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06-05-11, 09:55 PM
((...I've brought back an old character for my good friend Numbers))

((Rook Galadesh Re-Registration ahoy!))

Time. It’s easy to forget how quickly time can pass. In what seemed like an instant, many years had passed. Years spent following a ghost had left Rook no closer than he was when he had left Althanas. Though his journey thus far had been littered with adventure and discovery, his true goal continued to elude him. Once again, he found himself standing upon the lands he had once called home.

Time. It had ravaged Althanas to the point where it was barely recognizable to him. As he walked the empty streets, the moon high on its nightly arc, the seasoned warrior found himself lost among the cobblestones and torchlights, so much had changed while he was away. The streets he had once known with great detail now seemed like a labyrinth. The echo of his footfalls was the same, but the parallel stopped there.

Fate. Intertwined with many, yet it lies straight on its own. Fate had brought Rook back after many years, to a land familiar. Rook sought to confront the man who murdered his father and yet each time he got close, the trail would grow cold. Now the trail brought him back.

At the end of the narrow street, a pale light beckoned him forward. As he walked, the building’s façade began to unearth long buried memories in him. The first landmark he had recognized was an inn. His pace quickened slightly, a combination of excitement and the need for a place to rest his head.

Rook pushed aside the door and found a young man, not more than eight years his junior standing behind a counter. The inn had truly seen better days, not a single soul sat at its tables.

“Excuse me, young man. I’m looking for a man who was once the proprietor of this inn. He went by the name of Markus.” Rook’s tone seemed to belie his concern that a once bustling inn had no signs of life.

“Markus was my father, sir. He was taken by a fever three winters past.” the young man still spoke with pain in his voice.

“Then you must be Thomas.” Rook responded.

“Aye, I am, and who might you be?”

“My name is Rook Galadesh. It has been many seasons since I have been inside that door, my friend. But I knew your father well, he was always kind to me.” The warrior spoke in an attempt to comfort the boy. It was clear the wound still pained him.

“My father spoke of you often. You will always be welcome here. Are you looking for lodging?” Thomas asked.

“Indeed. I have been travelling for several years now, it would be nice to have a place that I could take root for a while. I may need to stay for some time.”

“You’re welcome as long as you need.” Thomas smiled and handed Rook a key.

“It’s good to be back”


Name: Rook Galadesh
Race: Half-elf, Half-Human
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 190lbs
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue

Honour driven. Rook has always maintained the mantra of protecting those who cannot protect themselves. He prides himself on being a token “good man”. He has spent the majority of his life as a wayfarer, travelling from one land to another following the path destiny has laid before him. At times, he can appear cold and uncaring, his visage does not speak for his character.

Wanderer. A man without a true home, though some places over the years have been extended that moniker. Rook prefers a life of travel in order to see the wonders the world has to offer and learn as many things as he can along the way.

Rook often wears common clothing, plain and unassuming. His blonde hair has since grown long, falling about his shoulders. He has a fair complexion and icy blue eyes. Despite being the product of an Elf/Human union, Rook appears completely human. He wears his chain mail vest beneath his shirt, and his sword slung on his back.

Tharid - An enchanted broadsword. Though its enchantment keeps the sword razor sharp and prevents it from breaking, it only has the offensive capabilities of steel. Armour crafted from sturdier metals would not be threatened by its blade.

Delyn Dirks(x2)
Mythril Sai (x2)

Titanium Chainmail Vest
Titanium Gauntlets

Perception - (x2)
Agility - (x2)

Swordplay - Rook is an expert swordsman. Having been using a blade his entire life, he has few equals in the use of a sword.

Survival - Years of travel have given him the ability to survive in the wilderness for extended periods. Given optimal conditions, Rook can survive for months, under the most extreme conditions he could last longer than the average person, but extending survival time by a week at most.

Oratory - A natural affinity for words, if the situation presents itself, Rook can inspire morale and rally his comrades. Though he claims to want no part of being a leader, his talents with spoken word make him a strong candidate.

Special Traits
Born the son of an Elf, Rook’s appearance is completely human but he retained elven abilities, including sharpened vision and hearing, and increased agility. Though he possesses the traits of an elf, they are no greater than that of the average elf.

Lord Anglekos
06-05-11, 10:39 PM
Hey there! Welcome back to Althanas.
Let's get you all taken care of so you can get back to roleplaying here.
It all looks fine to me, save could you assign numbers to your sharpened vision, hearing, and increased agility? Your sharpened vision and hearing can be put under one attribute, "Perception", whereas agility reflects dexterity, gymnastics, balance, that sort of thing. At your level, your Perception and Agility can be up to 4x greater than that of an 'average' man your weight and size. Just edit that in, and you'll be all good to go.

06-05-11, 10:50 PM
Done and done!

Lord Anglekos
06-06-11, 12:00 AM
You're approved! Welcome back.