View Full Version : The Wandering Dragoon

Vamrsh Skylare
06-05-11, 09:46 PM
Re-applying for 3.0, let me know what needs fixing.

Name: Vamrsh Skylare
Age: 118
Race: Elven
Languages: Elven
Sex: Male
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Bright Green
Height / Weight: 6'0'' / 220 lbs.
Occupation: Drifter

Personality: Being raised in a good village he is very polite to most people. Though because he has no recollection of his hometown but a few childhood memories he is somewhat sad most of the time when he is thinking. His training as a soldier has made him control his emotions but when angered he is a force to be reckoned with.

Appearance: He wears a hooded dark cloak all the time so to most people he would see like a wandering man, or possibly a mercenary. Most people don't see his dragon-leather armor he wears.

Raised as a soldier in a small elven village he was trained in the use of dual swords. When he came of age he was put in a squad of 4 elite soldiers and trained for the elven military. They were the best in the village, and were heroes to their kind. Though they only had a few enemies, the village would use them to find out the power of the enemy and at most times extinguish it. Yet with all the training of a soldier he still found time to have a hobby, research. He would be constantly looking in books to find things on mystical creatures. His favorite of which was dragons. He read of all things about dragons he could find. Then on one fateful day he was sent on a small infiltration mission to a village across the mountains. To his amazement he found a small cave that looked like it could hold a dragon. He left his squad during the night while they were resting on his watch. He checked the cave to find anything. What he found was a dying dragon protecting its egg. He saw the dragon was very old and wanted to help comfort the dragon in its end. To his amazement he found that the dragon accepted him to come near it and ease its death. After the dragon was in its eternal sleep he examined the mighty beast and was astonished at its beauty. Though it pained him to do so, he wanted to make the most of this meeting. He skinned the dragon and took its hide, planning to make it into clothes to wear. He found a scale on the ground that the dragon must have lost and used one of its fangs to poke a hole in it to make a necklace to remember this day. He took the egg with him and returned to the camp. When he arrived he found that his comrades had been ambushed in their sleep! All of them had been killed and because they were found near the opposing village a full on war began. When he told them that he had left his post to check a cave they exiled him and labeled him a traitor. His memory of the village and its location was wiped and he was left with a cloak, a bag, his armor, the necklace, his swords, and the egg. They put him to sleep and sent him away, when he awoke he was on a small deserted island near the mainland. His items were in a boat that was on the shore of the island. He lived there and raised the dragon in the egg using the memories he had of his reading. He named the dragon Rygor after a pet owl he had once as a child. When the dragon was mature enough to live well enough on its own he took it with him to the mainland. From there his journey begins...


Higher abilities: The elven village he came from was a pure village which carried the strongest of the race, he can hear better, and has 2x more endurance than most humans.

Higher reflexes: Because of his intense military training he has 2x reflexes and agility of a normal human, or equal to an extremely trained human.

Dual Wielding: Uses 2 swords at the same time, one in each hand. Has a well balanced style with equal defense and offense. His years of training and familiarity with these blades show an above average skill while using his swords and an average skill with any other sword.


Studded leather vest, shoes, and slacks

Twin Elven steel short swords: Made from elven steel which means they are much more durable, they are 1.5x more durable than normal, but not any sharper than normal blades. They have writings of his accomplishments on them, in elven.

Hooded Black cloak: Elven black cloak, makes it hard to see Vamrsh but at this point it only works well when people barely see him anyway. (e.g. on a dark night)

Leather messenger bag for storage.

Dragon-scale Necklace: A reminder of why he was banished. It's a very strong scale about the size of a fist. Vamrsh wears this at all times and would never dream of parting with it, much less sell it.


Name: Rygor

Description: Vamrsh's wyrven companion. He is a very small flying dragon which follows Vamrsh wherever he goes. Raised by Vamrsh since inside an egg, it obeys Vamrsh loyally. Most of the time Rygor is hiding inside Vamrsh's cloak, in a leather messenger bag while they travel but when they are in an area of dense forest he likes to perch himself in the trees and watch his master/friend. He can only be used in battle with the express consent of the player.

-Can block light attacks for Vamrsh such as arrows. His skin is as tough as iron.
-Can see things farther away from in the air.
-Can use his claws to cut enemies/distract them. His claws are only as strong as iron at this age.
-Has a small amount of fire breath which at this point can be used to light a small camp fire.
-His tears have a very small healing ability but he very rarely cries. Each tear has the capacity to heal a small cut or burn, more tears are required for greater injuries such as stab wounds.

Lord Anglekos
06-06-11, 12:24 AM
Vamrsh can have up to twice the perception compared to a human male. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to choose one (hearing/eyesight) if you wish to keep your endurance and agility.
He can have up to 2x endurance/stamina.
He can have up to 2x agility/dexterity. Remember this doesn't reflect actual speed, merely things such as reflexes and balance.

Generally, the older the dragon, the stronger its hide; saying that your clothing is only as strong as studded leather doesn't make canon sense. Having your clothing be that strong is fine, but as I said dragonhide is generally much, much stronger, especially on Althanas. You'll have to change that. Secondly, your elven-made steel swords can be more durable, yes, but to be unable to be broken by conventional means is too strong. They can have about 1.5 times (above average) the durability of regular (average) steel swords at this point. The dragonscale necklace is fine, but please note it can't be sold.

As for Rygor, how strong is its hide and claws? Also, make sure you note that it can't be used in battles unless the other player has agreed to it. One other thing; its healing ability, how extensive is it? Edit these in and I'll look over it again.

Vamrsh Skylare
06-06-11, 02:56 AM

Lord Anglekos
06-06-11, 01:37 PM
It looks good to me now. You're approved.