View Full Version : Leon Blackstone

06-06-11, 09:13 PM
Name: Leon Blackstone

Age: 23

Race: Human

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Height: 6'1

Weight: 195lbs

Occupation: Spellsword


Leon was born the son of a noble. Because of this he received extensive education in many subjects as a child. He had good manners and seldom curses or uses slang. He has no problem giving lengthy explanations to people if they don't understand something. Because of this he can often come across as an arrogant know-it-all. He is extremely competitive which can be overwhelming to others and also makes him look like a show off. Despite this he has a strong code of morals. Leon despises liars, thieves and criminals. He will stop at nothing to protect the innocent and help those who are in dire need.


Leon keeps his long brown hair tied back, Upon his face he has long chops, with rest of his face clean shaven. He wears a dark blue tunic underneath a shirt of chainmail. Over the chainmail he has a gray surcoat embroidered with the emblem of House Blackstone—a three-headed black dragon on a field of white. Around his waist is a sword belt with various pouches used to carry supplies, trinkets, and coin. Below the belt he has pair of brown leather riding pants on with polished black knee-high boots.


Arcane Magic – Leon is well versed in the various schools of arcane magic and is especially talented in conjuration, evocation and abjuration.

Mounted Combat – Leon has spent a lot of time on horseback and is trained in effectively using a mount in combat.

Pole Arms – Leon has been trained in the knightly way, using spears, lances, halberds in combat.

Swordplay – Leon has a natural talent with the sword, he favors the two-handed bastard sword over light and smaller blades.

Unarmed Combat – Leon can fight in hand to hand combat and understand, it's not his best skill but he knows more than a simple brawler.


Blink – Leon can vanish into thin air and reappear up to 15 yards from his opponent. When he blinks he actually steps into the astral realm and back out again. He can only use it twice per battle. It is primarily used to escape from harm but can also be used to launch surprise attacks.

Lightning – Leon can summon forks of blue-white lightning and fire them at opponents. The spell deals moderate damage.

Frost – Leon can create a sphere of cold atmosphere around an opponent, dousing them in sub zero temperatures and pelting them with shards of razor sharp ice. The spell deals moderate damage.


Steel Bastard Sword, Steel Boot Knife, Steel Chainmail


Leon was born the son of the Lord Aecus and Lady Shala Blackstone. The Blackstones had a small holding in the outskirts of the city of Rabasanth, which they ruled for hundreds of years. Because he was born of noble blood. his early childhood was subjected to much schooling and molding. He studied a variety of subjects such as language, writing, arithmetic, history and magical lore. However, he was a rebellious youth, dreaming of a life of adventure and excitement. He watched the peasant children play in the fields, while was supposed to be reading books, envious of their freedom. Often he would sneak out of his study and go play in the forest.

His relationship with his lord father was never happy. Lord Aecus was a man who enjoyed the booze more than the companionship of his own family. He was always quick to insult or reprimand Leon, rarely showing him any sort of affection. Lady Shala, however, always was loving towards Leon. She taught him much of her strong moral code, which stuck with him into adulthood.

As a teen his father hired a Man-At-Arms, Genrick Orick, to teach him the way of fighting and swordsmanship. For the first time Leon took to something with a great passion. Leon loved learning the art of war and excelled at it, often times wining tournaments for fighting on horseback and in the melee. It was thought he would lead his father's armies into battle someday, that is until he turned sixteen. At the height of his adolescence he began to show signs of the gift of magic. His father immediately sent him off to train with the infamous wizard Nonaggon at his lonely tower in the Comb Mountains.

Leon took to magic with equal aptitude as he did fighting. Living under the wizard was a much different experience than with his family. Nonaggon cared not what he did as long as he completed his studies first. He would quickly finish his studies so that he could run off and explore the forest and towns nearby Noaggon's Tower. Through the freedom of his wizard training, he truly became himself.

Nearing the end of his wizard training he received a letter from his mother that she would be returning to her family's home near the Concordia forest. She explained that her father had gotten out of hand. In the years of Leon's absence his drinking had worsened and he had gambled away much of their fortune. He also had begun to get in deep with smugglers from the mainland and a Pirate Lord named Crin Stonehand had come and stolen most of their possessions.

Leon took leave of his training to return home and tend to shattered estate. Upon his arrival he found the Blackstone Manor in disarray. The keep's former retainers and vassals were all gone nad her treasury was empty. The town and fields surrounding were also mostly abandoned and dilapidated, the serfs and workers no longer able to be compensated by their lord. He found his father in a drunken stupor. Lord Aecus told to Leon that eventually Crin Stonehand's assassins would come for him and he was a dead man for not being able to pay his debts.

Since then Leon has set out to find Crin Stonehand and either kill the Pirate Lord and find a way to reclaim all that his father has lost and rebuild the name of House Blackstone.

06-06-11, 09:25 PM
I'd like another restriction placed on your Blink ability so he's not just flying all over the battlefield, dodging whatever attack comes his way. At your current level I'd like if you could only use this ability (at most) twice in one battle/altercation.

Change that for me and you're ready to roll.

06-06-11, 09:31 PM
That's a good idea. I modified my post, placing the limit on its use.

06-07-11, 12:20 AM


Go check out Underwood or Corone for some possible quests involving the current civil war that's ripping through those parts.