View Full Version : You Reap What You Sow [Level 0]

06-07-11, 01:47 AM

Name: Margaret. Just Margaret. She may have had a last name a long time ago, but it has been long since forgotten in the depths of the ages.
Pseudonyms/Aliases: Amongst her comrades and those she works for, her reputation has given her the title, of sorts, of "The Quiet Death". Otherwise, she uses no aliases.
Age: Eighteen Althanian years.
Race: Human/Outsider; the flesh and blood of the Abyssal Ones runs through her veins. She requires air and nutrition just as any other human does, however.
Gender: Female.
Hair, Skin, and Eye Color: From atop Margaret's head flows long locks of ebony hair, and they curl ever so slightly; not nearly enough to form full curls, but enough so to make her hair wavy and full instead of just purely straight. It reaches down to about the small of her back, and oftentimes her hair will get in her face. She doesn't seem to mind though. Her skin is fair and pale, from a lack of real outdoor activities, and whereas it remains relatively unmarked on the right corner of her lips there is a small, faint scar running vertically across her flesh;a reminder of the pains that carelessness breeds. Her eye(s) remain one of her most vibrant points, however; for one of them is covered by an ebony eyepatch, giving the impression that Margaret only possesses one. Her one exposed, right "human" eye is an almost liquid quicksilver; the taint of the Abyssal blood flowing through her body turning it such, whereas normally it would be a clear blue. However, beneath the eyepatch lies not an empty socket but another eye; or, rather, a parasitic entity serving as her "eye". While save for the strange silver her exposed eye remains relatively human in appearance, the left eye is undoubtedly not; one of the main reasons she keeps it concealed. The whites of the "eye" are as black as the very hair atop her head, whereas the iris ring is an almost glowing golden; a violent contrast when compared to her right eye. In addition, lines of black cracks spear off from this inhuman eye along her skin, reflecting the taint of the parasite infecting her body.
Height and Weight: Despite the fact she's only eighteen, her body has matured and grown to its full capacity; mostly due to the fact that women reach puberty earlier than men do. As it is, she stands at an average five-foot five inches, and weighing in at around one hundred and twenty five pounds.

Occupation (and some history): Margaret doesn't remember exactly when she was thrust into the arms of the Organization; nor does she care to. Her parents remain faceless and nameless individuals in her memory as well, having gave her off to the Organization before she could even develop real cognitive skills. What she does remember is the tortuous process she had to undergo to become the killer she is today.

Margaret works as an operative for a rather large-scale group called, simply, the Organization by those whom work for it. Its true motives are unknown, but on the outside the Organization works as a continental-scale assassin's guild, taking contracts seemingly from anyone as it trains talented individuals in the art of killing. While they operate almost anywhere on Althanas, however, they only have about one hundred active operatives at a time, training others in the meantime until one of those operatives is slain or betrays the Organization; whereupon the strongest trainee will step up and take the place of being the new Number 100. From there on members may fight each other to gain higher standing (and rewards) in the Organization, oftentimes fighting to the death in their competitive ferocity. In situations where members must work together, the highest-ranking member always assumes command of the group and is the leader until the mission is completed or slain.

Margaret is currently ranked Number 80 in the Organization based on her current strength and skill, and has no real active plans to go higher at this time.

Appearance: Margaret could easily be called "pretty" by society's standards, but a lack of cheerful (or even any) emotions upon her visage keep her from reaching that point that she could be called "beautiful". Even before being a true assassin, she did not like to attract attention, and that attitude is reflected in her choice of attire; generally long, black flowing coats of almost Victorian gown-like style that tend to cover almost every part of her body, including her neck. Her stature is seemingly petite and lithe, reflecting her style of combat as well, but she ties down her bust with bandages underneath her clothing in order to make herself appear less sexually attractive to others, cutting it down from around a D-sized cup to a B-sized cup. This makes moving around and fighting in general much more manageable for the assassin.


Ichigeki Hissatsu [Combat - Somewhat Strong]: An Akashiman phrase that originally started out as a martial-arts ideal, the translation roughly means "one-hit certain kill", reflecting the objective to kill the target with a single blow. After time this ideal grew so popular amongst assassins from all over the world that it became a singular sword fighting style in and of itself, teaching the user to wait for the perfect moment to strike and then end it in one strike from the blade, unsheathing and resheathing again in the space of less than two seconds. Experts of this method often also train under the tutelage of Iai-Jutsu (the art of drawing forth a sword and striking simultaneously) masters in order to increase the effectiveness of their style. Currently, Margaret is an adept swordswoman, having adopted this popular style as her own along with seeking to master the Iai-Jutsu as well, and very rarely does she remove her blade from the scabbard unless she intends to strike at that very moment. In such, her scabbard often acts as a shield of sorts for her, and she is used to using it as such, unafraid to also use it as a blunt weapon. While she is far above and beyond the average swordsman, she has a long road to walk before she can truly be called a "master".

