-11, 03:34 AM
Hey Sei, I'll start a thread once Your Souls Are Mine is judged and done.

Godric, can you think of a legitimate reason for your character being in an Elven university? If so, you're on! :)

El Diablo Perro
06-02-11, 10:45 AM
Hey Duffy, I would love to go to the elven university with you, and I think this character would be a perfect match. Let me know what you think!

06-02-11, 07:18 PM
I could think of something I'm sure.

06-03-11, 05:19 AM
I think I am going to go with Sei so far as the journey there goes, but once we arrive at the University, I am sure we can all develop an inner school rivalry and develop character interactions once we get there. It's nothing personal, it's just timeline puts Ruby in Orlougne Castle before leaving, and she's a Lady, so will want to travel in the company of another woman until she arrives at her destination.

If you two want to work together to establish yourselves as students that are already there, Seifer/Squal style, we'd have a strong dynamic to work with once we meet up?l

06-04-11, 07:20 AM
Here you are Sei, here's our thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22911-Across-Oceans-Blue-(Closed)&p=184949#post184949) arriving in Anebrilith.

The tower referred to in the post is in fact the University, but it's so tall it can be seen from anywhere in the Elven kingdom, it's part of the magic (and copied from the Unseen University, but shhhhh!)