Selene [Combat - Below Average]: Named so after its originator, Selene is an unarmed combat style that several female members of the Organization have chosen to adopt in addition (or instead of) their traditional weaponry. Whereas most martial arts are based on contact, speed and endurance, Selene takes the reverse approach, using the opponent's own strength against themselves. By manipulating the flow of their own opponent's moves, users of Selene are able to toss even the largest of foes over their heads, and laugh at their bumbling opponent's mistakes as they trip all over themselves after not meeting the expected resistance. While all-in-all a defensive martial art, Selene makes use of decent offensive techniques as well, striking at vital points and disabling their foes instead of trying to overcome them with sheer force. At this point in time, Margaret is very inexperienced at Selene, having not been forced into a situation where she has had to fight unarmed before in her relatively short lifespan. However, this is an art she plans on getting better at.

Unassuming [Covert - Above Average]: Despite her exposed eye and eyepatch, Margaret has a natural talent at stealth operations, being able to blend in with crowds with almost supernatural ease and disappear into the shadows when one least expects it. In essence, she is able to go into most lands and places without attracting too much unwanted attention, and it would take one of almost supernatural perception to notice her above others in a group of individuals.

Poisons [Knowledge - Average]: As an assassin Margaret is basically required to have the common knowledge of poisons available and how to create and apply them. That being said, at this point Margaret can only create poisons that can make individuals seriously ill in a short expanse of time and/or seriously ill over an extended period of time; she lacks the knowledge yet to create lethal poisons still. However, she does know how to apply them without damaging herself as well.

Soft Walker [Covert]: With a combination of both training and natural affinity for silence, Margaret moves both in nearly complete silence and without notice; much like her unassuming presence, whenever she moves it is liquid and attracts little to no attention to herself. However, she is still human and the rules of physics still apply, and as such she cannot constantly be silent one-hundred percent of the time; the flap of a cloak or the stumbling over a rock could easily betray her presence.


~Physical Capabilities

Speed Demon [Natural Advantage]: Margaret is twice as fast as a woman her size and weight, with reflexes that are able to move at twice the speed accordingly. With them she can even dodge some high-speed projectiles such as crossbow bolts and arrows with relative ease, if given enough notice; I.E. facing the sniper herself. (Speed - 2x)

Dextrous Acrobat [Natural Advantage]: Margaret is also twice as agile as a woman her size and weight, able to make her attacks with ferociously adept dexterity and keep her balance even when it would normally be abnormally difficult to do so. (Agility - 2x)

~Miscellaneous Abilities

Parasitic Vision [Natural/Racial Advantage - Above Average]: The parasitical eye in her left eye socket is not just there simply for show; by taking off the eyepatch that covers it, Margaret simultaneously awakens its primary ability at this time. With her "parasite vision" activated, Margaret's overall speed is multiplied by 1.5x (thus increasing it to 3x the average) for a short period of time; roughly ten seconds to half a minute (the rough equivalent of 1 battle post) at the most, as usage of this power drains on her stamina very quickly. Also, with her parasite vision activated, Margaret is able to "see" supernatural entities and energies in the air, as well as view the invisible natural auras that surround every living thing in existence. In this perception, for a short period of time, Margaret can read the intentions of some individuals beforehand, as well as tell if they are healthy or not, etc. and so forth. However, this can sometimes work against the assassin, as the larger the emotions, presence and/or life of what she is looking at the greater chance the aura can obscure. Note that this ability to see auras has absolutely no effect, positive or negative, on herself or others; at the most she can gauge an opponent's strength when compared to hers or read blunt intentions at this time, such as the desire to murder.


Margaret's main choice of weaponry, the sword-cane, is an average-quality steel single-edged blade crafted in the resemblance of Akashima's famed katanas. While retaining the beauty and abnormal density of the exotic blades, Margaret's sword-cane is considerably lighter and thinner than its Akashiman sisters; a perfect concealed sidearm for her Ichigeki Hissatsu style. The weapon in its entirety measures about four feet in length; the thin "handle" a good half a foot in itself with an ebony knob at the top to complete its disguise. The cane sheath is crafted of polished, ebony-dyed cyper, and thin scratches that are almost too small for the naked eye to see decorate its length from the times Margaret has used it as a makeshift shield.

She also carries two identical steel stilettos with her at all times, as well as four small, iron throwing knives that are little more than disposable tools for her usage.

06-07-11, 11:21 AM
Since we already went over Parasite vision and hashed it out to make it acceptable I see no reason not to approve this.


No get out there and start killing.